Title: Expectant
enchanted_jaePairing(s): Scorpius/Rose, Ron/Hermione
Prompt: #H4: 19-year-old Rose tells her parents she's pregnant. Hermione doesn't think she's old enough to be a grandmother and Ron can't believe his first grandchild is going to be a Malfoy.
Summary: Rose and Scorpius have unexpected news to share with her parents.
Word Count: 979
Rating: PG13
Warnings/Contains: Mild language and threats of violence
Notes: Shout out to
robinellen for providing the beta.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
"This is going to be a disaster."
"You're not frightened, are you?"
"Of course, I'm frightened!" cried Scorpius. "Your parents are war heroes, Rose!"
"You knew that before you ever asked me out," Rose said, giving her boyfriend's hand a squeeze.
Scorpius frowned. "There's a vast difference between asking you to dinner and telling your parents that you're...that we're..."
"Pregnant?" Rose supplied with a grin.
Scorpius' shoulders nearly met his ears. "How the bloody hell did that even happen?"
"Seriously, Scorp?"
"I know how it happened," he amended. "It's just that we were so careful!"
Rose blinked back tears. "Don't you want to be a father? I thought you were happy about this."
Scorpius' expression softened, and he turned their hands to link their fingers. "I am incredibly happy," he whispered, reaching out with his free hand to tuck a lock of red hair behind Rose's ear. "I admired you from afar for years--"
"And up close and personal, more recently."
"Shush, Rosie. I'm having a moment here."
Rose giggled and tugged on her boyfriend's hand. "Come along. Let's get this moment with Mum and Dad over with."
Rose's Gryffindor courage failed her when faced with her parents. For that reason, she and Scorpius had been sitting for over an hour in the cozy parlour while making small talk over tea and biscuits.
Hermione set her cup down and pinned Rose with a maternal stare. "You've an expectant look about you."
Scorpius choked on a biscuit, while Rose squeaked out, "Sorry?"
"You look as though you're expecting something," Hermione clarified. "Is Hugo going to join us for a surprise visit?"
"If you can't handle those biscuits, Malfoy, hand them over," said Ron.
"His name is Scorpius, Dad."
Ron grimaced. "If you can't handle those biscuits, Scorpius, hand them over."
Scorpius coughed again and passed the platter of biscuits.
Rose spared a moment to roll her eyes at her father and her boyfriend before returning her attention to her mum. "I've no idea if Hugo is planning a surprise visit," she said. "However, we do have news for you."
Hermione set her tea cup down with a distinct clatter. "Rose Weasley, do not tell me you two are getting married."
Rose leaned back, stunned by her mother's vehemence. "What's wrong with getting married?"
"Nothing," said Hermione, "but you, both of you, need to finish uni first. You know how important your education is."
Ron leaned forward, sending Scorpius cowering back. "Why didn't you ask me for Rosie's hand first, you little numpty?" he snarled.
Scorpius shrank further. "But, I...we..."
"We are not getting married!" Rose exclaimed. "Dad, stop looming. Mum, stop lecturing."
Hermione took a deep breath, let it out, and pasted on a pleasant smile. "Very well, Rose. What news do you have to share?"
Rose drew in a deep breath of her own. She cleared her throat, dropped her eyes, and said, "I...we...you're going to be a grandmum."
Her mother blinked. Twice. "I beg your pardon? Did you just say grandmum?"
"Bloody fucking hell!" roared Ron, spewing biscuit crumbs. He lunged forward, hands reaching for Scorpius' throat.
Rose drew her wand. "Immobilus!" she cried, freezing her father and thwarting his attempt to murder her boyfriend.
"Rose Weasley, how could you?!"
Rose gaped at her mother. "He was about to attack Scorpius!"
"I meant, how could you fall pregnant?" Hermione exclaimed. "You're too young to be a mother! I'm too young to be a grandmother!"
Rose was torn between exasperation at her mum's histrionics and fondness for her. "You'll be an amazing grandmum," she said. Rose turned her attention to her father. He was still held motionless by her spell, but his eyes were spitting fire. "And you'll make a brilliant grandfather," she said, ending the spell on her dad with a flick of her wand.
Ron wobbled back and sank into his chair. He scrubbed a hand over his face. "I wanted better for you, Rosie."
"Oh, Dad, it will be fine, I promise," she said. "I'll still be able to finish uni; it will just take me longer."
"No, I meant I wanted better for you than a Malfoy."
"Oi, I'm right here, you know."
Ron met Scorpius' scowl with such a fierce glare that Scorpius subsided and slouched back in his seat.
"I love Scorpius," Rose said firmly. "We love one another. We are going to have a baby, and we would appreciate your support." She subjected both of her parents to a stern look.
"But, where will you live?" asked Hermione. "What will you do?"
Rose reached for Scorpius' hand, smiling when he gave her fingers a squeeze. "We'll get a flat near school," she said. "Both of us plan to complete our courses and become gainfully employed."
Hermione took a bracing sip of tepid tea. "Do you plan to get married?"
"I thought you were against us getting married," teased Rose.
"That was before I knew you were pregnant," Hermione snapped.
Rose grinned at her. "Yes, mum, we've discussed it," she said. "We may wish to wait until after the baby is born, however."
"That's good," said Ron. "That way, the baby will be a Weasley."
"We plan to give the baby my last name, sir," Scorpius muttered.
"Malfoy," Ron groaned. He took bite of his biscuit and chewed angrily. His eyes brightened suddenly, and he straightened in his chair. "I can't wait to see your father's reaction to a Malfoy with ginger hair."
"That went better than I expected."
"Your father tried to kill me!"
"Nonsense," said Rose. "He was simply overwrought."
"Overwrought, she says," scoffed Scorpius. "I was fortunate to walk out of there with my life and limbs intact."
Rose leaned her head on his shoulder. "It was good practice."
"Practice?" echoed Scorpius. "Practice for what?"
"We still need to tell your parents our happy news."
Scorpius groaned. "Bloody hell."