Doctor Who thoughts- now with more Jesus imagery

Oct 01, 2011 21:01

- So excited I'm dropping the salsa. And that's not a euphemism.

-Woah, just got mugged in the steampunk! Old engines rolling out of the Gherkin, love it!

- Down, Myfanwy! There's no barbeque sauce!

- Oh, hello Dickens! Sweet of Simon Callow to have a little cameo there.

- Holy Roman Emporer, huh? It fits Winnie surprisingly well.

- Temporal disintegration saves on calenders and clock parts- more jewellery pieces for me!

- I see the Doctor's Jesus complex gets another end-of-series outing. And that's definitely not my usual reaction to a bloke in chains.

- The Devil in a Stetson. I feel a country song being written somewhere!

- All righty, Tesselcta! Glad everyone's alive and adorably sized.

- Is that...Mark Gatiss under that chin?

- But rats are so bony! You'd lose a tooth, and it's not like you got a lot else to spare...

- Ah okay, I was thinking Vashta Nerada for a moment there before the skulls started chomping.

- Big Blue- still manages to find time to kid the Doctor. But then, it's not like he's got a book of Sodoku and a biro between his teeth.

- I will not rest until someone describes me as "Hell in High Heels". I may need to start wearing heels.


- Is that a tally mark on his arm? I think I've figured out what the gun's for.

- All Jack's stag parties in one night? Challenge accepted!

- Oh Brig. Oh, Nicholas! Oh crap, today is not a day to think about kindly old men dying.

- Three tallies. The Silence are totally taking notes.

- Broke the shit out of history because she loved him so much. What is it about the Pond family's overblown romantic gestures?

- Uh, can we panic now? Pretty please?

- Evil is a surprisingly good look on Amy. Who knew?

- Okay, not so evil. Though I notice her drawing never gets any less creepy.

- No, Amy love, you did not in fact marry Rick Astley.

- Captain Williams, huh? Another seriously great look for our Rory! He's like the chameleon of yummy, isn't he?

- He's wrong because he's not dead.

- So the eyepatch is an anti-Silence device. Wouldn't it bugger with the soldier's depth perception though?

- Er, Doctor, honey? Your ever-adorable crush on Rory is showing through again.

- Madam K! I see where River gets her natural campness from. And doesn't Frances Barber do a lot with not much writing?

- Wait, this means no kissin's. River, sensing a flaw in the plan! I mean, apart from the universe and all that.

- Why does the lion limp? Or in this case, why does the Silence stay in the tank?

- Did they seriously base the eye-drives on- wow, that's shockingly stupid.

- Fer Rassilon's sake, is there not possibly a universe where Rory gets to survive?

- Good rescue! And good revenge for Melody. I did think Amy was taking that altogether too well.

- Implication. The TARDIS is technically not helping River, but...

- So it's a bigger version of the Demon's Run muster? Nifty! OPEN THE PROP CUPBOARD!

- So...wait...he marries her so he can get physical contact with her with minimal protest, having first established a property transfer from her parents. I

- Ah, so it was his name after all.

- Bye bye, hot air balloon cars. So stylish, yet so impractical. But so stylish.

- Hey, post-Weeping angels River!

- "Scream, I'll save you later" maybe? I'm such a child of the New Adventures.

- The family Pond. Shouldn't work, totally does.

- The Tesselecta. Huh, my money was on a ganger but okay.

- Oh look, a trailer for the Sarah Jane Adventures. Trembly bottom lip is trembly.

I dunno, I think we've been sold a pup with River. She's not got her own agency, she's just got pretty dresses, gets handed from owner to owner and languishes in her cell until her bloke shows up- for, can we point out here, A MURDER SHE DID NOT COMMIT.

At first glance she looks really cool, but she's basically a well-armed Disney princess. The only time she does something on her own initiative, she breaks the sodding universe!

Also, hello incredibly dodgy consent issues when it comes to her screaming for someone to stop the Doctor touching her, until they're married and she feels she can't complain any more.

I strongly suspect my issues are colliding into Steven Moffat's issues and bouncing off at a really unsettling angle. Still.

doctor who

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