Jae~Quills #53

Feb 16, 2009 23:10

Title: Luna Lilies
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Luna
Rating: PG
Word count: 335
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Jae-Quills marriage prompt: flowers
Written for : written_worlds
Summary: Harry and Draco pick out flowers.

"We'll need flowers, of course," Draco announced over breakfast one morning.

"Naturally," Harry agreed. Flowers were something he did know to expect in regards to weddings, and he had already thought about it. "We can go visit Neville's floral shop today or tomorrow."

"Let's go today," suggested Draco. "Then we can cross one more thing off of our list."


The bell above the door of Longbottoms' Greenhouse and Floral tinkled merrily as Draco and Harry made their way inside. Luna came from the back and greeted them with a happy smile. "I have just what you need for your wedding," she told them before disappearing behind the swinging door once more.

Draco glanced at Harry with a raised brow. "Did you let Neville and Luna know ahead of time we'd be buying our flowers here?"

"No," Harry denied with a shake of his head. "I reckoned we'd get our flowers here, but I hadn't mentioned it to either of them."

Luna came bustling back with a bundle of flowers. "Here we are," she beamed. "You'll want some roses, of course, and these pale pink ones will be a perfect complement to the lilies." As she spoke, Luna handed Harry and Draco each a rose. "And here are the lilies," she announced, brushing tissue paper away from the small arm bouquet she held. "Neville has been hard at work creating some hybrid lilies, and he only recently perfected these. He named them Luna Lilies," she added with a dreamy sigh.

The lilies were perfect. They were small and ice-white with a blush of pink around the edges of each long petal. They did go beautifully with the pink roses, and the combined scent of the flowers was heady and intoxicating.

"They're brilliant," murmured Draco, eyes feasting on the gorgeous flowers. He focused his attention back on Luna and got down to business. "Now then, we'll be needing boutonnieres, corsages, centerpieces..."


An Official Choice

content: fluff, rating: pg, content: established relationship, verse: jae!quills

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