Doctor Who Thoughts- Now With More Tutting

Dec 27, 2012 22:49

- Kind of enjoying the munchy snowflakes.

-Walter, are you incredibly sinister?

-No, honey, don't believe the snowman. And definitely don't grow up to take biopsies and keep them in Ikea jars.

-Homeopathic snow?

-Oh, look at the Doctor's wistfully depressed face. Did you watch the Merlin finale too, love?

-Go Clara! Get your running on, you'll be needing all the running ability you possess...

-Madam Vastra speaks the truth. And is also awesome, but we knew that already.

-Hmm. New arrangement of the theme, not sure I'm digging it so much, it's a little vanilla for my tastes. Quite enjoying the flaming titles though, especially with Matt's face being made of nebulae.

-Oh, it's the charming lad from Silent Winess. Annd he's already discussing corpses. Jolly good.

-Wait, how do Silurians cope with winter? I mean, they must be cold-blooded and they don't all have handy mammals to snuggle up with...

-Dear Moff: I would give a great deal to see the wedding of Madam Vastra and Jenny. Get on that for me, please!

-Strax has a refreshingly direct approach to mysteries. Also, it's not too late for you all to get me an automated laser monkey for Christmas. Just saying.

-The universe can't show it cares to people who aren't listening to it.

-Strax honey, wear glov- ah, yes.

-So our crew is post Demons Run? Good! I can watch Strax without feeling desperately sad.

-Think of flamethrowers, Clara! Flamethrowers! Grab a thought off Strax, I'll bet he remembers heat rays and things!

-Isn't the giant invisible staircase going to mess up, I dunno, people's really early hot air balloons and things?

-Ah, so she's not actually the cheeky bar wench after all. Or she might be and the posh governess is the act.

-Sontaran manners: bit of a work in progress.

-Oh, that one word test is tricky. I'd have gone "children." If he's so far gone he'll let a child be eaten by undead governesses controlled by snowmen, then fuck him.

-Those glasses do look good on him.

-Who names their goldfish Colin?

-Terrible snow puns. I feel oddly okay about this.

-Help, grenades, it's all good. And grenades would probably get you more points at scrabble!

-Interrogate THEN melt!

-Undead governess...a bit rubbish, actually. Paraffin lamp just over there.

-Argh! Mr Punch now has sonic capabilities!

-For some men, bow ties just happen.

-Madam Vastra treats herself to the best introduction in recorded histories.

- Oh go on, noogie Strax during combat prep, he's oddly adorable.

- Well at least we've got the kiss out of the way.

- Behind that deadpan scowl, Richard E Grant is squeeing joyfully.

- Right, hang on. she's just ice, right? If you can't melt her, find her resonant frequency, buy yourself some post-shatter time.

- Well hello, new TARDIS set! You're looking beautiful, old girl!

- Are souffle urges genetic?

- Super dense water vapour- you moron! You've given the undead governess super strength!

- Wait, have we been trolled? Is Clara an Astrid? MOFF!

- Woah, she's looking unexpectedly pretty for someone just dropped from a great height. The back of her skull...well let's just say her hair shouldn't be that neatly arranged.

- Waitwaitwait. Yetis on the Underground! Oh Doctor, you're going to meet your best mate next time this thing raises its snowy head.

- The snow just picked up on his loneliness. And all that dark black-and-red hate that all the bullied kids carry.

- Suddenly Dr Simeon is instantly, cringingly that child again. It's quite a subtle shift at first, but Richard E Grant carries it nicely.

- Oops. I guess the memory worm skipped lunch.

- There's nothing like Ian McKellan's voice for bringing a special flavour to "yeah, you're pretty much fucked."

- I'll bet that rain's salty. Yup. Honestly, starting to get a bit irritated here.

- Ah. I was rather hoping she'd make it. Bugger.

- Wow, karma is shitting on the Oswald family from a great height, isn't it?

- Oh. So we're getting a 21st century girl after all. Well damn, I was rather looking forward to a Victorian perspective from a companion who wasn't completely pathetic.

-"Watch me run!" I sent River-style shenanigans. And I am not pleased about this.

Conclusion: What a mess. Half empty sentiment (ironically, a particularly Victorian value!) half reliant on everyone who's not the Vastra family acting like idiots. And topped off by a Doctor having a massive self-indulgent pout that means he doesn't actually get off his arse until about 27 minutes in. And now I suspect we're headed back to the bad old days of nonlinear bullshit that thinks it's so much cleverer than it actually is but falls apart in the face of even the most casual scrutiny.
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