{Fic} Firefly | "What You Get..." | Mal/Simon

Jun 06, 2006 00:14

What You Get...
By Clarity Scifiroots
Disclaimers apply. Like, big time here. ;;^^
WARNING This is mature and adult content! Heavily sexually graphic. Of the twisted and BDSM-ish nature.
Summary: Simon believes he gets what he deserves.
Day five of June!fic (
fic_on_demand), this one I blame on
twilightsrain and her old, unfilled request
Edited July 18, 2006

He knew he was fucked up, knew he shouldn’t keep doing it, knew he shouldn’t get so damn aroused just thinking about it... What he knew and what he did about it became two very different things, however. On the one side, he was the calm, straight-laced, Core-bred doctor. On the other, he was a needy, whimpering, masochistic liou mahng [1]. It was his vice, something he’d be far better without but that he’d convinced himself he couldn’t live without.

In his life he’d made so many decisions. So many bad choices. In all situations he refused to let go of his control... except in this case. With him.

Mal usually ordered him to the free shuttle where they weren’t disturbed and couldn’t be heard once the door was locked.

“Get out of those ridiculous clothes.” That tended to be the first command. Silently Simon did so, stripping quickly with practiced ease. He knew not to fold the clothes unless he was allowed. The pattern was as familiar as breathing. “Kick them aside.” A simple motion, merely pull back and release. “Get the pillow.”

Simon walked through the shuttle to retrieve the cushion stashed away within a storage bin. He returned and placed it on the ground, crouching down to smooth the stuffing. Again he stood, daring to glance at Mal’s face. He was rewarded for his transgression with a hard smack. He resisted the urge to bring a hand to his cheek.

“On your knees.” The command was growled, irritation coloring Mal’s voice.

Simon knelt with his back to the cushion-that wasn’t a luxury allowed to him. He heard Mal settle himself. Firm hands gripped Simon’s shoulders and shoved him forward. Just in time Simon caught himself on his forearms, his body curving forward in a smooth arc. He shuddered as calloused hands ran over his ass and up his spine.

“Stay still.” Simon forced his body to cease all movement and prayed the violent pumping of his heart wouldn’t make his limbs tremble. “Are you clean?”

“Always,” Simon murmured. He winced as a hard smack came down on his backside.

“Don’t lie to me. Are you clean?”

Hesitantly, Simon said, “Y-yes.”

“We’ll see.” Mal gripped Simon’s thighs and shoved them apart. One hand slipped up to keep a firm grip on Simon’s hip while the other disappeared for a moment. When it returned, Mal prodded Simon’s anus with on spit-slick finger, hardly enough to make a smooth entry. Simon muffled a noise of discomfort as Mal shoved his finger in to the knuckle and moved around inside with quick, jabbing motions.

“Fine.” Mal withdrew the finger, pressing against the prostate as he did so. “You’re telling the truth. You can turn around.”

Simon rose unsteadily to his knees and turned, this time keeping his gaze lowered.

“Undress me.”

With carefully controlled movements, Simon undid the buttons of Mal’s shirt, then slipped the suspenders down his shoulders. Reaching the pants, he undid the buttons and lowered the zipper. So close... His fingertips brushed very lightly over the obvious bulge. Quick as a flash, he was shoved awkwardly onto his back with his legs bent beneath him. Mal hung over him, holding him down with a firm hold on his wrists.

“I didn’t say you could touch.”

“S-sorry...” Simon said, eyes locked with Mal’s.

Mal grunted and let him go. “Don’t move,” he warned before getting up and walking from Simon’s line of sight. He returned moments later with a roll of heavy-duty packing tape. Without a word, Mal brought Simon’s hands together and bound his arms from about the middle of his forearms to his knuckles with the tape. After he was done he tossed the tape aside and flipped Simon over.

“What have you done?” Mal’s threatening tone reverberated through Simon’s entire body. His muscles tensed at the sense of the other’s weight looming above him. When he didn’t answer quick enough, Mal smacked his ass. The movement pressed Simon against the floor and he gasped quietly as the cool metal kissed the length of his hardening cock. “What have you done, liou mahng?”

Simon forced his limbs to move so that he could brace himself a little above the floor. “I screwed up...” he whispered.


“I ignored the Captain’s orders... and put crew members in danger.”

“How could you do that?” A deceptively gentle hand caressed Simon’s thigh. He trembled in anticipation.

“I don’t know.”

With one hand Mal held Simon’s lower body up and used the other to deal repeated blows against Simon’s ass until it turned an angry red.

“That’s not good enough.”

“I k-know,” Simon gasped, blinking back tears at the stinging pain.

Mal grabbed him by the throat and jerked him upright until Simon was pressed flush against the body behind him. “Don’t cross me.” Simon nodded minutely, finding it difficult to swallow with Mal’s fingers pressed against his throat.

Long moments later, Mal let him go. Simon collapsed forward onto his bound arms. Without waiting for him to recover, Mal used both hands to part the reddened ass cheeks in front of him. “You know what you deserve?” he said, voice so low it was difficult to read his emotions. Mal’s thumbs pressed against Simon’s anus, penetrating slowly due to friction.

“Yes,” Simon murmured, closing his eyes in relief.

Mal spat and Simon could feel the saliva run slowly down his crack. Mal pressed in farther, using the spit as lubrication. He switched one thumb for his fore and middle fingers. Simon bit back a cry at the rough penetration, but pushed back, desperate.

“You know what you deserve.”

“Lao tian a [2]. Yes” Simon said, voice strained.

Mal withdrew his fingers. An instant later he pressed forward with his cock at the ready, slick with pre-ejaculate. He moved one hand into Simon’s hair and pressed his head down against the floor.

“You deserve-”

Simon moaned as he was filled, the uncomfortable, almost painful, sensation pure ecstasy for him. He jerked his hips, impaling himself further. Mal’s fingers tightened in his hair.

“Kao [3],” Mal cursed quietly, gripping Simon’s hip with his free hand and grinding down.

“Move... please... Tiana!” Simon gasped, twisting.

Mal bit his lip and drew back, plunging in a moment later. Simon cried softly as relief overwhelmed him. His hips jerked to accentuate each of Mal’s movements; he could feel release speeding towards him all-too-soon.

As Simon’s sphincter squeezed tightly around his cock, Mal pushed in as far as he could, head going back as he groaned loudly through his orgasm. Simon went limp before Mal was finished.

With a shuddering sigh, Mal let himself relax into a comfortable kneel and carefully pulled Simon off his lap. As he let the doctor’s lower half slip to the floor, he leaned forward and checked Simon’s breathing. Asleep-or passed out-he wasn’t sure.

His hands deceptively steady, Mal cut through the tape with a pocket knife. He stood, absent-mindedly pulling up his pants and re-doing the fastenings. He returned from one of the storage cupboards with a thin bottle of oil. He dribbled some of its contents onto Simon’s arms before attempting to remove the tape. As he stood again, he looked down at the pale body. He felt sick to his stomach. Before the bile could rise in his throat, he looked away.

“You don’t know what you deserve,” he muttered desolately.

As he walked away, he said, “But it sure as hell ain’t me.”

~ * Fin * ~

[1] bitch

[2] Oh God

[3] Fuck

You know... I'm not even sure the last time I wrote a graphic sex scene? *shakes head* I'm still in shock over this... ya'd think this was falling on virgin eyes or something...

rating: adults only, slash, mal/simon, fanfiction, firefly, genre: dark, sci-fi, june!fic 2006, genre: pwp

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