{Fic} X-men: Vive Memor Leti (Edited Junefic)

Jul 11, 2005 08:59

Jean said, “Take some time.”

So I left again, but I couldn’t go for long; I was pulled back by the bond that continues to form, linking me back to “them.” There had been a time not so very long ago when I thought there was no one who could relate to me, or me to them. I was proved wrong when I met her. I didn’t realize it until later, probably long after many others had seen it, that she had become the reason why I wanted to stick around, why I decided to accept that I had become part of a team, and why I had the first home that I could remember.

But Jean told me, “You have time, you need to be patient. Just wait until she’s a little older.”

I didn’t see how that would matter much, in the end-the age gap would always be there. I don’t know if she would really understand that difference of time that spreads between us, but I felt it and I knew what Jean was politely not saying. I left, perhaps thinking that if I got away for a while I could clear my head and weaken some of the bonds that had formed. I was wrong.

Strangely it was the one-eyed wonder who didn’t seem to have the same problems that Jean had with the possible relationship. He knocked on my door one night and came in without invitation. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the wall and asked, “Why on earth are you wasting time? What’s the matter with you? You’re just dicking around while it’s obvious to anyone that even catches the briefest glimpse of you two together that something.... sparks.” He frowned, clearly frustrated that he hadn’t thought of something more creative.

I glowered at him until he sighed softly, accepting that I wouldn’t give him an answer. Before he left, he told me, “Time waits for no man, bub; don’t be so stupid as to blow off this chance.”

I wonder who’s got it right: is it the right choice to wait and see how things turn out? Or is it better to grab the moment and enjoy what you can, for as long as you can while the opportunity is there?

The one-eyed wonder visited again the other night, my very own keeper of time. “What’s it going to be, Logan? Let her slip away? I thought you had more fight in you.” I growled at him and he left without saying anything else.

But maybe he’s right. I don’t care what the others might think of me and I know that Rogue is strong enough and self-confident these days that she wouldn’t be bothered by the murmurs and speculations that would surely arise.

I suppose that means “seize the moment”-day, whatever the hell that saying is.

Who am I to argue?

genre: drabble, rating: all, het, fanfiction, june!fic2005, gen, wolverine/rogue, sci-fi, x-men, genre: series

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