Doctor Who thoughts- now with Dusty!

May 21, 2011 22:26

+ Ten imaginary pence say those staffs are some sort of energy weapons.

+ Well, sucks to be you, Buzz! You're being a jolly good sport about it, though.

+ I think I'd whine about compo if I was melted into sludge!

+ I still like seeing Arthur Darvill on the credits.

+ I'll bet if you feed your music playlist through the TARDIS she shuffles until she finds one she likes.

+ Solar storms: breaking awkwards pauses since 2011!

+ Dusty Springfield, huh? I'd love a historical with her in!

+ What exactly do you measure with a snow globe, I wonder?

+ Dammit! I'm labeling jars while I watch and nearly called the oats Rabid Curiosity.

+ The eyebrow waggle with "you know which one" is damned flirtatious. Checking out the nice lady's critical systems, are we?

+ No ma'am, the government's worst kept secret is still Torchwood.

+ Okay, the ganger is a bloody good idea. Send a vat of Flesh and some transmitters to Mars and... Alternatively, regrow the Time Lords!

+ I hate it when warm milk forms that gross skin, don't you?

+ You have to monlgue as you go under why?

+ The solar storm is getting pretty Biblical. It's gonna kill the first born Egyptians at this rate!

+ Little flat Doctor looks so vulnerable.

+ Ow is a great word, Rory, go for it.

+ When it comes to slightly blase often-dead dopplegangers, Rory is still lord and champion.

+ Credit where it's due- making Dusty sound sinister is quite the achievement.

+ It's nothing like the Isle of Sheppey- it's not raining and nobody's trying to nick your car.Or was that just when I went there?

+ So the humans fried and the gangers remained?

+ Why not let the gangers live and let live?

+ Of course they're scared and angry! The poor souls are dissolving in slow motion!

+ Poor little Jenny with the red wellies. You're both real.

+ Let there be little Rory-hugs for the gangers. They look so scary but they're full of pathos.

+ "Trust me" I'm the Doctor?

+ Whatever she likes. Do not question the TARDIS, she's just doing her thing.

+ Finally, our Rory acknowledges he's awesome!

+ Eyepatch Lady says "..."

+ Oh dear, the twisty-neck thing isn't helping with the scary.

+ There's worse things in life than campfire songs. Imagine Voyage to Vinland in harmony with your own voice! Marvellous.

+ Life is sacred, if anything is.

+ Wee Adam gets two lots of presents this year! Also an unexpected uncle.

+ Wow, he didn't get even a little bit of Northern this time, did he?

+ It's not war, it's brothers and sisters! Which makes it so much worse than war- it's family.

+ I do trust you, actually. And I hope you have shoes.

+ What makes Rory great is that whether he finds flesh-Jen or human-Jen, he's going to save her as best he can.

+ Good news! The face may be squishy but the bow tie is flawless.

doctor who

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