Holiday drabbles 28: Gingerwood

Dec 28, 2014 15:51

Title: Gingerwood Part of my Gingerbread Doppelgangers verse.
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Biscuit-Harry/Draco, Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Ahem...biscuit-buggery?
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 440
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
AdventDrabbles #28 - Christmas leftovers
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2014 #28 - Gingerbread
Summary: Draco finds himself in the gingerbread realm.

Draco paused in front of the beautiful gingerbread house and looked up to admire the icing on the roof. He wondered if the elaborate creation tasted as good as it appeared. The front door opened, and a life-size gingerbread man shuffled out. He had chocolate icing for hair and little red dots of icing on his front to represent buttons.

Draco smiled, recognizing biscuit-Harry. The gingerbread man smiled back and waved at him.

Draco blinked and looked at the gingerbread man again. It had an impressive gingerbread erection, and as Draco watched in morbid fascination, a bead of icing formed at the tip. Biscuit-Harry gestured to his biscuit-erection and winked.

Draco's cock filled with blood, and he was mortified. He glanced around. There was no one else in sight. He wondered how a gingerbread cock would taste. Draco cast another furtive look about himself before approaching biscuit-Harry with hesitant steps. He dropped to his knees in front of the gingerbread man and licked the bit of icing from the tip of its prick.

"Mm," Draco hummed. He ran his tongue up and down the biscuit's erection, enjoying the sweet, spicy flavor. Biscuit-Harry pumped his biscuit hips, and Draco obliged him by engulfing the gingerbread cock in his mouth. He had to remind himself not to take a bite. Draco raised his eyes to biscuit-Harry's face, pleased to see the wide icing smile there.

Without warning, Draco got a mouthful of sweet, creamy icing. He swallowed it and sat back, licking his lips. Too bad his husband didn't ejaculate icing. Draco stood up, surprised to see that biscuit-Harry was still sporting gingerwood.

Biscuit-Harry shuffled closer and reached for Draco with gingerbread hands. Alarmed, Draco tried to take a step back, but he tripped over a boulder-sized gumdrop and nearly fell. Biscuit-Harry caught Draco and spun him around, yanking Draco's pants down all in one motion. Before Draco could say, 'Bloody biscuits!', he was impaled on biscuit-Harry's gingerbread cock.

Draco flailed and sat up straight in bed.

"Whazzamatter?" Harry mumbled from beside him.

Draco took a deep breath and released it. "Bad dream," he muttered. Ruddy Christmas leftovers, anyway. Draco knew he shouldn't have eaten so much last night.

Harry's hand landed heavy on Draco's thigh and gave him a comforting squeeze. Harry's hand wandered higher, pausing at the bulge in Draco's pants. He lifted his head from the pillow and smirked. "Seems to me that it was a good dream."

Gingerbread Voyeurs

comm: adventdrabbles, content: established relationship, content: dream/fantasy, verse: gingerbread doppelgangers, challenge: dh100 special challenge, rating: r, content: xmas

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