Title: Dragon Brew 41
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione, Dean
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Language
Word count: 715
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Gift for
adafrog, in thanks for providing the beta on one of this year's
hp_bunintheoven fest fics for me. She asked for an update to
Dragon Brew, with the prompt of pink.
hp_coffeehouse Prompt No. 41 - Coffee drinkers tend to live longer.
Summary: Rumors fly, and Harry ends up in the middle of an Auror love triangle...and it's all Draco's fault.
All too soon, it was time for Harry to return to the Ministry. He'd enjoyed flirting with the handsome barista at Dragon Brew, but he could no longer neglect his duties as an Auror. He could hear Hermione's voice in his head, berating him for skiving off.
After dropping some additional coins in Luna's donation jar, Harry headed for the door of the coffee shop. He paused when he spied a new item in the section where Malfoy displayed merchandise. There was a pink hoodie with the slogan Coffee drinkers tend to live longer on it. The hoodie would be perfect for Hermione, never mind how much of a nag she could be.
Harry levitated the hoodie off of its hook on the wall and took it to the counter.
Malfoy finished ringing up another customer then quirked a brow when Harry set the garment on the counter. "Are you certain that will fit you, Potter?"
"It's for Hermione, you wanker."
"Isn't she a married woman?"
"Yes, but I believe I can lure her away from Ron with this delightful pink hoodie from Dragon Brew," Harry deadpanned.
Malfoy laughed at the jest as he rang up Harry's purchase. "If this doesn't work, let me know," he said, placing the hoodie in a bag. "I can always order something more sparkly."
The bell over the door jangled, signaling a new arrival, so Harry only had time to get in one more riposte. "I'm trying to woo Hermione, not Luna," he teased.
"Bloody hell, mate, Ron is going to murder you."
Harry spun around to see Dean standing behind him. He chuckled nervously. "Oh hello, Dean," he said. "I'm not...that is, I was only-"
"The Kneazle is out of the bag now!" crowed Malfoy, handing Harry the bag containing the hoodie. "I can see tomorrow's headline in the Prophet: Auror Love Triangle!"
"Oh my Godric," groaned Harry. "If that makes the paper, it's you who'll be getting murdered. By me."
Having waited until Dean got a refill in his I ♥ Draco Malfoy cup, Harry accompanied his friend and fellow Auror back to the Ministry. He jiggled the bag while they took the lift to the DMLE's level. "I'm giving this to Hermione for her assistance with the Quatermain case," Harry explained.
"Ri-ight," drawled Dean, his dark eyes dancing with humor.
Harry glared at him. "Don't you be starting any rumors," he warned, jabbing Dean in the chest with a forefinger.
Dean winced and laughed at the same time. "It's not me you need to worry about," he said. "It's all those other people who were in Dragon Brew."
Harry let his head fall back against the wall of the lift. "Ron is going to murder me."
When the lift came to a halt, Harry firmed his jaw and marched to his doom. He nearly collided with a solid chest when Ron stepped in his path to confront him.
"What's this I hear about you trying to nick my wife, Potter?" Ron's mouth was set in a grim line, but the corners of his eyes were crinkled with amusement.
Harry took a step back, agog with dismay. "How did that rumor get here before we did?!" He shook his head and sidled past Ron, who fell in behind him. Dean took up the rear of their procession, while hushed whispers followed their progress.
Harry strode directly to Hermione's office, knocked on the jamb of the open door, and entered. He set the bag on her desk. "I brought you a gift," he said with stiff formality.
Hermione beamed and opened the bag, shaking out the pink hoodie. "It's wonderful, Harry, thank you!" she gushed. Hermione then scowled at her husband, who was lurking in the doorway. "You never bring me gifts, Ronald."
Dean hooted out a laugh while Harry threw his hands up in the air. Ron ducked his head and rubbed a hand over the back of his neck.
"You may wish to step up your game, Ron," teased Dean. "Hermione will be kicking you to the kerb and moving Harry in before you know it."
"For the last time, I'm not trying to pull Hermione!" Harry exclaimed. "I fancy Malfoy!"
"Malfoy?!" cried Ron. "Bloody hell. I think I'd rather you were trying to steal Hermione."
Dragon Brew 42