Moldy Old Ghost

Oct 31, 2022 20:13

Title: Moldy Old Ghost
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Riddle, Hermione
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Minor language and violence
Word count: 1010
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for aubergineautumn, using the prompt eerie with a green glow
Summary: George spiked the punch, and Harry deals with the consequences.

Harry stepped outside and closed the French doors firmly behind him. Doing so drowned out the sounds of the party, which were making Harry's head pound. The cool night air felt terrific on his flushed face. Harry had grown overheated indoors, and a breath of fresh air was just what he needed.

He tipped his head back and looked up. What stars he could see through the clouds seemed to shimmer, twinkle, and even dance in the night sky. He giggled a little and hiccupped. Harry clapped a hand over his mouth. He hadn't drank anything stronger than the fruit punch.

"George," he muttered. "Tha' plonker mushed've added alcohol."

Harry couldn't remain angry with his friend. Besides, the fresh air was already helping to clear his head. He could still hear muted music from inside, and Harry began to hum along.

"Harry Potter"

Harry stopped humming and cocked his head.

"Harry Potter"

"Who said that?" he demanded loudly. There was no response. Harry stood, silent and still, and listened a moment longer. When he heard nothing further, he turned to make his way back inside.

"Harry Potter"

Harry whirled around, nearly tripping over his own feet in the process. "Who's there?!"


"Piss off!" snarled Harry, intent on returning to the party.

"Come to me, Harry Potter."

Harry took two unsteady steps off of the flagstones and into the garden. "Who's there?" he asked again.

"Help me, Harry Potter."

Harry tottered into the garden in search of the voice. "Where are you?"

"Ahead. To your right. No, your other right."

Harry weaved around some bushes, caromed off a tree or two, and nearly fell into a fountain.

"Here I am."

Harry looked around. The area was suffused with an eerie green glow, but he couldn't discern any shapes within it. "I don't see you."

"Look up, Harry Potter."

Harry tipped his head back, grabbing a low branch of the tree he'd halted by to assist him with balance. "Oh hello, Tom," he greeted the apparition above him.

The Dark Lord glared down from his perch in the tree. "That's Lord Voldemort to you."

"Okay," said Harry. "Then you hafta call me by my title: The Savior of the Wizarding World."

Riddle's nostrils would have flared if he'd had a nose. "I shall call you Harry."

"Then I shall call you Tom. Why are you here?" asked Harry. "I thought you were dead."

"It's Halloween night," said Riddle. "This is when the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is the thinnest."

"Yeah, yeah, heard it all before," said Harry. "That doesn't answer my keshton."

"I am here to avenge myself," Riddle stated.

"I see," mused Harry, rubbing his chin with his free hand. "How d'you plan to do that?"


"You don't have a body," Harry pointed out. "That means you can't punch me in the nose. You don't have a wand either."

Riddle seemed taken aback. "I, well, I have my faithful familiar, Nagini." He gestured to his left.

Harry peered in that direction, but he saw nothing. "She's dead, too," he said. "Neville killed her all dead. Off with her head!" he cried, making a slashing motion with his arm. "It was brilliant!"

"Insolent brats, the both of you," Riddle seethed. "That I should have been undone by mere children is unthinkable."

"Eh, you weren't all that and a bag of crisps, you know," said Harry. "Face it, Tom. You couldn't even kill a baby."

"How dare you?!"

"Blah blah, Riddle says what now?" taunted Harry, cupping a hand to his ear.

Riddle sputtered in outrage and vanished from the branch he'd been seated on. He reappeared in front of Harry, spectral wand in his ghostly hand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Harry yawned. "You're not riddle, Real. I mean, you're not real, Riddle, and neither is your wand. Why don't you go haunt the old folks' home? Stay away from the nursery, however. The babies will only laugh at you."

"Grah!" roared Riddle. He lunged at Harry, stabbing at him with his wand as if it were a sword.

Harry flinched and giggled. "Stop. That tickles."

"I hate you, Harry Potter!"

"You hated everyone, Tom," said Harry. "That was your problem all along. I had love on my side. Neener neener." He stuck out his tongue.

Riddle's face twisted with rage, and his mouth worked soundlessly.

"You're boring me, Tom," said Harry, yawning once more. "Aside from that, this garden isn't large enough for both of us, so run along." Harry patted his pockets and his sleeves. "Bloody hell, where is my wand? Never mind, I don't need it." Harry tightened his grip on the tree branch and twirled his other hand round and round, creating swirling currents of air. He then thrust his hand at Riddle, along with the wind he'd conjured, and sent Riddle's essence tumbling end over end.

Just before he disappeared back through the veil, Riddle yelled, "You haven't seen the last of me, Harry Potter!"

"Piss off, you moldy old ghost," scoffed Harry, flapping a hand in the direction he'd last seen Riddle. He turned around, intending to rejoin the party. Harry took three steps, came to a fork in the path, and hesitated. "Where am I? And really, where is my wand?"

A soft hoot sounded from above him. Harry glanced up again and smiled. "Hello, Hedwig," he said. "You're as bootiful as ever, even though you're all glowy. Can you lead me back to the manor, love?"

Hedwig hooted again and sprang into flight. Harry trotted to keep up with her. In moments, the manor with its cheerfully lighted windows came into view. Hedwig soared higher and flew into the night sky.

"Thanks, Hedwig!" Harry called after her, waving and weaving. As he approached the French doors, they burst open and Hermione rushed out.

"Harry, where were you? We were worried!"

"I was jus' out in the gardens, talking to Tom and Hedwig."

Hermione scowled at him. "Did you drink any of that punch?"

"Yes." Harry nodded so vigorously he nearly tipped over. "It was brilliant!"

content: humor, content: drunk fic, content: gen fic, content: dialogue heavy/only, gift: birthday, rating: pg

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