Santa Bring My Baby Back to Me

Dec 26, 2020 15:08

Banner by the delightful

Title: Santa Bring My Baby Back to Me
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco, other HP characters, ocs
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual activity
Word count: 1110
Summary: Oh, baby, it's Boxing Day!
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
adventdrabbles Prompt 26 - Bouche De Noel/Yule Log
♦ Jae's Non-Advent Drabbles No. 2:
♦ Boxing Day for riverotter1951
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2020 No. 26 - Boxing Day
newyearcntdown New Year's Countdown Challenge, Day 26 - Greetings

By the time Boxing Day arrived, the children were exhausted. There had been the excitement of Christmas morning at home, followed by spending the day at the Burrow. In the evening, Harry and Draco had taken their family to the Manor for Christmas with Narcissa, who bought more presents than any three children needed.

When Harry woke up on the morning of Boxing Day, the house was blessedly quiet. He grinned and pressed a kiss to Draco's shoulder. Draco responded with an irritable shrug.

"Don't be like that," Harry cajoled. "We need to take advantage whenever the children are sleeping. Besides, it's our anniversary."

"Bugger off. 'M tired."

"I'll do all the work," promised Harry. He disappeared beneath the covers and tugged Draco's pyjama bottoms off, along with his new reindeer pants. Harry treated his husband to a lovely suck, then pushed into Draco's relaxed and pliant body.

"Feels good," sighed Harry. Draco responded with a lazy hum. Harry moved slowly at first, gradually increasing the pace until he had to bury his face in Draco's neck to muffle his cries of completion. After catching his breath, he eased out and tugged Draco against his side.

"Dibs on the shower," Harry murmured.

Draco's eyes opened properly for the first time that morning. "I get to shower first."


Draco huffed and clambered out of bed, naked from the waist down. He bent to pick up his pyjama bottoms, and Harry's cock twitched in renewed interest.

Draco straightened and frowned. "Where are my pants?"

"I dunno," Harry replied around a yawn. He reached down by his feet and produced Draco's pants. "Here they are!"

Draco snatched them and stalked into the en suite. His exit would have been more impressive, had he not had a hitch in his gait. Harry smirked and sprawled across the bed, pleased with the opportunity to sleep awhile longer.

Jasmin began to wail from the nursery.

Harry groaned and sat up, searching for his own cast-off articles of clothing. "Where are my pants?"


Preparing for their Boxing Day party was a family affair. Harry put the minions to work, giving Carolyn the task of folding serviettes, while Benjamin was in charge of arranging biscuits on a platter. The results were less than perfect, but Harry didn't care.

Ron, Hermione, and their children were among the first guests to arrive, followed quickly by Neville and Luna and their family. Greetings were exchanged, and the children dashed off to play. Ron ambled over to the buffet to peruse the food being offered. As in prior years, Harry and Draco had put out an assortment of finger foods, reckoning everyone would be feasted out. For dessert, there was figgy pudding and a Bouche De Noel, along with a variety of drinks for adults and children alike.

Soon, the ballroom was filled with happy guests and bright-eyed children. Harry found Kingsley and formally introduced his children to the Minister of Magic. When Carolyn and Ben scampered off to play again, Kingsley clapped a hand onto Harry's shoulder and said, "I don't blame you, my boy. I would have cursed Skeeter, too."

Harry's lips parted in surprise. "But, I'm not the-"

"Arthur!" boomed Kingsley, waving across the room. He strode away, leaving Harry gaping after him.

"Close your mouth, Harry."

Harry turned to see Draco grinning at him. He was holding a plate of nibbles, when last Harry knew, Draco had been holding their daughter.

"Where's Jasmin?"

"Pansy has her, I believe."

Harry forced himself to stop worrying about the baby.

"Why did you look as if you'd been hit by a Stunner?" asked Draco.

Harry's mouth turned down. "KIngsley is convinced I'm the one who cursed Skeeter."

Draco took a moment to consider that before saying, "You certainly had motive, and you've been known to perform powerful magic without a wand."

Harry rocked back on his heels. "Don't tell me you think I did it."

"I know I didn't do it."

"None of us knows for certain if Skeeter was cursed because of what she wrote about our family," Harry pointed out. "She has a bad habit of hacking people off."

Pansy approached with Jasmin, and Harry was glad of the interruption. He took the baby in his arms and swiped at her tears and drool. "She's teething."

"Would you care for some champers, Pans?" asked Draco.

"Oh, ah, no thank you," she demurred.

Harry's eyebrows lifted. "But, you adore champagne."

Draco smiled. "Congratulations. I assume Blaise knows?"

"Knows what?" asked Harry, wincing as Jasmin gnawed on his thumb.

"Yes, we simply haven't made an announcement yet," Pansy replied.

Everything finally clicked for Harry, and he grinned at her. "Congratulations. Why not announce it tonight? The Potter-Malfoy Boxing Day party has a reputation to uphold for weddings and proposals. Why don't you add a baby announcement to the mix?"

"Would you mind?" asked Pansy, her eyes sparkling. "We wouldn't want to upstage you."

"Pansy, nothing can upstage the night you angrily yelled out a wedding proposal to Blaise in this very ballroom," drawled Draco.

She laughed at the reminder. "Very well, let me see if Blaise is agreeable. If not, please keep it to yourselves for now." Pansy took her leave, presumably in search of her husband.

Harry was about to say something when Narcissa approached and plucked the baby from his arms. "Oh, you poor thing," she cooed to Jasmin. "Let grandmum get you something for those sore gums."

Harry was left staring as if hit by a Stunner. Again.

Draco chuckled and bumped Harry's shoulder. "Babies are community property," he said. "You should know that from spending time with the Weasley horde."

"It's different when it's our baby," Harry said, sighing forlornly. He soothed his doldrums by nicking a biscuit off Draco's plate.


There was a tinkle of silver on crystal, and everyone quieted and looked around.

"If I may have your attention," said Blaise, his voice carrying almost as well as Kingsley's did. He wrapped an arm around Pansy and tugged her snug to his side. "I wish to announce that Pansy and I are expecting a baby next year."

Over the cheers and cries of "Congratulations!", Ron shouted out, "I'll give you my Baby on Board shirt, Zabini!"

The offer earned a laugh from the assemblage, and various people began approaching the happy couple to offer more personal congratulations.

Harry slung an arm around Draco's waist and pulled him close, mimicking the Zabinis' pose. "We have the best parties, don't we, Mr Potter-Malfoy?" he mused, stealthily reaching for Draco's plate again.

"We certainly do, Mr Potter-Malfoy," said Draco. "And, keep your hands off my biscuits."

Fill My Heart with Joy

content: oral, comm: newyearcntdown, content: established relationship, rating: r, content: fluff, content: humor, content: top!harry, comm: adventdrabbles, content: kid(s), challenge: dh100 special challenge, challenge: non-advent, verse: yuletide

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