Vampire/Wizard Relations

Nov 08, 2017 20:10

Title: Vampire/Wizard Relations
Author/Artist: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry, Hermione
Word Count: 1165
Rating: R
Warning(s): Implied sex, mild dub-con, creature fic
Disclaimer:Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for monrque, who asked for vampire!Draco, sacrificial lamb Harry
hp_creatures November prompt surprise
slythindor100 Challenge No. 212, which was a list of words. I got all twenty! particular, moral, confuse, emotion, transition, fairy, mind, approach, bloody, papers, flash, bundle, weeks, thankful, person, bond, inquiry, victory, dictate, summary
Summary: Harry is tabbed by the Minister to meet with a representative from the vampires to broker a pact between them.

Harry slumped into the chair opposite the Minister's desk. "Why me?" he moaned.

"I'll have none of your theatrics, Harry," Hermione said in a stern voice. "You're the best person for this job, and you know it."

"I am the worst person for this job, and you know it."

"Nonsense," Hermione countered, tapping her quill on the stack of papers on her desk. "Your particular skill set is exactly what we need. You trained as an Auror, and you're now one of the Ministry's top wizards in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Being Division."

"Hermione, you are asking me to meet with a vampire, not a centaur or a fairy," Harry said. "As if that isn't bad enough, you are asking me to meet with Draco bloody Malfoy!"

"The two of you know one another-"

"We hate one another!"

"...and Malfoy will be comfortable talking to you," Hermione continued, ignoring Harry's outburst. "It's taken us weeks to arrange this meeting, and you are going as the Ministry's representative."

Harry knew when he was defeated. "Fine," he huffed. "I'll go, but I won't like it."


Harry relied on his lit wand to guide him to the dark gazebo in the woods, where he was to meet with Malfoy. He felt very much like a sacrificial lamb that was being tricked into the slaughterhouse. Harry's skin prickled, as if unseen eyes watched his approach. He firmed his jaw and reached for the handle of the door.

It opened before Harry's fingers touched it.

"Potter, what a pleasant surprise."

Harry recognized that voice, even if he couldn't quite make out Malfoy's features in the dark. "Weren't you advised of whom to expect?" he grumbled, stepping in and closing the door behind him.

"I am referring to the fact that you agreed to be the Minister's lackey in this instance."

Harry bristled at the lackey comment, but he knew better than to allow emotion to override his common sense. He peered at Malfoy's figure in the darkness, catching the flash of a fang in the low light. Harry shivered, thankful that Malfoy wouldn't notice.

"Scared, Potter?"

"I'm chilled," Harry countered, "and I'd like to see you during this encounter. Do you mind?"

Malfoy chuckled, and Harry shivered for another reason entirely. "Not at all," he murmured, waving his hand and lighting several sconces placed at intervals in the gazebo.

Harry blinked in the sudden illumination. "That's better," he said, setting the bundle he'd been carrying onto a wooden bench. "Hermione told me to bring this. She said you would know what to do with it."

Malfoy nodded and moved to the bag, opening it and removing several items. He began to lay them out in a fashion that looked to Harry as if a ritual was about to be performed.

"What are you doing?" asked Harry. He grew annoyed when his inquiry went unanswered. "Hermione didn't say anything about working magic."

"She probably didn't want to confuse you."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Look, Potter," said Malfoy. "The ritual I'm about to perform is necessary to secure our connection to the Ministry."


"Yes. It is imperative that one of us bond with a high-ranking Ministry official to seal the deal."

Harry took an involuntary step back, his earlier musings about sacrificial lambs running riot in his mind. "I'll just leave you to it, then," he said, reaching back for the door handle.

It was locked.

Harry drew his wand and spun, intending to Apparate away.

Nothing happened.

"Anti-Apparation wards, Potter."

Harry pointed his wand directly at Malfoy, who responded with an arch of a brow.

"You don't want to do that, Potter," he said, voice all silky and seductive. "The Minister would be so disappointed in you."

"The Minister," spat Harry, "does not get to dictate whom I will or will not bond with."

"I suspect she was counting on your inflated sense of morals to guide you."

"What does any of this have to do with morals?!"

Malfoy smirked at him, slow and sexy. "There must be a pact between vampires and the Ministry. Lives hang in the balance, Potter."

Harry's wand wavered. Malfoy spoke the truth, and Harry knew it. He'd been involved from day one as the Ministry struggled to gain the vampires' cooperation. At no point, however, had a potential bonding been discussed. For all Harry knew, Hermione and Malfoy had hammered that deal out in a secret meeting.

"Why me?"

Harry didn't realize he'd asked the question aloud until Malfoy answered.

"I volunteered, and I asked for you specifically."

Harry began to feel the first, low stirrings of arousal. He licked his lips. "Do you plan to drink my blood?"

"There will be an exchange of blood and other bodily fluids."

The low hum of arousal became an urgent throb. "Will I...?" Harry paused to clear his throat. "Will I become a vampire?"

"Not from this," Malfoy assured him. "However, if you wish to transition in the future, that can be arranged."

Harry didn't bother responding to that. He was still trying to think of a way to get out of this without setting back vampire/wizard relations to where they were before Voldemort's demise.

Malfoy used his wand to light the candles he'd set out. He stood back and surveyed his preparation with a critical eye, ignoring Harry entirely. Finally, once he seemed satisfied, Malfoy returned his attention to Harry.

"Everything is ready," he said. "Take off your clothes."



Harry shivered when Malfoy moved away from him. He blamed it on blood loss, rather than lingering tingles of pleasure. As Malfoy began getting dressed, Harry sat up, winced, and reached for his own clothing.

"Now what?" he muttered. The sex may have been brilliant, but Harry was still hacked off about how it came to pass.

"Now I blow out the candles and close the circle," Malfoy replied.

For some reason, the quip only made Harry angry. "Just because you got one over on me doesn't mean you've won anything," he muttered.

"Our bonding is a victory for everyone."

Harry didn't feel victorious. He felt pillaged, plundered, and conquered. He finished dressing and tried the door again. It remained locked.


Nothing happened.

"Going somewhere, Potter?"

"I expect I'll need to report to the Ministry," Harry snapped. "I'm sure Hermione will be wanting a summary of our new pact with the vampires."

Malfoy pivoted to face Harry, giving him his full attention. "The Minister can wait until morning," he said. "As for us, we're going back to mine to consummate our bond."

Harry's mouth fell open. "B-but, that...that's what we just did," he sputtered.

"No, that was ritualistic sex, performed to create the bond," said Malfoy. "It was done for the benefit of many. From now on, all the sex we have will be for our own benefit."

"All the...? But, I...wasn't once enough?"

Malfoy's eyelids drooped, and his lips tipped up. "With you, Potter, there will never be enough."

profession: auror(s), rating: r, content: bonding fic, content: bickering, comm: slythindor100, comm: hp_creatures, gift: birthday, content: creature fic, content: top!draco, creature: vampire, content: dub-con

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