(no subject)

Oct 06, 2007 13:36

Some people have noticed I don't always know the lastest adverts on telly. This is because I very seldom watch, and rubbish like this current Robin Hood is frankly why.

But my oft-felt urge to go run around in woods took a boost when yesterday I used the laminator at work. That smell of warmed plastic made me long to print out lammies, and now I desperately want to run a LRP system. Meep! I can see a game of humanity divided and left to grow along divergent lines, biologically and culturally. But without boytaurs.

ETA: Okay, Emma has forbidden me to buy Abi that laptop. Dammit. And my Dad taught Abi how to go scrumping. The fine Claydon traditions are obviously being passed on.

other lrp, google logo, interesting links

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