Like a Cat 90

Apr 05, 2024 19:57

Title: Like a Cat 90
Fandom: Cal Leandros
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s)/Pairing: Cal, Niko
Rating: PG
Written for: drabble_weekly Challenge No. 392 - buns
Warnings: First person pov (Cal's)
Word count: 100
Summary: So much for sleep
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rob Thurman, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.

After snacking on cereal and taking a quick shower, I collapsed into bed. Not even Spartacus purring like a chainsaw kept me from sleep.

I was dragged from a dream about trying to eat chili dogs without buns when my own damp towel hit me in the face. I sputtered awake and glared at my brother. "The hell, Nik?" I slurred.

"First of all, there is a perfectly serviceable hamper in the bathroom," he said. "Try using it instead of the floor. Second, we are going for a run."

"At six in the morning?"

"It's nearly eleven, Cal. Get up."

Like a Cat 91

verse: like a cat, comm: drabble_weekly/drabble_zone, content: gen fic, rating: pg, content: first person pov, fandom: cal leandros, length: 100 word drabble

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