Sherlock thoughts

Aug 08, 2010 22:36

* The Detective must be bored if he'd reduced to grammar picking.

* Er, you know, that sounds pretty much like you did it, mate. Stabbing over and over is generally not a sign of innocence.

* Gunshots? Is it time for his weekly assassin?

* Oh, apparently not. That's his security deposit knackered.

* Tell me the head is at least on a plate. Nobody wants that dripping onto the beef joint.

* *checks own hard drive* He's got a point.

* Mrs. Hudson so ships them. It's oddly adorable.

* Detective, have you been playing with explosives? The gun is one thing...

*I'm glad things are cool with Sarah, she's great!

* Please let Mrs Hudson be okay!

* Mycroft! Let the awesome double!

* There's something oddly hypnotic about Sherlock roisining his bow.

* Everyone needs a blogger! Especially one that sharpshoots and takes a massive amount of crap off his flatmate.

* My, that's a familiar looking phone.

* The pips! Reminds me of Radio 2, Terry Wogan burblin in my Dad's car on the school run.

* Isn't he wearing his jacket- yes, yes he is.

* Jim- possibly evil, certainly using lovely forensic lady to get close to Sherlock.

* Well, no, he could be bi. He's certainly vain, though that shirt wasn't doing his tummy any favours.

* While feeling desperately sorry for Carl Powers, I kind of want the adventures of ickle Sherlock.

* Carl Powers beat Moriarty up in the showers, you can tell, can't you?

* So pleased the hostage made it!

* Bugger, new hostage. That's quite a generous amount of ordnance Moriarty's rocking.

* Ah, but fishing would never offer Watson the requisite thrill.

* Janus Cars sounds pretty cool actually.

* Yes! Another hostage saved!

* Connie Prince in death look likes me having a lie-in.

* I do like those naked cats.

* Assassin cat has poison claws!

* Oh, apparently I have slandered that cat. This time.

* Golem? Ah, the weekly assassin has in fact turned up.

* I winced when Watson just about cleared that barrier.

* Hey look! the flatmate is my size! Don't see that often.

* The Detective looks good in a uniform. It's the shiny hat.

* The homeless girl is an Irregular!

* Ha! Homeless network, well done.

* Don't chase the freaky shadow!

* You know, planetariums aren't legally obliged to use Holst or anything.

* The golem is really very golem-y!

* This is turning into a very trippy fight scene.

* Dude, I'm not sure it's a fake.

* Hmm. Is this something to do with that guy in Belarus?

* Oh dear. The museum curator's said the M-name, she's going to die.

* And suddenly we're back to the Mycroft plot.

* The future brother-in-law. Like the fiancée isn't distraught enough.

* On top of the train! Oooh, that's risky, no so much from the platform but from further away.

* Oh sod, the Detective's found daytime telly.

* Threatened with a knighthood? Would dear ol' Liz swing a bit too hard?

* Watson's the next logical hostage, BTW.

* A swimming pool confrontation? Does the Detective have gills?

* No...way...

* Ha! Apparently not. And I was right about the hostages. They were progressively heart-stringy. The people, then the blind woman, then the little kid.

* Told you Jim was evil!

* A consulting crimial. Loving it.

* Pet, huh? Watson's totally the human companion.

* That sniper's a bit too keen for someone under duress.

* Sherlock, don't shoot the Devil if there's a chance you'll miss.

* That's a lot of snipers.

* WHAT!!!
Unstoppable unimaginable utter BASTARDS!
In retrospect, I think I took that well.


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