Birthday!gift: Dreadful Delight

Oct 04, 2009 20:58

Title: Dreadful Delight
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Word count: 915
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, creature!fic (characters are of age)
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit. Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warnings.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for ravenqueen55, whose prompt was licking, first time, creature!fic.
Summary: Draco is impressed and aroused by Potter's realistic vampire ensemble.

Draco shivered in dreadful delight. He was pressed into the dark recesses of a curtained alcove by Harry Potter. They had encountered one another at Club Purgatory's Halloween party, and Draco had been drawn to Potter immediately. Potter was costumed as a vampire, complete with realistic fangs, and Draco's normally suppressed vampire kink had surged to the forefront. He had brazenly asked Potter to dance, and the two of them had been having virtual sex on the dance floor for nearly an hour.

When it became too much for them, Potter had dragged a very willing Draco into one of the club's private niches. A spell sealed the curtains and ensured they wouldn't be disturbed. Potter had immediately pushed Draco against the far wall and begun to lick his throat.

Draco moaned and tilted his head to the side, inviting Potter to take whatever liberties he wished. If only Potter were a real vampire. Nevertheless, the hot, wet swipes of Potter's tongue over the sensitive flesh of Draco's throat felt brilliant. His breath came faster, and he unconsciously parted his legs. Potter's knee insinuated itself between Draco's thighs, and Draco shamelessly ground himself against it.

When Potter's hands began tugging the tails of Draco's ruffled pirate shirt from his trousers, Draco pushed them away and saw to the task himself. His shirt slipped from his shoulders, but before he could shrug out of it, Potter's tongue was laving his throat once more. Draco's head fell back in ecstasy, and his cock strained at his trousers. "Fuck me," he whimpered. He couldn't help himself. He'd been painfully aroused since his first sight of Potter's amazing faux fangs, and all that frotting on the dance floor had only fanned the flames of his desire.

"I was planning to," Potter replied in a gruff voice, and tendrils of pleasure sizzled down Draco's spine. A deft hand unfastened Draco's skintight black trousers and began to tug them down. All the while, Potter's lips and tongue continued to ply Draco's throat with erotic sensations. Draco wasn't wearing anything beneath his trousers, and he heard Potter's growl of approval. In a tricky maneuver, Draco managed to toe off one of his knee-high boots, allowing Potter to strip his trousers off. The fact that one boot remained on and his trousers dangled from that leg didn't faze either of them.

Draco clutched at Potter's shoulders and whimpered softly when he felt cool fingers run over his balls and below them to stroke over the flesh of his hole. He didn't hear Potter speak an incantation, but those clever fingers were now slick with lubricant and pushing inside of him. Draco gasped and rocked his hips into it, riding Potter's fingers. "Enough, enough," he panted. "I need you now." The fingers withdrew, clothing rustled, and a strong hand gripped Draco's naked thigh and raised it as Potter caught Draco's leg in the crook of his elbow. Draco tilted his pelvis forward, biting his lip in anticipation when he felt the hot prod of Potter's cock between his arse cheeks.

A long, low moan slipped past Draco's lips as Potter penetrated him with a swift, hard thrust. His head fell back once more, and a second later Draco emitted a sharp scream as he felt Potter's fangs sink into his throat. Fucking hell, Potter is a real vampire!

Draco's first instinct was to push the vampire away from him, but at the first pull of blood from his vein his cock jerked in pleasure, and Draco was lost. His hands crept up Potter's shoulders to bury themselves in Potter's dark hair, and Draco held Potter's head to him as he drank. Potter's hips continued to thrust between Draco's legs, driving his cock up and in, deeper and deeper on each slick stroke.

Draco had never known such pleasure, and his climax rushed up on him in mere moments. His body clamped down and his fingers tightened in Potter's hair as he shuddered in ecstasy. Draco's release erupted between his body and Potter's, leaving him panting and trembling in its aftermath.

Potter's cock rammed up inside of Draco, high and hard, before filling him with burst after burst of hot, creamy spunk. "Mmmmpf," he groaned, mouth still working Draco's throat. Potter swallowed a final mouthful of blood and withdrew his fangs. He brushed his fingertips almost tenderly over the puncture wounds in Draco's throat, healing them with his touch.

Draco remained impaled on Potter's still semi-erect cock, and he had the passing thought that it was the only thing holding him up. Potter drew out slowly, causing Draco's body to quiver and his penis to twitch. He winced when Potter uncoupled them completely. His left leg was lowered to the ground, and Draco swayed and grasped at Potter's arms for support.

"Easy," Potter crooned. He helped Draco dress again and asked, "Will you be alright if I leave you?"

No, Draco wanted to say. Instead, he mumbled, "Yes."

Potter turned to leave.

"Wait!" Draco cried.

Potter turned and raised an eyebrow in question.

"Will...will I see you again?" Draco asked, face flushing with embarrassment.

Potter's fangs glinted as he smirked at him. "Perhaps you'll see me in your dreams, Draco."

Desperate Delight

content: club fic, rating: nc17, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: wall sex, content: creature fic, content: partially clothed sex, verse: delighted, creature: vampire

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