Cock and Bull 22

Aug 17, 2019 21:25

Banner by herumtreiber

Title: Cock and Bull 22
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, omc
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 650
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: The hell of it.
Summary: Special delivery!

"Why can't I use my wand?"

"Because it's for emergencies only," Harry said through gritted teeth. "And, need I remind you that you're the one who told Fairtrace we'd be ever so delighted to take on a pony and a donkey. For that reason, you can just put your back into this project."

"But, you're using magic," Draco argued.

"It's a good thing, too," said Harry. "Otherwise, framing up a new stall would take twice as long."


"Draco, the sooner we get this stall built, the sooner Fairtrace can deliver the dog and pony."

"Donkey and pony," Draco corrected him.

"I meant what I said," Harry growled. "This entire enterprise has turned into a dog and pony show." As if to prove his point, Frankie snapped at a buzzing insect and knocked over a tin of nails.


Once the stall was built and temporary fencing divided the paddock, Harry rang Roger Fairtrace and told him they were ready for the two newest members of the farm family. An hour later, Fairtrace drove in, hauling a trailer behind his Land Rover.

Harry had been tinkering with his lawn mower, and he walked out of the shed, wiping his hands on a rag. Draco burst out of the house, nearly running Harry over in his haste to meet Joe and Marigold. Fairtrace suppressed a grin as he walked to the back of the trailer, a lead rope in hand. Meanwhile, Frankie darted to and fro, barking at everything and nothing until Harry called her over to heel.

Fairtrace opened the trailer and walked up the ramp. He came back down, leading a sturdy gray pony. Behind them capered a miniature donkey.

"Does she need a lead rope?" asked Draco, gesturing to Marigold.

"Nah, she'll follow Joe," Fairtrace replied. "The two of them are like peas in a pod." True to his word, Marigold followed the pony, trotting along to keep up with Joe's ambling gait.

Draco dashed ahead of them to open the gate to the paddock. Maude and Rusty peered over the fence that now divided the small pasture, ears perked forward as they watched the new arrivals. Rusty whickered once, while Maude cut loose with her usual whinny-hee-haw. Joe whinnied back, while Marigold saved her breath for trotting.

Fairtrace led Joe through the open gate and snapped the lead from his halter. Marigold walked into the paddock and brayed. Fairtrace came back out, but Draco elected to stay behind with the new pony and donkey. Fairtrace closed the gate and leaned over it.

Harry joined him, in time to see Draco walk around Joe, head cocked to one side.

"He is large enough for you to ride, Harry," he commented from the paddock.

Harry sighed but didn't respond.

"He's also harness trained," said Fairtrace. "You can take your truck over to Reggie's place and load up the old pony cart. The kids said you could have it. The cart'll be smaller than that wagon your mule pulls, but Joe can get you somewhere faster than the mule."

"I'll keep that in mind," said Harry.

Draco had leaned down and was scratching Marigold's long ears. She pushed her head against his chest and whuffled. He laughed and slapped her neck.

"Looks like Malfoy would like to make her a house pet."

"Don't give him any ideas," muttered Harry.

Fairtrace chuckled and clapped Harry on the back. "I need to get back to the Mrs," he said. "I'll tell her I saw Firefly and that he's settled in here." He gave a final wave and climbed back into his truck.

Harry returned his attention to the paddock. Joe was at the fence, acquainting himself with Rusty and Maude, while Marigold continued to soak up Draco's attention.

Draco looked up at Harry and grinned. "She's so small, she could be a house pet," he said.

Harry rolled his eyes and firmly said, "No."

Cock and Bull 23

content: humor, content: fluff, content: pet(s), verse: cock and bull, rating: pg, content: bickering

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