
Aug 02, 2005 14:31

So I'm about ready to panick..
I sent off the packages yesterday for my package pals..forgot to put a few things in them AGAIN.
Went 'back to school shopping' at walmart on $5! most of the things...Still need a backpack tho..and they are $20! gee...
I'm really panicking about Australia..I don'thave half as much money saved as I wanted to...And this next pay check is gone already it seems...

Bro found three kittens at our old house that are Voldemorta...voldemorta isnt taking care of them anymore..One eats by itself but not the other two.. So I am taking them to the vet tomorrow...bubye $70...
Next week damiene goes back to the vet for his 18 week shot..bubye $50... (HOLY COW ONE OF THE KITTENS IS TRYING TO EAT THE TUNA! BY IT SELF! TWO DOWN ONE MORE TO GO! YES!)
I have to by rat food and rat bedding and more yogurt drops for the rats this friday too...bubye $25
One of my tadpoles just turned into a frog...awesomeness...
Dude really should go to the vet and get a check up..hes getting old...Hermione needs fixed..and Rabbit does too if hes old enough (Hermione's kitten)
I want to start buying all the animal food so my mom stops yelling at me...I pay for everything that goes to the rats already...

So...How many animals do I have at the moment you ask? Well,..lets find out..!

I have:
One Hermione cat
One Rabbit (hermione's kitten)
Three forget me nots (kittens voldemorta abandoned (old cat from old house that wont move with us..keeps running away))

That makes. Five Cats

One yippity pup named Damiene
One old geezer who wines a lot named Dude
One Skip who is my sis's bf's dog by rights but who they don't take care of.

That makes. Three Dogs

Two curious angels one by the name of Acheron (Ash)
And one by the name of Voldey.

That makes. Two perfect Rats.

One tank of tad poles that some frog layed in our broken down pool that the water is evaporating out of and soon over hundreds of tad poles will fry..I saved what I could.

That makes. About 15 Tad poles.

One tank with one tiny itsy bitsy frog.

That makes. One success so far with raising rescued Tadpoles.
(Now I just have to find a safe pond to take him to!)

Before I get people hollering at me for having so many animals..I didn't plan it! My sis and her bf were sposed to move out and take Skip with them..But they haven't yet!
And did I really plan on the kittens whos mommy ran away again to try and have more babies before I could get her to the vet to get her fixed? ANYWAY I already have a home for one of the kittens.
So that leaves me with

2 more

I told my mom not to get me anything for my bday or for christmas..I just need money to go to Australia.
I am sooo going. I've looked forward to this for over a YEAR.

I dont know... Ash will be a year old when I go...So sad...Why do rats have such short life spans? And whats going to happen to him when I go? Him and Voldey need at LEAST an hours of attention everyday..and their cage has to be cleaned out every weekend. And they like fresh food....Sure..Voldey I bought for my brother..but Zach doesn't do very well with him...Voldey is STILl scared of humans..and everything else for that matter! And zach doesn't like to clean..I tried to get him to help me with the cage when i cleaned it out last but he didnt want to. He kept running off..blah

This is long and full of complaints...thats crappy isn't it? hm...

If it comes down to it I think I can borrow money off my family...They would trust me to pay them back..

So I'm going to've been on live journal none stop for a couple of weeks now..I just don't update!
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