
Nov 27, 2016 15:06

Title: Recklessness
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, ofc
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 1525
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for celestlyn, using the prompts spell creation, accidental bonding
hd_fluff Prompt #129 - Events in London
Summary: Harry and his partner find themselves in a dire situation.

"This is a madhouse, Potter."

Harry glanced at his Auror partner, expecting to see a sneer on Malfoy's face. Instead, Malfoy looked...terrified. Harry chuckled. "Relax, Malfoy. I won't let the mean old Muggles get you."

Malfoy shot him a scathing look, but he held his tongue. He pulled a pocket watch from his coat and glanced at it. "This way, Potter."

Harry followed Malfoy through the crowd, intent on their target. Since they couldn't draw their wands and use a simple tracking spell, Malfoy had created a spell that worked in a similar fashion, and he'd anchored the magic to a Muggle time piece.

When they had enough room, Harry drew abreast of his partner. "How much farther?"

Malfoy flicked an irritated glance at him. "It only provides direction; it doesn't calculate distance."

"It's still a brilliant bit of magic," said Harry.

This time, Malfoy's glance was full of surprise. When Harry made no further comment, Malfoy returned his attention to the pocket watch and forged ahead through the crowd.

"What are they celebrating?" he asked, looking at the cheerful Muggles.

"It's the Lord Mayor's Show," Harry replied. "It's an inauguration ceremony that has been taking place for the past 800 years."

Malfoy's head whipped around to look at him. "You're having me on."

"Not at all," said Harry. "Muggles have very old traditions, too."

Malfoy gave a slight shake of his head and continued forward.

Harry focused on their mission. They had been assigned to track and apprehend Clarvetta Unbright, a Muggleborn witch who fancied herself in love with the newly appointed Lord Mayor. Unbright planned to cast a bonding spell on the man, never mind the fact that he was happily married to another woman.

"What are we going to do when we find Unbright?" asked Malfoy. "We can't just Stupefy her, as much as I'd like to."

"I'm going to Imperio her, and we will escort her to the nearest Apparation point."

"That's an Unforgivable, Potter!"

Harry's jaw tightened. "Would you rather perform a mass Obliviate? Besides, it's not as if I'm going to cause her to harm herself or anyone else, nor cause any damage. And, I'm counting on you to be my witness, Malfoy."


"Yeah," Harry said with a nod. "You can testify that I only used Imperius to get Unbright out of the sight of Muggles as quickly and efficiently as possible."

"I don't like it," Malfoy muttered.

"Duly noted," said Harry. "I will take full responsibility for my actions." He turned his attention to the parade, keeping a sharp eye on the festive revelers.

"We're getting close," said Malfoy. "The spell is intensifying."

"Let's hurry," Harry said. The Lord Mayor was approaching, and if Unbright was ahead of them, she might yet reach the man before the Aurors could intercept her.

"She's just ahead," Malfoy hissed, lengthening his stride.

Harry drew his wand as unobtrusively as possible. He kept it against his leg as he rushed to keep up with his partner. Harry saw the Lord Mayor's coach coming down the street at the same instant that Malfoy said, "There she is."

As the Aurors rushed to close in on their target, Harry saw that they were going to be too late. Unbright had stepped forward and was raising her wand. Harry swore and brought his own wand to bear, mind racing as he considered what he could cast to prevent a catastrophe, while still keeping the Muggles unaware that there was magic in their midst.

In a moment of rare recklessness, Malfoy threw himself bodily at Unbright. He grabbed her wrist just as she cast, pointing her wand upwards. Sparks shot forth, drawing excited exclamations from the onlookers. Malfoy pushed Unbright away, sparks showered down on him, and the Lord Mayor's coach clattered on by without incident.

"You fool!" spat Unbright, pointing her wand at Malfoy. He disarmed her with a quick Expelliarmus and scooped her wand up.

Harry pushed his way to his partner.


"Don't touch me, Potter!"

"Are you alright?" Harry demanded, grabbing Malfoy's arm. He was jolted with a rush of warmth, and he paused, drinking in his partner's disheveled appearance. Malfoy had never looked more sinfully attractive than he did at that moment.

"Potter, she's getting away," Malfoy ground out, shaking free of Harry's grip.

Harry shook his head and turned to see Unbright making her way through the throng. He brought his hand up and whispered, "Imperio."

Unbright jerked to a halt and turned to face Harry. He tucked his wand away and caught up to her, taking her arm. "Come with me," he said. Malfoy arrived and moved to Unbright's other side.

When a uniformed policeman took a step in their direction, Malfoy hit him with a Confundus charm. "Let's get her out of here," he said.

Harry nodded and began leading an unresisting Unbright to the closest Apparation point.


Once back at the Ministry, Harry and Malfoy surrendered their prisoner to a pair of junior Aurors. "We'll need to report to Shacklebolt," said Harry.

"I need to speak to you in private first," said Malfoy. "Let's go to our office." He didn't wait for a response before he wheeled away and headed for the bank of lifts.

Harry followed, eyes on his partner's arse. He reached down to adjust his trousers, and his face flushed with heat. Usually, he was better at controlling himself where Malfoy was concerned.

They reached their office, and Malfoy shut the door and leaned back against it. He closed his eyes and swallowed heavily.

"Alright there, Malfoy?" asked Harry, alarmed by his partner's behavior.

"The spell," said Malfoy. "Unbright had time to cast it before I reached her."

Harry's heart sank. "Don't tell me you're bonded to her now," he growled. He'd cast a more severe Unforgivable on her, if that was the case.

"No," replied Malfoy. "I pushed her away before the spell's effect landed on me."

Harry exhaled with relief. "That's good then, yeah?"

"Yes and no," said Malfoy. "I'm not bonded to Unbright; I'm bonded to the first person who touched me after the spell did."

Harry was horrified...until he remembered what Malfoy had shouted at him in the chaos caused by Unbright. "Me," he rasped. "You're bonded to me."

Malfoy nodded, not meeting Harry's gaze.

"Ahem, I see," said Harry. "Well, er, it's just as easily undone as done, yeah?"

Malfoy tottered over to his chair and slumped onto it. "Bonding charms can be reversed easily, assuming there's no previous attraction between the parties."

"Fuck," muttered Harry, ready to confess to his partner that the bonding charm may not be as simple to reverse as Malfoy seemed to think.

"We have a situation here," Malfoy whispered, eyes on the floor. He took a deep breath and peered up at Harry, uncertainty evident in his eyes. "I...I fancy you," he blurted before looking away again. "I have for some time," he added, so softly that Harry almost didn't hear him.

Malfoy's admission left Harry with a strange sense of elation. He sat down in his own chair, putting himself level with his partner. "The situation is more dire than you realize," said Harry.

Malfoy's eyes cut to Harry. "Sorry?"

Harry leaned forward, resting his right hand on Malfoy's knee. "I've fancied you for some time, too."

Malfoy's breath stalled, and his eyes widened. "'re..."

"I am afraid," Harry began, voice solemn, "that you and I may be stuck with one another." He then grinned to put his partner--his partner!-- at ease.

Malfoy smiled back before sobering once again. "Are you aware of the consequences?"

"Yes, I am," replied Harry, nodding twice. "I shall be expected to attend stuffy dinner parties at the Manor, just as you will be expected to attend boisterous gatherings at the Burrow."

"The Burrow?!"

"Worst of all," Harry continued, "is that we will have to spend as much time in one another's presence as possible, including sleeping together."


"Of course, there may not be much sleeping done at all, not if we are compelled to share a bed," said Harry. He was striving to keep his tone grave, all while his eyes danced with merriment, and his cock did its own little dance in his pants. He fixed Malfoy--Draco--with a direct stare. "Do you think you can...take it?"

Draco's eyes flashed with heat, and he straightened from his slouch. "Oh, I can take it alright, and I can give it, too."

"Excellent," said Harry. He stood up, and Draco mirrored his movement. Harry grasped Draco's hips and tugged him close, tilting his head to press their lips together. Draco opened to the pressure, tangling his fingers in Harry's hair and arching against him as they kissed.

Harry pulled back and gasped for air. He cleared his throat and took a step back. "Okay," he panted. "Let's go throw ourselves on Shacklebolt's mercy, then go home and console one another with a shag or two."

"Whose home?"

"It doesn't matter," Harry replied. "We can christen both of them."

"Yeah, okay," Draco said, nodding his agreement. He adjusted his trousers and said, "Let's do this."

gift: birthday, comm: hd_fluff, rating: pg13, content: pre-slash, profession: auror(s), content: bonding fic

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