Title: Relaxing and Romantic 3
enchanted_jaeCharacters/Pairing: Charlie/Neville
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Written for:
neville100 Prompt No. 549 - Honestly
Warnings: None
Summary: Gryffindors aren't always fearless.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Neville tipped his face up and kissed Charlie. He drew back and smiled when he felt Charlie relax. "Are you anxious about riding in the gondola because you're not in control at the helm?"
Charlie dropped his gaze and plucked at the sleeve of his jumper. "I'm not a control freak," he replied. "It's just...I can't swim."
"Honestly?!" blurted Neville. "Forgive me. If I'd known that I wouldn't have insisted on a gondola ride."
"It's okay," said Charlie. "I wouldn't have wanted you to miss the opportunity. Besides, as you pointed out, our gondolier hasn't lost a passenger yet."