Unexpected Surprise 5

Nov 10, 2017 15:49

Title: Unexpected Surprise 5
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry
Rating: R
Warning(s): Mpreg, sexual activity
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hogwarts365 Prompt No. 217 - argument
hp_bunintheoven November prompt - "You're getting a vasectomy."
Author's note: This is part of my Unexpected Surprise verse, but you needn't read the others; just be aware that Draco and Harry have five children between them, and another on the way.
Summary: Harry won't let it go.

Harry's stomach was getting in the way of sex, which was another reason he was determined to fix his husband, once and for all. At the moment, however, they had solved the logistical problem. Harry was crouched on all fours on the bed, while Draco shagged him carefully from behind. It was satisfying, but Harry missed the hot monkey sex they used to have BC...before children.

Draco saw to Harry's pleasure before pursuing his own. Once both of them had gotten off, Draco eased out gently and tugged Harry into position to spoon him. He ran one hand lightly over the mound of Harry's stomach, smiling as he felt the baby move.

Harry decided to attack while Draco's defenses were down. "You're getting a vasectomy, and that's final."

Draco tensed. "Can we save this argument for another day?" he whined.

"There is no argument," said Harry. "You're getting fixed, and that's final."

"If I have to get fixed, so do you," Draco insisted. "After all, we can't have you getting me up the duff in a fit of passion, can we?"

Harry cringed, hand going to cover his bits automatically. "Erm, maybe we could use condoms, instead?"

"How about we use common sense, instead?" countered Draco. "We can keep our heads about us and avoid shagging on nights of the new moon."

"We haven't done a good job of it so far," Harry muttered.

"We were young and foolish then."

"It was just seven months ago!"

"We'll be more careful in the future," Draco said. "Neither of us has to undergo the indignity of being neutered like a crup or a kneazle."

"I should knock you up once more."

"Merlin's beard, Harry! We're going to have six children as is. Do you want to outnumber the Weasleys?"

"No, but this is my third pregnancy, and you've only gone through it twice."

"I had twins the second time!" Draco snapped. "My stretch marks have stretch marks from that!"

The outburst left Harry snickering, which earned him a kick from the baby. "Ow," he complained, rubbing his stomach.

"You deserved that," said Draco, having felt the kick from the outside.

"Shut your gob and go to sleep."

verse: unexpected surprise, comm: hogwarts365, comm: hp_bunintheoven, content: established relationship, content: mpreg, rating: r, content: bickering, content: kid(s), content: top!draco

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