Home of the Brave

Jul 03, 2017 21:45

Title: Home of the Brave
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 435
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Prompt Drabble No. 28 - spangled for sw33tch3rrypi3
Summary: Harry receives a hero's welcome home.

"Draco! I'm hom-mpf!"

Harry flailed and nearly fell over backwards as his boyfriend pounced on him and began peppering his face and neck with nips and kisses.

"Ah...mm...oh! Is that a cucumber in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?"

Draco lifted his head and scowled. "I am happy to see you," he snapped. "You've only been gone forever, wandering around in the savage wilderness-"

"I was in the U.S. for a week to help train their Aurors."

"...where anything could have happened to you. Why, it's a wonder you made it home alive!"

Harry wasn't used to this particular version of his boyfriend. Usually, Draco played hard to get. "Did you use up all of your toy's batteries again?"

"Harry!" Draco cried in affront, jabbing him in the ribs with a forefinger. "Is it wrong of me to want the real thing, and not some cold, unfeeling toy?"

Harry laughed. "Not at all, love," he replied. "I'm happy to see you, too, and I can't wait to get...reacquainted. However, please let me at least get more than three steps inside our home, yeah?"

Draco flounced away with an audible huff.

"Besides, I wanted to give you the gift I bought for you in the States," said Harry. He knew the way to his greedy boyfriend's heart.

Draco was back at his side in an instant. "A gift for me?"

Harry slid the strap of his bag from his shoulder and moved into the dining room. He set his bag on the table and opened it, rummaging about until he came up with a wrapped present. He winked at Draco and said, "This is something we can both enjoy."

Draco's eyes gleamed, and he all but snatched the package from Harry's hands. He tore the wrapping off and pried the lid of the box open. Draco's expression grew puzzled as he withdrew his gift and shook it out, revealing a pair of red and blue, star-spangled pants.

"Words fail me, Harry."

"They're tremendous, aren't they?" Harry gushed. "Do you like them?"

"They're so...Colonial," Draco replied, his voice dropping to a horrified whisper at the end.

"I thought they'd be a fun souvenir of my trip abroad."

"I can't wear these! I'll be deported."

"That's completely mental," said Harry. "Who will know you're wearing them except the two of us?"

"It seems disloyal to the Crown."

Harry changed his strategy. "I think you'll look smashing in them," he murmured. "Why, whenever you wear those pants, my cock will stand up and salute."

Draco perked up. "I'll try them on right now."

content: dialogue heavy/only, rating: pg13, profession: auror(s), content: established relationship, gift: prompt drabble, content: humor, challenge: prompt drabbles, content: awful lines

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