Holiday drabbles 29: Remindeer 3

Dec 29, 2014 20:00

Title: Remindeer 3 From an arc that began with Remindeer, but can be read alone.
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry-centric
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Creepy plush animal
Word count: 175
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
AdventDrabbles #29 - Holiday traffic
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2014 #29 - Reindeer
Summary: Harry hasn't forgotten anything, has he?

Harry closed the front door behind him and leaned back against it. The Floos in the atrium had been even more congested than usual with holiday traffic, because everyone was trying to get home early. As a result, Harry was late.

"Draco?" he called, wondering why his boyfriend hadn't appeared to berate him. There was no answer, and the house seemed too quiet. Harry frowned. Had Draco gone somewhere? If so, Harry hoped he'd left a note. He wandered into the kitchen and twitched at the sight of a hideous plush reindeer on the table. Harry had no idea where Draco bought the ridiculous thing, but it gave him the heebie jeebies. It had big, googly eyes that seemed to scrutinize--and criticize--Harry's every move.

There was a small square of parchment attached to the reindeer's belled collar. Harry snatched it off and read the message:

Harry, we're having dinner at the Manor tonight. Don't be late!

"Brilliant," muttered Harry. "I just got home, and I'm already in trouble."

I found this little fellow last year, and he looks just like the "Remindeer" I imagined!

comm: adventdrabbles, rating: pg, content: established relationship, challenge: dh100 special challenge, content: xmas

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