YOY. FINISHED.!!!!!!!!

Jan 05, 2010 17:26

Minna~ Sorry if I haven’t commented on posts and such [if ever you want meh to but yea ii want xP]. School started this Sunday and apft. Our teacher announced that we’ll have our culminating in Japan on Tuesday which gave us one day to do all the stuff. And we ended up doing the decorations today. Ugh. So tiring~ demo, I was part of the group who was assigned to sing Jap songs [ii only got included because my friend was in charge and it’s a Jap song and she’s a JUMP fan xD] And it ended up being the four of us, also my friends and we all know JUMP. Except only three of us are addicted to them.xD. It went well. Considering the fact that my hands kept on shaking up to now. And I have NEVER sang with my real voice around anyone else before. So yea, I was like, glad that they didn’t notice my solo part xDDD. Even though the event was messy because of lack of time and practice, we still had fun and it was nice ^^. I even get to wear a skirt in school for the first time here. And also those shoes with heels...GAH~. I LOBve it. They’re like SO HIGH. Well, pretty high for me because it was my first time wearing those high heels. The heels of those shoes were higher than any of the stuff I wore before.x]. I got a bit of free time now. All I have to do is my assignment in Statistics which I SO DO NOT GET HOW TO SOLVE THEM and my Filipino which has deep words and I’m HAVING A NOSEBLEED FROM MY OWN LANGUAGE. So, HITOMI NO SCREEN IS FTW. Yesh, for the win and FUCK THE WHAT. HECK, JUMP is shO~ active now. Oyea~. I hope NYC goes inactive xP. So that YamaCHii can have some rest if ever it’s in Ryosuke’s dictionary and spend time with the other members.

So, I like whined to my mom about giving me the videocam. I said that “Can it please be mine?” And she was like, “It’s OURS.” But I said “I’m the one who usually operates it anyway! I’m sure if it becomes mine it won’t get broken.” Coz she said that it was like malfunctioning and stuff...which I don’t know where she got it from coz it wasn’t malfunctioning and so she said “Whatever. Do want you want.” And OYEA~ that’s all I’ve been waiting for. So, I am SO going to take a vid of my baby!!!! You’ll know what I mean soon ^^. Hee~ photobook~~~ please come here!!!!!!!!!! I BEG OF YOU~~~ x]]]]]].

Kiotsukete minna!!


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