Birthday!fic: Sloppy Seconds

Aug 07, 2008 01:23

Title: Sloppy Seconds
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairings: OMC/Draco, Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, dub-con, see also "Pairings" above (Characters engaged in sexual activity are over the age of 18.)
Word count: 2035
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the rating, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for expeliarbum, who asked for jealous top!Harry.
Summary: Sharing a flat with Malfoy is tolerable, until Harry comes home one evening to find that Draco has broken one of their cardinal rules.

Living with Draco Malfoy had not been easy. They'd never really been friends, although as flatmates, they got along passably well. For Harry, the worst part was that he found himself becoming more and more attracted to Malfoy. Unfortunately, the attraction appeared to be solely one-sided. In the eight months they had shared a flat, Malfoy had gone through two boyfriends and was currently on the third. Harry hated the bloke, although if he was honest with himself, he would admit that it was because Calvin or Kevin or whatever his name was got to shag Malfoy. Two or three nights a week, Harry had to listen to them going at it in Malfoy's room, and the moans and groans and creaking bed springs left him gritting his teeth in frustrated jealousy while his hand busily soothed his equally jealous cock.

At least Harry didn't have to see Malfoy and his boyfriend having sex...until he walked into the flat one evening to the sight of them shagging on the sofa.

Harry and Malfoy had established a few simple rules when they agreed to share living quarters, and one of the most important was that sex would be restricted to their respective bedrooms. It was for that reason that Harry, rather than backing out of the flat or worse, retreating to his own room until they finished, paused to assess the situation then strode into the living room and sat in his favorite chair by the telly as he always did when he arrived home.


Draco hadn't minded when Kevin began getting amorous as they sat on the sofa watching the telly. However, when his boyfriend began pawing at his clothing and pressing him back against the cushions, Draco had resisted, stating that they needed to take things to his bedroom. Kevin would not be dissuaded, however, which is how Draco found himself naked from the waist down, legs spread and lifted high while his boyfriend enthusiastically fucked him right there on the sofa.

Although tense at first with worry that Potter could return at any time, Draco gradually got into the spirit of things and was enjoying the physical aspect of his relationship with Kevin. Which, of course, is when Potter walked in the door.

Draco immediately began to push at Kevin's shoulders, urgently whispering, "Stop! Harry's home!"

"Don't care...can't stop..." puffed Kevin, his thrusts never slowing. To make matters worse, Potter nonchalantly walked into the living room and took a seat in the blue armchair as if nothing unusual was taking place.

Draco was mortified. His right leg was draped over the back of the sofa and pinned there by Kevin's shoulder, and his left leg was caught up in the crook of his boyfriend's elbow, leaving him splayed open in the most compromising of positions. Desperately, he tried to lower his left leg to hide the very intimate nature of their sexual activity from Potter's sight, but Draco was unable to work his limb free. Resigning himself to being exposed and humiliated until Kevin finished, Draco turned his head to face the back of the sofa, unable to meet Potter's eyes as he watched them.


From where he was sat, Harry had an excellent view of his flatmate's flagrant breaking of the rules. He found his eyes riveted to the sight of Malfoy's glistening, reddened hole where it was stretched wide around his boyfriend's swollen prick, and Harry was overcome with seething jealousy. He wanted to see his own cock pounding into Malfoy like that! As it was, Harry's cock was aching with envy, and he unconsciously pressed the palm of his hand against the bulge in his jeans. He had a primal urge to tear the other male away so that he could be the one to mate with the receptive partner, but Harry remained frozen in position, unable to look away from where Malfoy's body was so intimately joined with his boyfriend's.


Draco's erection had subsided, and he could only lie there passively, hands curled over Kevin's shoulders, while his boyfriend shamelessly shagged him. The situation wouldn't have been so bad had Draco not fancied Potter, but he knew he didn't stand a chance with his flatmate and had been dating replacements ever since they'd moved in together. For that reason, he was doubly embarrassed to have Potter walk in when he was spread beneath Kevin and being fucked quite vigorously. Wanting only for this nightmare to end, Draco began half-heartedly clenching his arse around Kevin's cock in an effort to speed him to orgasm. It seemed to do the trick, as his boyfriend began thrusting faster until he finished with a lusty grunt and a pulse of hot liquid that flooded Draco's insides.

Kevin withdrew from him slowly, almost reluctantly, placing light kisses along Draco's jaw as he did so. When he finally pulled free with a wet squelch, he neither moved nor released Draco, but chose instead to lean forward and kiss him lingeringly on the lips.


As if the sight of Malfoy being salaciously shagged by his boyfriend hadn't been enough, Harry was now treated to the view of his flatmate's fluttering hole, still slick and dilated from use, and his stomach clenched at the painful rush of arousal he felt. Malfoy's legs were still spread and lifted as his boyfriend seemed to be taking his time kissing him, and while Harry watched, small rivulets of cream dribbled from Malfoy's hole to soil the sofa beneath him. Only then did Kevin relent, backing away from his lover as he reached for his cast-off shirt that was lying on the floor. Harry realized suddenly that the last bit had been for his benefit. Kevin had wanted him to see how he'd marked Malfoy as his own, and what better way to do so than by flaunting Malfoy's cream-drenched hole?


As soon as Kevin sat up and reached for his shirt, Draco quickly scrambled into a sitting position, closing his legs and tucking them beneath him in a fit of belated modesty. He clutched at the edges of his own shirt in one hand, knowing his fingers were shaking too badly to do up the buttons. Kevin had no such trouble, and as soon as his shirt was buttoned, he leaned down to kiss Draco once more, not noticing or caring when Draco turned his head and offered his cheek instead.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" he breathed, giving Draco's naked thigh a squeeze. Draco nodded wordlessly, eyes downcast, and Kevin turned to the other occupant of the room. "Potter," he greeted with a nod and a grin before sauntering to the door and leaving.


Draco raised his eyes to Potter's, his stomach lurching at the contempt he saw on his flatmate's face. Without thinking, he lashed out. "I can't believe you had the gall to sit there and watch us!" he shouted, flinging himself off the sofa.

"I can't believe you had the bollocks to shag on the sofa in the first place!" shouted Harry, launching to his own feet. "Wait, my mistake. Your bollocks were quite clearly on display."

"Fuck you!" Draco screamed, storming behind the sofa, which was positioned to separate the living room from the dining area, to search for his missing clothing.

Recklessly, Harry followed him. "No thanks," he sneered. "Sloppy seconds aren't my style."

"You bastard," seethed Draco, bending to retrieve his boxers.

Malfoy bent over, displaying his recently ravaged hole once more, and Harry's tenuous control shattered. With a growl, he sprang forward, catching Malfoy about the waist and pushing him against the back of the sofa, shoving his upper body down with a hand splayed between the blond's shoulders until Malfoy was bent double over the back of the sofa with his tempting arse in the air.

"Potter, what are you doing?!" shrieked Draco, struggling to get free. Inexplicably, his sexually submissive posture served to bring his libido roaring back to life, and Draco's cock swelled with excitement.

"If you're going to act like a whore, I'm going to fuck you like one," raged Harry, keeping Malfoy pinned to the sofa with the weight of his body while he tugged his zip down.

"Let go of me, you savage!" cried Draco, squirming furiously. His struggles only served to increase his arousal as his hard cock was now rubbing against the rough material of the sofa.

Harry freed his aching prick and brought the damp tip to Malfoy's entrance. He paused there, breath coming harshly. "Tell me no," he rasped. "Tell me no, and I'll stop."

"Bastard," hissed Draco, arching his back to lift his arse enticingly closer.

Harry's burst of sanity and morality vanished in an instant, and he thrust forward, sinking deep into Malfoy's hot, wet hole. His lip curled derisively with the knowledge that he was now balls deep in Kevin's leavings, but there was no way Harry was going to pull out now. As he settled into a rough, hard rhythm of shafting Malfoy, Harry took a perverse delight in the fact that by taking possession of Malfoy's hole, his movements were forcing the other bloke's spunk from Malfoy's writhing body.

Draco clawed uselessly at the sofa cushions as he was pounded full of Potter's cock again and again. He was still hanging over the back of the couch unable and, for the moment, unwilling to straighten up. The fabric of the sofa was providing rough, delicious friction on his aching cock, and when combined with the friction of Potter driving into him, it was hurtling Draco rapidly toward the explosive climax that Kevin had failed to give him. He came with a near sob, bucking beneath Potter while his own spunk shot forth to further soil the sofa.

Harry knew very well that Malfoy hadn't come earlier; he recognized the sound of his flatmate's ultimate pleasure easily enough from having to listen to it night after night when Malfoy brought a shag home with him. Therefore, Harry was keenly aware that he had just caused Malfoy to come undone in such a manner. He smiled in grim satisfaction as he continued to piston his cock into Malfoy's spasming hole.

Draco remained slumped over the sofa, panting softly while waiting for Potter to finish. Unlike with Kevin, however, Draco was content to allow his lover to take his time. He'd often wondered how it would feel to be shagged by his flatmate, had even fantasized about it during sex with his boyfriend, and the reality, although harsh and frantic, was everything he'd dreamed it could be.

For Harry, who'd gotten horribly turned on by watching his flatmate get fucked by his boyfriend, being able to watch his own cock as it slid in and out of Malfoy's gleaming hole was enough to catapult him into an intense orgasm. He drove as deeply into the blond as he could, rising on his toes and all but lifting Malfoy up as he did so. Harry's guttural cry of completion filled the room as he filled Malfoy's arse with his seed, replacing the semen deposited there earlier by his rival.

As tempted as Harry was to remain in place, he quickly pulled out of Malfoy with a wet, messy pop. He stepped back and fumbled himself back into his jeans. Malfoy straightened slowly and turned to Harry with an expression that was an odd mixture of baleful and hopeful. Harry could empathize, as he was torn by opposite urges to either rail and sneer at his flatmate again or take Draco into his arms. Instead, he took a deep breath, met his flatmate's wide, worried eyes and said, "I can't go on like this, sharing a flat with you while another bloke fucks your brains out on a nightly basis. Either he goes, or I go."


*scampers back into fic comfort zone*

Potter's Passion

content: sofa sex, content: pwp, rating: nc17, gift, content: top!harry, content: voyeurism, content: angry sex, content: jealousy, content: partially clothed sex, content: exhibitionism, content: dub-con

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