Indulgence 17

Jul 04, 2017 16:02

Title: Indulgence 17
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sexual content, DUB CON, creature fic
Word count: 935
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Shamefully belated birthday gift for lokifan, who requested more of Indulgence.
hp_creatures July prompt of boiling hot
Summary: Draco gets a glimmer of hope.

Draco showered in haste, fearful that Potter would invade his scant privacy at any time. However, he was able to wash Potter's scent and semen from his body in peace. Being clean left Draco feeling marginally better. He dried off, clutched the towel around his hips and timidly opened the bathroom door.

The vampire was nowhere to be seen.

It was Elsie, the house-elf, who stood at rigid attention by the door that led out of the bedroom suite. "Master Potter says you is to be getting dressed, sir. Elsie will be taking you to dinner."

Draco only nodded in response. The prospect of leaving this suite was too tempting for him to stage a mini-rebellion and refuse to dress for dinner. Draco had no qualms about dropping his towel and getting dressed in front of Elsie; he'd grown up around house-elves and had learned early to pay them no mind.

When Draco was ready, he approached the elf, expecting her to open the door. Instead, she grasped his forearm. Draco felt a moment's disorientation, similar to Apparation, but smoother and less jarring. In an instant, he found himself in the dining room, facing Potter. The vampire was seated at the head of the table, and there was another place setting to Potter's right.

Draco hesitated only a moment before he crossed the room and took his place.

"You look handsome tonight," said Potter. "That shade of blue suits you."

Potter was a madman and a vampire, and Draco was his prisoner, yet he wanted to indulge in small talk. Draco quelled the bubble of hysterical laughter that threatened to erupt from him. He mustn't anger Potter. He needed Potter to believe that he was resigned to his fate, so that when the vampire relaxed his guard, Draco could make his escape.

Draco thanked his host as Elsie brought in the first course. He reached for his spoon.

"Careful, Draco," said Potter. "That soup is boiling hot."

Draco nodded in response and dipped his spoon into the broth. He held it aloft for a moment, allowing the soup to cool.

"You will need some additional clothing."

Draco paused in the act of bringing his spoon to his lips. "Sorry?"

"Now that you're going to live here, with me, you'll need more clothing," said Potter.

Draco felt a flicker of hope. New clothes meant shopping, which meant leaving his prison. The soup in his mouth tasted like freedom.

Potter changed the subject, bringing up items of interest he'd read about in The Daily Prophet. Draco's responses were appropriate, if stilted, as he endured this parody of a civil meal.

At last, it was over. Potter stood up, and Draco followed suit. "Let's go to my study," said Potter. "I keep a supply of brandy there."

Draco was game. Anything to avoid returning to the bedroom, where Potter had violated him repeatedly. Draco followed Potter into the study and sat at the end of the sofa when Potter waved him to it. The vampire poured two snifters of brandy. He paced across the room, handed one to Draco, then sat at the opposite end of the sofa.

Draco took a cautious sip. The brandy was fine, but his father had better at the Manor. Draco wisely refrained from saying so.

"I will buy you a new wardrobe, Draco, but I expect you to repay me."

Dinner and brandy churned in Draco's stomach. "If you allow me to access my Gringott's-"

"That's not the sort of payment I require," Potter cut in smoothly.

Draco swallowed heavily. "Wh-what do you want?"

Potter set his glass aside and undid his trousers. He withdrew his erect cock and gestured at it. "Suck it."

Draco drew in a shaky breath. He was well-versed in giving head, and it was preferable to getting fucked again. His hole was still tender from Potter's recent claim on him. Draco set his own glass down and stood up. He moved to stand in front of Potter, then sank to his knees. It was a subservient position, and he hated it. Draco didn't look up; he didn't want to see Potter smirking at him. He focused on Potter's cock instead.

Draco took Potter's length in hand, hearing a sibilant hiss from above him. He tensed, but when Potter made no further move, Draco leaned closer and bent his head. His tongue flicked out, lapping up the bead of pre-come from the slit in Potter's cock. He licked around the head until Potter spoke.

"I said, suck it."

Draco his his grimace and closed his lips over the crown. He applied light suction, earning a moan of delight from the vampire. Draco warmed to his task, fellating Potter as if his life depended on it...because it might very well come to that. Eager fingers speared into Draco's hair, tugging painfully, but Draco remained focused. He lowered his head and relaxed his throat, until his nose met the crisp curls at Potter's groin. Draco hummed, sending vibrations through Potter's shaft.

Potter groaned and arched up, nearly gagging Draco in the process. Draco pulled off and ran his tongue up the bulging vein on the underside of Potter's cock. He licked his way up and tickled Potter's frenulum with the tip of his tongue.

"Enough!" roared Potter, pushing Draco's head away.

Draco listed to the side and landed on one hip. He automatically swiped at his mouth with one hand, while staring up at Potter in fearful anticipation. What had he done wrong?

"Enough," Potter repeated in a calmer tone. "I want you to remove your clothing and ride me."

content: oral, content: possessive!harry, verse: indulgence, rating: nc17, comm: hp_creatures, gift: birthday, content: dark fic, content: creature fic, creature: vampire, content: dub-con

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