Birthday!gift; AWDT: In desperate need of a good shag

Jul 28, 2009 23:17

Title: In desperate need of a good shag
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: H/D
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, the mildest of dub-con, bondage (Characters engaged in sexual activity are of age.)
Word count: 1295
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the rating, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
Author's note: This was written as a birthday gift for kluminia, whose request was for top!Harry, bondage. Also uses the current awdt prompt of ...the risk of serious injury.
Summary: Harry hasn't had Malfoy, but he's had enough.

It had gone on for far too long, and Harry had had enough. He had wanted Malfoy forever it seemed, and Malfoy's not so subtle flirtation of late hadn't helped matters. Despite his behavior, however, Malfoy refused Harry each time he suggested they go for dinner or any other activity that could be construed as a date. Harry didn't know what Malfoy was playing at, but he did know that he was going to put an end to it.

It was early afternoon when Malfoy settled his bum on the edge of Harry's desk in the office they shared. "So, Potter, what can I do you for?"

That was Malfoy's game. Everything he said to Harry was couched in innuendo.

"Nothing, Malfoy," Harry said, eyes flicking up to meet his partner's cocky grin as he stealthily drew his wand. "However," he continued, "I plan to do you for the rest of the afternoon."

Malfoy's eyes widened in surprise.

"Incarcerous! Silencio!" The two spells hit Malfoy one after the other, and he toppled from Harry's desk, bound, silenced and seething.

Harry came from behind his desk and reached down, hauling Malfoy to his feet and smirking at him before levitating his partner to the Floo in their office. Harry tossed a pinch of powder and called out the address of his small country cottage. He removed the Silencing charm when they arrived, only to spend the next several minutes listening to Malfoy rant and curse. When his partner paused for breath, Harry spoke up. "Malfoy, I can only surmise from your recent behavior that you are in desperate need of a good shag but don't know how to ask for it. Therefore, I've taken the initiative and brought you here for an afternoon of rough and rousing man-on-man sex. Any questions?"

"Are you mad?!"

"Possibly," Harry admitted, "although you've driven me around the twist with your shameless flirting and dirty talk in the office. Are you ready for sex now?"


Harry's eyes focused on Malfoy's groin where a telltale bulge strained at the front of his trousers. "No?" he questioned. Malfoy flushed and began to struggle with his bonds. The spell caused the magical ropes to tighten further. "I suggest you stop squirming, Malfoy, unless the risk of serious injury constitutes foreplay for you."

Malfoy froze. "Potter, I wish to leave now," he bit out.

Harry stepped close and cupped Malfoy through his trousers, finding him hot and hard. "Methinks you doth protest too much," he purred.

"Oh Merlin," Malfoy groaned, head lolling back.

"Do you want me to stop?" Harry prodded. In spite of his actions this day, he really did want Malfoy to agree to this.

"Ye-es," Malfoy gasped.

Harry withdrew his hand, garnering a whimper from his partner. "If you tell me you don't want to go any further, I will respect your wishes," Harry said. "However, I would have to Obliviate you, you understand." Malfoy chewed his lower lip, eyes wide, distressed and hungry. Harry could tell he was wavering, and he settled both hands on Malfoy's hips, stroking him with his fingers. "Not only will I Obliviate you, but I'll also strip you naked before sending you back through the Floo in the Ministry's atrium."

"Arsehole," Malfoy panted, arching to get closer.

"What will it be?" Harry asked. "An afternoon of bed-breaking sex or utter public humiliation?"

Malfoy hesitated before answering. "Sex," he said at last, swallowing heavily.

Harry gripped his partner by the arm and hustled him through the small house to the bedroom. He gave Malfoy a push, sending him tumbling onto the bed.

Malfoy cursed again. "Remove this spell," he snarled.

Harry drew his wand and steadied it, mentally rehearsing the spell he wished to use. A flash of light erupted from his wand, and Malfoy was released from the original Incarcerous spell, but his hands were now secured to the headboard. And he was completely nude.

"Potter!" he shrilled indignantly.

Harry chuckled. "Relax. I'll be naked in another moment," he promised, already tugging his shirt over his head. Bare-chested, Harry crossed the room and rummaged in the side table, coming up with lubricant and a slender plug. Malfoy watched him, all huge eyes and quivering cock. Harry dipped the plug in the lubricant, then sat on the bed next to Malfoy. "Open wide," he smirked, holding the dripping plug up. Malfoy bit his lip and parted his legs, canting his hips up to display the furled flesh between his arse cheeks. Harry inserted the plug with care, then tapped the end of it with his wand. Malfoy jolted in reaction as the plug began to slowly expand within him, stretching him for Harry's enjoyment. "That particular item came from the adult section of Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes," Harry told him, unzipping his trousers and stepping out of the remainder of his clothing. Harry stroked some of the lubricant onto his cock before claiming his place between Malfoy's legs. He rested his hands on Malfoy's thighs to halt his restless writhing on the bed.

"Please, Potter," Malfoy begged.

Harry didn't feel the need to gloat; he was too intent on easing his sexual frustration in Malfoy's willing body. Harry pulled the plug free, twisting it and drawing a desperate whine from Malfoy's throat. Harry tossed the toy aside and guided his cock into its place, pushing past Malfoy's rim and thrusting deep. Malfoy gasped and trembled beneath Harry, legs coming up to wind around Harry's waist. Harry leaned down to nip and suck his partner's throat, marking him with his teeth as he possessed Malfoy's body with his cock. Malfoy was enjoying it, if his impassioned wails were anything to go by. Harry was inspired to double his efforts, plunging in and out of Malfoy's snug heat in a frenzy of rapid strokes. Once he found the angle that made Malfoy thrash and call on every deity he knew, Harry pounded Malfoy's prostate relentlessly, sending his partner into a yowling, shuddering, spurting climax.

Harry bit down painfully on Malfoy's shoulder, as if to punish him for the intensity of his orgasm. The bite seemed only to spike Malfoy's pleasure higher until he was nearly screaming. Harry slammed into him with greater force, determined now to achieve his own satisfaction. A moment later he threw his head back and shouted hoarsely while he filled Malfoy with the hot pulses of his release. Harry relaxed by degrees, but he remained between Malfoy's sprawled thighs, reluctant to part from him. "Was that what you needed?" he asked, voice gruff.

"Mm, yeah," sighed Malfoy. "You?"

"Oh, yeah," Harry agreed, slipping free of his partner. He shifted to Malfoy's side. "Next time you're in need of a good shag, just ask me."

"Slytherins are more subtle than that, Potter," Malfoy replied with a disdainful sniff.

"Subtlety won't get you shagged by a Gryffindor," Harry pointed out.

Malfoy only glowered and tugged on his bonds. "Untie me."

"Not until I've had another go or two on you," Harry told him, reaching out to tweak one of Malfoy's nipples.

Malfoy gasped and arched closer. "Wh-what happens when we get back to the office?" he fretted even as he was spreading his legs again. "Do we carry on as usual, pretending nothing happened?"

"You won't have to worry about that," Harry said, nudging his way into the vee of Malfoy's thighs once more. "I still plan to Obliviate you and push you naked through the Floo of the Atrium."

content: use of toy(s), profession: auror(s), rating: nc17, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, comm: awdt, content: bondage, content: dub-con

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