Tweets Of The Day

Jul 13, 2010 00:01

  • 19:16 I love overhearing Andy's MMOs... "I like my TF2 like I like my women- covered in bombs!" #
  • 19:39 Oooh, I feel a new LRP prop coming on. #
  • 19:50 Eeee! My chilli plant has a chilli starting to grow! It's starting! And there's another little flower, so there may be future chillis too! #
  • 20:36 @ Paul_Cornell Go on, how many people tweeted some variation on "Kneel before Synod!"? #
  • 22:18 @ Aleksandr_Orlov Wouldn't the paper bag get all soggy? Boris might be saving the bag for a papier mache project later. #
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