Mixed-Up Misturbation

Dec 27, 2020 15:46

I'm taking a break from my Yuletide verse to update one of my annual holiday series.

Title: Mixed-Up Misturbation Part of my Tinsel and Mistletoe verse. Can be read as a stand-alone.
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco, Hermione, Pansy, ocs
Rating: R
Warning(s): Pending sexual activity
Word count: 555
Summary: A Polyjuice mix-up leads to an awkward scene.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Jae's Non-Advent Drabbles No. 3 - Tinsel, Holly, Mistletoe for groolover
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2020 No. 27 - Tinsel
newyearcntdown New Year's Countdown Challenge, Day 27 - Mistletoe

Harry helped himself to a fancy cocktail from the tray that Holly brought around. Each year, Harry and Draco hosted a fabulous holiday party, and the hired help all went by festive, themed names. It had begun years ago, when Draco hired two male strippers, Mike and Tim, to help with the party. Mistletoe and Tinsel, as they called themselves, had been such a hit with their guests, that Harry and Draco had them come back each year. They no longer stripped, but they enjoyed the extra money during the hols. Now, Mike's wife Valerie helped out, along with their friends, Barry and his wife, Veronica. Barry and Mike tended bar and mixed drinks, while the others circulated among the guests with trays of drinks and food.

Harry turned his head at a burst of laughter, smiling when he saw that Hermione and Pansy had their heads together and were giggling over something. "What mischief do you reckon those two are plotting?" asked Harry.

"Nothing quite so naughty as what we're planning for later," Draco replied with a smirk. The two of them were in the habit of nicking some hairs from one of their well-built staff each year, then having their own, Polyjuice-fueled celebration later, after the guests had left.

Harry grinned back at Draco. "Would it be rude to ask our guests to leave early this year?"


In the end, Harry and Draco were gracious hosts and allowed their guests to leave when they chose. It was after midnight when the last one was ushered out. The hosts assured their helpful staff that they could handle the clean-up. Once the house was theirs again, Harry and Draco dashed up the stairs.

They stripped and dropped the hairs they'd nicked into glasses of Polyjuice potion. Harry waited until Draco's body reformed into the bulkier body of Mistletoe. He couldn't wait to run his hands over all those muscles.

Harry gulped his potion down, shuddering at the vile taste and consistency. When his body finished shifting, he opened his eyes, only to see Draco staring back at him in horror. Harry's heart sank, wondering if he'd accidentally nicked Holly's hair or Vixen's. One look at the mirror revealed the truth was much worse.

"Bloody hell!"

Mistletoe rubbed the back of his neck. "This is awkward."

"Awkward!" Harry squawked. His voice sounded strange, yet familiar, coming from his/Draco's mouth. "This is a disaster! How did one of your hairs end up on Tim's coat?!"

"We hung their coats in the cupboard, alongside our own."

Harry's dismay at the situation didn't prevent him from reaching for his/Draco's cock and giving it a stroke. "Huh, you really are quite sensitive at the tip."

"Don't just stand there, wanking my cock," said Mistletoe. "Get on the bed."

"What?! We can't have sex like this!"

"Why not?" asked Draco/Mistletoe. "It will be the ultimate form of masturbation for me."

"Oh my Godric," groaned Harry. Still, it seemed a shame to waste the Polyjuice. "Are you sure about this?"

Draco shrugged. "If it proves too traumatic for me, I'll let you Obliviate me later."

"Okay," Harry agreed, before repeating it. "Okay. Let's do this. Lie down and open wide."

"Are you mad?" scoffed Draco. "I'm going to top. I deserve to experience for myself what a fine arse I have."

Breast Laid Plans

content: role play, content: polyjuice, comm: newyearcntdown, content: established relationship, verse: tinsel and mistletoe, rating: r, content: humor, challenge: non-advent, challenge: dh100 special challenge, content: potions mishap

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