Doctor Who thoughts- now with more gribbling

Sep 17, 2011 21:31

- Hello, Lucy Heywood. I'd be astonished if you make it to the opening credits.

- It's like Chekov's notepad!

- Oooh, bad luck, Lucy. You appear to be praising a DBIG* there

- Yanked off course- clearly the TARDIS thought it was needed.

- Was there a picture of a Silent in the background that nobody notices?

- "It's okay, we're nice!" works for me.

- More awesome nurses! I sense a theme here. And I love it!

- Glory to Insert Name Here! Hey, it saves having to learn the second verse. No planet does that.

- HOLY SHIT WHAT DID JOE DO TO YOU ALL? You couldn't have written him a passive agressive note or something instead?

- Lot of luck charms there. Was Joe nicked from Vegas?

- Gaffer tape: Is there anything it can't make better?

- Argh! Random PE teacher!

- Ah ha! Well done our Amy, you've found the pages from Chekov's notebook.

- Did you know I can go 47 seconds without blinking? And yeah, I still focus on the teeth.

- Maze. Snorty monster. Horns of Nimon flashback, wait, that's just me.

- No he's not- the non-human guy almost never makes it out alive.

- I really like her, but I still agree with Rory notifiying her Dad.

- Tea and tutting make it all better. It's like the gaffer tape of emotion.

- Hey Doctor, you're a fine one to talk about coming from ancient, cunning civilisations.

- In all fairness, Amy and Rory have been through so much crap the monster's probably all "oh fer pity's sake, it's like SlimFast out there."

- Oh, it's the horns making those scrapes! I don't know why I think that's freaking cool, but it is.

- Is it weird that I want to pet the sad minotaur?

- Er, Rory, if you regain consciousness and automatically assume it's Amy that's hit you, it might be time to talk to someone.

- Someone could at least close the poor sod's eyes.

- Oh Rory, once again you bring some much needed decency to the proceedings.

- At this point I suspect it's sheer force of habit- see a human, rescue it.

- I love the numbering system on the rooms. 11 is obvious for the Doctor, but 7 for Amy was subtle. How old was ickle Amelia?

- Dammit, no! I really liked Rita even as I suspected she was doomed. I'm oddly more upset about her not getting to say the Shahada than about her getting killed.

- Amy's faith in the Doctor is fairly fragile, though, frankly.

- Yay! More ickle Amelia! I like to think Caitlin sometimes has the afternoon off school with the world's most awesome note from her Mum.

- You've got, like, thirty seconds to betray her faith. Talk faster.

- Oh good grief, I didn't realise it was that literally a holodeck.

- No bodies? Sorry, guys. I was rather hoping for a last-minute save.

- Hey, Nimon ref! Rock on!

- Er, he's not analysing himself, Doctor- there we are.

- Nope, the goblin who feeds on indecision is currently stashed in my spare room. And burping from time to time.

- Oh gods, the thought of Rory in that car. That's a great mental image. A great one.

- Wait, is this a departure scene?

- They are grown-arse humans. They get to make the choice how much danger they're in.

- Okay, I get why. There weren't two Amys and Rorys running round Lake DoctorDeath, but it still leaves a bit of a bad taste.

* Dunno, But It Gribbles

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