WildSide 17

Nov 28, 2016 21:43

Title: WildSide 17
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 1505
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for macsekzsu, who asked for more of WildSide
Summary: Dragon meets dragon, and it's double the pleasure.

Harry blinked up at Malfoy as he considered Malfoy's naughty suggestion. Harry hadn't bottomed in some time, but for Malfoy, he might consider-

Harry's train of thought derailed when his mobile phone rang on the bedside table. He sat up and leaned over to look at the display. "That's Hermione," said Harry, giving Malfoy an apologetic look. "If I don't answer, she'll come barging through the Floo in the next few minutes."

Malfoy scowled at him, stood up, and walked to Harry's en suite. He closed the door behind him.

Harry sighed and answered his phone. "Hello, Hermione...It's not the best time...Yes, I have company...That's none of your business, Hermione...I'm always careful...Did you call me for a reason, or just to lecture me on my sex life?...Yes, I know you're just concerned about me. Sorry...This weekend? Um, sure...Yeah, alright...Tell Ron I said hello...Goodbye."

By the time Harry ended the call, his erection had flagged, and he was shivering. He sat up when Malfoy emerged from the en suite.

Malfoy sneered at Harry on the way by, clearly intent on leaving.

"Malfoy, wait," cried Harry, clambering off the bed and dashing after his guest.

"I'll see myself out, Potter," Malfoy's voice came from the living room.

Harry rushed around the corner in time to see the door close behind his enigmatic lover. "Fuck," he swore, under his breath, fully aware there would be no fucking tonight.


Two nights passed before Harry was ready to return to WildSide. His cock was no longer tender and sore, and he'd even successfully wanked without discomfort. It was time to pull Malfoy again. He walked into the club and scanned the dance floor. Harry saw Malfoy out there, dancing amidst a throng of male admirers.

Harry suppressed an eye roll and waded into the fray. It seemed he was forever having to fight for Malfoy's favor, but he reckoned that just made victory all the sweeter. Harry took the long way around so that he could approach Malfoy from behind.

And, what a nice behind, it was.

Harry paused a moment to admire the sway and shimmy of Malfoy's hips and arse before he made his move. He elbowed a competitor aside, turning a green-eyed glare on the bloke when it appeared he wouldn't back down. It took just a glimpse of Harry's famous eyes and scar before the man melted back into the crowd.

Harry grasped Malfoy's hips and slid effortlessly into rhythm with him.

"Where's your babysitter tonight?" Malfoy sassed, without even turning his head.

"There will be no interruptions tonight," said Harry, lips close to Malfoy's ear.

Malfoy shivered a little. "Bully for you, Potter. Enjoy yourself."

Harry tightened his grip on Malfoy's hips when Malfoy tried to move away. "There's just one thing, you see," he murmured. "Tonight, I will attempt to awaken my sentient tattoo. You are my first choice in this matter, but I plan to do it with or without you. What will it be, Malfoy? Will you and Sam help us?"

Harry moved back enough to allow Malfoy some space, while still keeping his hands in place on his lover's hips. He didn't see Malfoy draw his wand, but Harry felt the sudden spinning, wrenching sensation of Apparation. When he stopped moving, he looked up and saw he was in Malfoy's bedroom, next to that huge bed on its poncy dais.

Harry wanted to grin like an idiot, but he forced himself to remain calm. "So, I take it you're willing to work with me?"

"Why are you still dressed?" snapped Malfoy as he tugged his shirt off over his head.

Harry didn't need to be asked twice. He set his glasses aside and stripped. Malfoy was already on the bed, and Harry stepped up on the dais to join him.

"Stop," said Malfoy. When Harry halted uncertainly at the edge of the bed, he rose to his knees and crawled closer. "I want to look at your tattoo."

Malfoy reached for him, and Harry sucked in a breath and held it. Questing fingers brushed over the head of Harry's dragon, and it seemed to flutter across his skin. Harry released his breath on a throaty groan, entranced by the sensation of Malfoy's touch, as well as the dragon's reaction to it.

"Do you like it?" Malfoy asked in a soft voice.

"Yes," breathed Harry. He didn't know what Malfoy was asking about, but he was enjoying everything.

Malfoy used one fingertip to trace the dragon's wings, then drew a line down its center until he reached the base of Harry's stiff cock.

Harry's breath stalled in his throat again. A low whine escaped him, and he clenched his hands into fists when Malfoy began to trace the dragon's tail around and around his cock. The dragon's tail tightened, and Harry was done standing still. He lunged forward, pushing Malfoy back and draping his body over his surprised host.

The moment they were pressed together, skin to skin, Harry's tattoo seemed to flutter across his abdomen.

"I felt it move, Potter," said Malfoy, biting out the words as Harry nibbled at his throat.

"It always moves around you."

"I meant...meant your tattoo, you slag."

Harry raised his head and chuckled in a wicked manner. "Roll over and get your gorgeous arse in the air," he said. "I want to introduce my new tattoo to Sam."

Malfoy frowned. "But, I-"

"Now, Malfoy," growled Harry.

Malfoy shivered and turned over. He balanced himself on his knees and forearms. "Get on with it, then."

Harry allowed him his moment of rebellion. Recalling where Malfoy stashed his lube, Harry helped himself and spread the slick substance up and down his cock. He moaned as the tail of his dragon tattoo tightened. Harry couldn't wait to get balls deep inside of Malfoy.

Harry crowded up behind Malfoy and palmed his arse cheeks. He spread Malfoy open, revealing his target. Harry could see that Sam's tail was already twitching. Judging by the way Malfoy was squirming, he could feel it.

"Hurry, Potter." This time, Malfoy's voice was a breathy plea, rather than a snarky demand.

Harry rewarded him by nudging his entrance and pushing past his rim. As Harry's cock sank into Malfoy's hole, Sam's tail snaked around his shaft. Harry felt his dragon's tail move, and it seemed as if their tails were now twining together around him.

"Oh my god," panted Harry. He moved his hands from Malfoy's bum to stroke the dragon inked across Malfoy's back. Sam fluttered beneath Harry's fingers, and his tongue darted out.

Do you like that, Sam? Harry hissed in Parseltongue. Sam reacted by writhing across Malfoy's skin, and Malfoy responded with a strangled cry.

Harry removed his hands from Malfoy's back and bent forward, bracing his hands on the bed. They were now pressed together, Harry's chest to Malfoy's back, which put their sentient dragon tattoos into direct contact with one another.

To say that the effect was explosive didn't do it justice.

The dragons fluttered between them, and their tails lashed where they were tangled together inside of Malfoy and around Harry.

Harry felt everything tighten: his muscles, his skin, and his balls. He realized he was about to come, and he had yet to begin shafting his partner.

"Oh god, Potter! I-I can't...make it stop!"

The only way Harry knew to stop this was to pull out, and he doubted he'd be able to. Nor did he want to. Malfoy was squirming and wriggling beneath him, much like the dragons were moving, and sharp cries were falling from his lips. Harry couldn't stay quiet, either; he was groaning as if in pain, but the truth was, he was caught up in a maelstrom of passion and pleasure.

Harry gritted his teeth as the sensation spread across his back and raced like fire through his veins. He couldn't pull back, but he pushed forward emphatically, grinding himself inside of Malfoy.

They climaxed at the same time.

Pleasure crashed over Harry in waves, and all he could do was crouch there, draped over Malfoy, and fill him with hot bursts of come. Malfoy was rippling and clenching around him, squeezing every drop out of Harry. It lasted longer than any orgasm had a right to, but Harry wasn't complaining; he didn't have the breath for it.

When it was finally over, Malfoy's trembling arms gave way, and he collapsed onto the bed. Harry slumped on top of him. He was sweating, shaking, and panting, and the damned dragons' tails were still moving. Malfoy moaned, and his rim spasmed again, causing Harry's cock to twitch once more and release another dribble of semen.

"We're...we're going to die here," gasped Malfoy, "and this is...this is how they'll find us."

"At least we'll die happy," Harry said, words slurred with exhaustion.



"I am going to kill you for this."

"Thanks, Malfoy."

"For promising to kill you?"

"No, for helping me wake up my tattoo."

WildSide 18

content: club fic, content: pwp, rating: nc17, content: tattoo, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: parselsmut, verse: wildside, content: jealousy, content: dancing

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