Down to His Pants 8

Jun 30, 2019 14:29

Title: Down to His Pants 8
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters/Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Written for:
draco100 Prompt No. 71 - forgiven
harry100 Prompt No. 366 - Silencio
Warnings: Sexual content
Summary: Draco has lost all inhibition.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.

They lay side-by-side on the Transfigured bed, not quite touching as they panted for breath. Draco's body tingled and ached in the most delicious way possible, and a satisfied smile curved his lips.

"You didn't warn me you're a screamer, Malfoy."

Heat flooded Draco's cheeks. He wasn't a screamer. At least, he'd never been before. Potter, however, had utterly wrecked him with sex. Draco hadn't been able to contain his passionate cries. A horrible thought occurred to him, and he sat upright.

"Merlin! What if someone heard?!"

"Relax," said Potter. "I cast a Silencio."

"Oh. In that case, you're forgiven."

Down to His Pants 9

verse: down to his pants, comm: draco100, content: eighth year, rating: r, comm: harry100, length: 100 word drabble

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