Naked Longing 5

May 18, 2019 21:52

Title: Naked Longing 5
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Word count: 1030
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for twistedm, who asked for more of Naked Longing
Summary: Harry is getting nervous about his future with Draco.

Harry fought the urge to check his watch. Again. He'd been nervously counting the hours all day, even though his logical mind told him he had nothing to worry about.

Sixteen days and ten hours.

As far as Harry knew, that was the longest that Draco had been with any other bloke. This was the sixteenth day they had been together, and Harry had been on edge the entire time, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Draco had given no indication that he was becoming bored with their affair, but Harry didn't dare get his hopes up too high. Initially, he'd been in it for a one-off, but he'd quickly come to realize that he'd never get enough of Draco Malfoy. Draco was a passionate beast, utterly unrestrained in bed. And, the way his body clamped down on Harry's cock when he came...

Bloody hell, Harry was getting hard just thinking about it.

Draco had seemed as spell-shocked as Harry when they'd first gotten it on, but was it enough to keep him coming back for more?

Harry sighed and raked a hand through his hair. They were having dinner together this evening. If Draco was bored and running true to form, he would throw Harry over in a dramatic, public fashion. Harry could only hope that wasn't how his evening would end.

"You seem distracted."

Harry glanced up from the menu, meeting Draco's eyes. "Hm?"

"I said, you seem distracted," Draco repeated, eyes narrowing slightly.

Harry pasted on a fake smile. "My apologies," he said, giving Draco his full attention. "Tell me about your day."

One blond brow quirked upward, but Draco didn't question Harry's conversational gambit. "Pansy and I plundered Knightsbridge, where I helped her diminish her husband's vaults," he replied.

Harry laughed, imagining it. "It's lucky for her the old codger adores her. What about you?" he asked. "Did you buy out the other half of Knightsbridge?"

"Alas, I have no doddering, doting husband to fund such adventures," Draco responded with a chuckle.

They placed their orders for dinner and waited until they were alone again before resuming the discussion. Harry decided to do some subtle interrogating, under the guise of humor.

"Are you planning to throw me over for a distinguished, older gent whose coffers rival the Malfoy vaults?"

"Hm," Draco mused, appearing to mull the suggestion over. "If I do so, will you remain on as my side piece?"

"Draco Malfoy!" Harry whispered in shock.

Draco chuckled. "My wealthy, older husband may be able to satisfy my urge to shop, but I doubt he can satisfy my...other desires."

Harry found himself cheered by the words. "Are you saying I'm capable of satisfying your carnal desires?" he murmured.

"Mm, yes," Draco replied, his pupils expanding. "Shall we skive off and head back to yours?"

It was a tempting offer, but Harry declined. "I'm hungry," he said. "Plus, we'll need our energy for later."

Draco grinned. "I find myself looking forward to later."

"So am I," said Harry, hoping that later meant the same thing to Draco as it did to him.

Once they returned to Harry's, it hadn't taken them long to get naked and fall on Harry's large bed. They were twined together, snogging like randy teens, while their hard cocks pressed against one another. When Harry felt he may come, just like this, he moved to get the main event underway. Harry leaned back and gasped for air, then pushed Draco's shoulder.

Draco, however, resisted. He sat up and said, "I want to ride you."

Harry grinned up at him and rolled slowly to his back. Draco helped himself to the lubricant, working it up and down Harry's shaft until Harry was twisting on the bed and moaning.

"Enough," he rasped. "You'll make me come too soon."

Draco smirked at him, giving Harry one final stroke before he tossed the bottle of lube aside and moved to straddle Harry. He leaned forward and reached back, positioning Harry's cock, and then he sank down. Both of them groaned.

Harry gripped Draco's hips. He wanted to pull him down and thrust up at the same time, but he refrained. Sweat popped out on his brow as he allowed Draco to set the pace. Unfortunately, Draco seemed to be in the mood for torture.

He took Harry into himself in agonizing increments. Once he was fully seated, Draco leaned over and pressed their lips together. Harry had had enough of kissing, but he indulged his lover. Draco sat up again and raised himself slowly. He paused when just the tip of Harry's cock was still inside, then clenched his muscles.

"Oh my god!" cried Harry, arching helplessly off the bed and driving himself deeper into Draco.

Rather than take offense, Draco emitted a husky laugh and bore Harry back down with an emphatic thrust of his own. He followed it up with another and another. It seemed that the playfulness was at an end, as each of them sought to achieve release.

Draco braced himself with one hand planted on Harry's chest, while he used the other hand to wank with. His breath was coming in panting huffs, and his movements became frenzied. A moment later, he threw his head back with a shout and spattered Harry with the results of his orgasm. His body tightened, clamping down on Harry's prick to the point that Harry couldn't thrust. He didn't mind; the sensation of being squeezed by Draco's inner muscles was intensely satisfying.

When Draco relaxed enough that Harry could move again, he thrust up once, twice, and climaxed with a lusty groan.

Draco drooped forward, his damp body draping artfully across Harry. It was a hot and sticky embrace, but Harry wouldn't have moved for the world. Eventually, Draco slithered off of him and flopped onto his back, where they lay side by side.

"Mm, that was brilliant," sighed Draco, a satisfied smile curving his lips. "I may have to marry you, to keep you from getting away."

Harry's eyes widened in delighted surprise. He rolled over and slung a leg over Draco's in a possessive manner and growled, "I'm not going anywhere."

verse: naked longing, gift: birthday, content: possessive!harry, content: flangst, content: flirting, rating: nc17, content: bottoming from the top

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