so, a follow-up of a follow-up ... :)
remember my previous entries??
info: Now closing: GeoCities, a relic of Web's early daysFollow up to my previous post: geocities alternatives I had suggestions for newer free website provider.
However, if your geocities site was a fannish related site, now is a superb way to preserve our / your fannish past!
Announcing: OTW's GeoCities Rescue Project July 2009 - 10:51pm - fcoppa
As we reported earlier this year, GeoCities, which hosts many fannish resource pages and archives, announced that it will be closing down at the end of the year. They've now announced a more specific date: October 26, 2009.
In response, the Open Doors Committee of the OTW would like to announce our GeoCities Rescue Project.
If you are the owner of a fanfiction archive or resource, meta or other fannish page on GeoCities and you are looking to house your fiction or other content, the OTW can help! Open Doors is teaming up with the Archive of Our Own and Fanlore to preserve as much material as possible.
Fanfiction: We're offering AO3 beta accounts to fanfiction authors currently hosted on GeoCities --both single author and multiple author archives are welcome--so that you may preserve your fiction. If you are not the author, owner or site administrator, you can still document and memorialize parts of a fanfiction site on Fanlore, but we need an authorized person for an AO3 account. Contact Open Doors for more information!
Resource sites: If you are the owner of a fannish resource site, we recommend a page in Fanlore with a summary of the information and purpose of the site along with screencaps of the entry page and/or other key pages to convey the feeling of the site. We have volunteers who can help you set up a Fanlore page documenting both the content and feel of a GeoCities page. Even non-owners of a resource site can document and memorialize a site on Fanlore. Contact Open Doors for help or for more information!
For either a fic or a resource site, please include the URL of the site you wish to archive/preserve, and an email address. If you are the administrator of a multi-author site, please include email addresses for each hosted author (if possible).
I have SO MANY geocities links still saved from my fannish past (mostly clex) and it would be really a shame if that part of our fannish history would just disappear!
so, if you have any questions , you really ought to just jump Francesca (fcoppa), she is super nice, friendly and helpful! I have nagged her a few times regarding the other OTW project (the OTW fanzine library archive!), and she was always trying her best to understand my probably convoluted questions that I was phrasing between midnight and 1 AM (just like now), and got back to me with useful answers :)