The Heat Is On 12

Jul 01, 2019 20:58

Title: The Heat Is On 12
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, mild dub-con
Word count: 585
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for dayday1223, who requested The Heat Is On
hp_creatures July prompt headache
Summary: The new bedroom suite arrives, and someone can't wait to christen it.

"A little more to the right...yes, yes...there! That's perfect," said Draco, directing the burly blokes who had delivered the suite of bedroom furniture from Fernie's Fine Furnishings. Now that the bed was exactly where he wanted it, Draco set about indicating where he wanted the bureaus, the armoire, and the bedside tables. Finally, everything was arranged to his satisfaction.

He escorted the men back downstairs and to the newly restored Floo. "The dining room set will arrive tomorrow, correct?" Draco asked.

"Yes sir, Mr Malfoy," one of them replied. "Mr Fernie will contact you to arrange for delivery."

"Very good," said Draco. "Thank you for your help," he added, dismissing them and watching as they disappeared through the Floo.

Draco returned to the bedroom and began removing his clothing from storage boxes and putting the items away, like a civilized wizard. He was busy sending his pants into the top drawer of his bureau when he was accosted by a savage werewolf.

"No frilly knickers?" drawled Potter. "I am disappointed."

Draco jumped and his wand wavered, dropping several pairs of his favorite pants on the floor. Seething, he turned around and snapped, "If you want to wear knickers, be my guest. I, however, choose to wear pants."

Draco resumed putting articles of clothing away.

"Is that our new bed?"

"Yes...I mean, no."

"Malfoy, if you must lie, then lie down on the bed."

Draco's chin lifted. "That was awful, even by your uncouth standards."

Potter had the gall to grin at him. "Awful or not, it's time to christen our new bed."

"I have a headache," Draco blurted.

"It's from lack of sex."

"It most certainly is not!"

Potter smirked and began removing his clothing. As his firm chest came into view, Draco gulped and reached down to press his hand against his burgeoning erection.

"Come, my insatiable little Veela," Potter cajoled. "You know you want to shag."

Draco bit back a curse and began getting undressed. It was simply to avoid any damage to his clothing, for Potter would surely tear them off of him if he didn't do it himself.

"Ruddy wolf," he muttered under his breath.

"You want to do it wolf-style, you say?" asked Potter. "Brilliant, that's my favorite position, too."

Draco's lip curled, but he refrained from saying anything else. Once he was nude, he climbed onto the bed. Potter pounced on him immediately.

"Take it easy!" Draco bleated.

Potter snickered and moved into position behind him. He gripped Draco's hips, chanted a standard lubricating spell, and breached Draco's body with a well-placed thrust.

"That hurt, you cur!"

"Do you want me to stop?"


"I thought not," said Potter. He settled into a smooth rhythm, causing Draco to clench his teeth together to prevent any moans from escaping.

"How does...the bed feel?" Potter panted.

"Feels good...don't stop," puffed Draco. He was talking about the bed, of course, but he was grateful when Potter's tempo didn't falter. The new bed withstood their vigorous activity with nary a squeak of protest. Draco added a few squeaks of his own, just for the sake of it. His squeaks turned to a louder, more passionate cry when he climaxed.

Potter grunted like an animal when he came, whereupon he slumped on top of Draco, mashing his face into the new pillows. Draco got him with an elbow, and Potter clambered off of him.

"Oaf," Draco growled.

Potter let the insult slide. "This bed is fantastic," he said. "What shall we christen next?"

creature: werewolf, verse: the heat is on, rating: nc17, content: bickering, creature: veela, comm: hp_creatures, content: humor, content: top!harry, gift: birthday, content: creature fic, content: awful lines, content: dub-con

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