Birthday!fic: Fusion

Aug 06, 2008 19:31

Title: Fusion
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: H/D
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Creature!fic, explicit sex (Characters engaged in sexual activity are over the age of 18.)
Word count: 1445
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the rating, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for jaey_t, who asked for dom!creature!Harry, use of the word "oblong", and a merrily fluffy ending. Er, two out of three ain't bad? I also used the current prompt of the heat of the night for harrylovesdraco.
Summary: The hunter becomes the hunted.

In the heat of the night, Draco Malfoy approached the large manor home in Godric's Hollow. It had been built only recently, and it was rumored to house a creature of the night. Surprisingly, the front door opened to a simple Alohamora, and Draco made his cautious way inside. It was early yet, so there was a possibility that the vampire could still be sleeping. With that in mind Draco cast a soft Lumos and began searching for a coffin. Reckoning that he should begin where there was the least amount of light, Draco located the cellar door in the kitchen and opened it. Heart hammering with fear and excitement, he descended the stairs, holding his wand aloft to light the way.

There were few items in the cellar, so Draco's eyes were drawn immediately to the large, ornate black object that rested on a dais in the center of the floor. It didn't look like a coffin; rather it was oblong in shape, but it was certainly big enough for a person, or in this case a vampire to sleep in. He paused to get his rapid breathing under control, then crept stealthily closer. He ran his fingers over the smooth surface and down until he found the seam that indicated an opening. Realizing he would need both hands to open the oddly shaped coffin, Draco put the unlit tip of his wand in his mouth, placed the heels of both hands on the lid and heaved it open.

It was empty. After his fearful adrenaline rush, Draco felt almost deflated. Sighing in disappointment, he took his wand in hand and turned to leave, only to see a garishly lit figure looming in the darkness directly behind him. With a startled yell, Draco backpedaled rapidly, stumbling over his own feet and tumbling to the cold floor. Mocking laughter echoed in the cavernous cellar, and Draco yelped once more and scrambled to his feet, making a run for the safety of the stairs. He took the steps two at a time, bursting into the darkened kitchen. Intent only on escape, he bolted for the door that led to the hallway and the outer door beyond.

Draco actually thought he had a chance, until he ran into a solid body just beyond the kitchen. Strong hands grasped him by the arms, and in the ensuing struggle, Draco lost his wand. "Let me go!" he shouted, trying desperately to free himself.

"I think not, little morsel."

When had Potter's voice ever sounded so seductive?

"You came here to kill me, and now you must be punished."


In the faint moonlight, Draco could see the vampire cock his head. "No, you didn't come to kill me, or no, you mustn't be punished?" taunted Potter.

"I did not come here to kill you," Draco denied vehemently.

"You lie," Potter whispered harshly. "You wished to drive a stake through me."

Draco sagged in the vampire's relentless grip and laughed, the noise sounding slightly hysterical even to his own ears. "You're wrong," he insisted. "I have no wish to drive a stake through your body. I came here because I was hoping you would drive something hard and rigid into my body."

"What are you on about?" demanded Potter, sounding more like the contentious rival of Draco's childhood.

"I have a...a vampire kink, if you will, Potter," Draco explained nervously. "I'm hard already; see for yourself," he invited. When a hand groped him rudely between the legs, Draco's head fell back with a moan.

"You are seriously disturbed, Malfoy," Potter remarked, hand still cupping Draco's bits. "You honestly want me to shag you?"

"Oh god, yes," Draco gasped, arching into the vampire's rough caress.

"I haven't fed yet tonight," Potter warned, leaning close and nuzzling against Draco's neck. "You've offered your body; are you willing to sacrifice your blood as well?"

"Mmm, yes," Draco agreed with a delighted little shiver. The hand that had been massaging his bits abruptly released him to grab his wrist and tug him unresistingly through the gloomy corridors and up another flight of steps and into a darkened room. Potter muttered beneath his breath, and flames sprang to life in the fireplace, casting the bedroom in a romantic glow. Nimble fingers divested Draco quickly of his clothing before pushing him urgently in the direction of the scarlet draped bed. Draco reclined against the pillows and watched as Potter hastily disrobed.

The vampire tossed a tube of lubricant at Draco and instructed, "Prepare yourself while I get ready." Draco kept his eyes on Potter as he squeezed some clear fluid onto his fingers and reached between his legs. Potter was stood at the foot of the bed with his eyes closed and his lips parted. Draco watched in fascination as the vampire's fangs slowly descended, and he whimpered softly at the sight while he inserted two fingers into his body.

Potter licked his lips as he watched Draco finger himself until the blond's writhing and mewling became too much to bear. "Enough, little morsel," he rasped. "Remove your fingers...yes, that's it. Let me see your greedy little hole." As he spoke, Potter was slowly fisting his impressive erection. "Open wide," he commanded, placing one knee on the bed and crawling forward.

Draco did as he'd been told, already tipping his hips up in a silent plea to be taken. Potter settled between his willingly parted thighs and positioned the head of his cock before sinking slowly into Draco's tight heat.

"Mmm," they chorused in unison.

Potter pressed all the way inside of Draco, bringing their bodies flush together. His normally green eyes had taken on a distinctly reddish hue, and he licked his lips once more as his eyes locked onto the pulse fluttering wildly at Draco's throat.

Draco's breath caught, and he turned his head to the side, offering his neck. Potter swooped down and seized him so abruptly that the pain didn't register until the vampire was already greedily drinking Draco's blood. The pleasure and pain fused together into exquisite ecstasy, and Draco's low moan reverberated inside his chest.

The vampire hummed in approval and agreement, his lower body remaining still as his mouth worked hungrily over the delicious offering that trickled from his lover's throat.

Draco made small thrusting motions with his hips, enjoying the experience of being impaled on Potter's hard cock but wanting more. The vampire's flesh pulsed and throbbed deep within him, and strangely enough, the sensation was calling forth an answering throb from Draco, both from his own aching cock as well as from his stretched and filled hole. He squirmed and panted and writhed and bled until his body exploded into incandescent release.

Potter lifted his head as Draco climaxed beneath him, howling and thrashing at the pinnacle of his pleasure. When Draco finally went limp, motionless but for the tremors still quaking through him, Potter pressed two fingers to the wound at his throat and whispered an incantation, closing the small punctures. He then withdrew from his lover's quivering body, ignoring Draco's mumbled protest, and turned the blond to his stomach. The vampire gripped Draco's hips and tugged him up on his knees before mounting him and plunging the length of his rigid cock into his lover's pliant, relaxed body once more.

Draco could do little more than clutch the bedding and hang on as he was treated to the most deliciously forceful fuck of his entire life. His hips undulated beneath Potter's powerful thrusts, and his spent cock twitched into hardness once more. His breath was being expelled in harsh puffs while he was being reamed quite mercilessly, and when Draco's second orgasm hit, he screamed at the intensity, not even aware when he collapsed face down.

When Draco came to, he was encased by a pair of strong arms with Potter spooned up behind him. The cleft of his arse was sticky with sex, and his hole stung and tingled pleasantly. His cock lay limply against his thigh, happy and replete. Draco stretched, relishing the small twinges of discomfort associated with a good, hard fuck, and smiled in satisfaction as he said, "A bloke could get used to this."

The arms about him tightened an instant before Potter's voice rumbled near his ear, "So could a vampire."

Fusion 2

comm: harrylovesdraco, content: top!harry, gift: birthday, content: creature fic, rating: nc17, creature: vampire

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