Birthday!gift: One of each

Jul 28, 2009 00:44

Title: One of each
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Mpreg, m/m sex (characters are of age)
Word count: 675
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for lemon_drop151, who asked for a sequel to The first thing about girls.
Summary: Draco reacts to finding out he's having twins.

Draco was subdued when he and Harry arrived home after their visit to St Mungo's. He went straight upstairs and into their bedroom. Harry trailed after him uncertainly, hesitating when the door closed softly but firmly in his face. He hovered in the corridor, trying to decide if he should go in and comfort his husband or give Draco some time and space. A barely audible sound of distress from within made Harry's mind up for him. He pushed the door open and walked into the bedroom, finding Draco curled up on the bed. "Draco?" Harry asked softly.

"Twins," Draco mumbled, staring into space. "I'm going to have twins."

This was a concern Harry could help with. "We'll do alright," he stated. "Both of us should be able to manage, and if not we can hire a nanny."

"You don't understand," Draco said with a scowl. "I'm going to get fat, Harry. Really fat, and you won't think I'm sexy any more, and you'll find someone else to shag on the side!" Draco wailed in misery.

Harry blinked in confusion as he struggled to keep up with Draco. "Nonsense," he said finally, voice firm. "I will never want anyone but you, no matter what you look like. Besides, I believe you'll get more beautiful as the pregnancy progresses."

"Do you m-mean that?" Draco asked with a suspicious hiccup.

"Of course, I do," Harry smiled in reassurance, stroking his husband's silky hair. "As a matter of fact," he murmured, "I want to make love to you right now."

Draco beamed in happiness, accepting his husband's slow, wet kisses. When Harry began inching Draco's shirt up, however, Draco stilled his hand. "Harry, I'm sorry, but the Healer said I'm not to have sex for the duration of my pregnancy."

Harry drew back, clearly gobsmacked. "What?!" he exclaimed, horrified at the thought of nothing but hand jobs, blow jobs and wanking for the next several months. Draco's eyes danced in devilish delight, and an impish grin quirked his lips. "You're taking the piss," Harry accused, narrowing his eyes.

Draco burst into laughter, rolling to his side and clutching his rounded stomach in mirth. Harry landed a stinging swat to his husband's backside. "You brute!" Draco protested. He was still grinning like a loon, however.

"If you weren't pregnant, I would give you a proper spanking," Harry growled, leaning down to punish Draco with sharp, nipping kisses instead.

Draco's snickers turned to moans as he tipped his head back, baring his throat to Harry's lips and teeth. Their clothing ended up strewn across the floor and the foot of the bed. Harry took his time preparing his husband, lubing and stretching Draco carefully. Draco was squirming impatiently by the time Harry moved over him and pressed inside of him. However, Draco was in no mood for gentleness. He surged up to meet each of Harry's thrusts, demanding more. Harry kept to an even tempo and reached between them to stroke Draco. Breath coming in soft pants, Draco twisted beneath Harry until he came with a gasp of pleasure.

Harry's hips continued pumping between Draco's legs until he, too, climaxed with a groan that he muffled in Draco's hair. Harry had the presence of mind to keep his weight off his husband, and he eventually withdrew from Draco and propped himself on an elbow at Draco's side. Pushing the damp hair from Draco's eyes, Harry crooned, "You're beautiful, and our babies will be beautiful, too."

"This is all your doing," Draco sighed.

"I would be quite vexed with you were that not the case," Harry grinned.

Draco snorted. "Prat. I meant that I wanted a son, but then you had to declare you wanted a girl, and now we're having both."

"Look on the bright side," Harry told him. "We'll have one of each, and you can retire from having babies."


Precious and Perfect

content: top!harry, gift: birthday, content: flangst, content: established relationship, content: mpreg, rating: r

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