
Nov 17, 2013 20:52

Title: Transgression
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Bill/Dennis
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Dub-con, creature fic
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 1215
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for kaellite, who requested Bill/Dennis with the prompts rough sex, size kink, spanking.
Summary: Dennis gets caught spying and is punished for the transgression.

Dennis turned to flee. He hadn't taken more than four running steps when a large hand snatched him back by the collar of his shirt. Dennis squeaked in fear as he fell on his arse. His captor stepped in front of him, and Dennis gulped as he looked up at Bill Weasley.

Weasley was scowling, and his hands were clenched into fists at his sides. "What do you think you're doing, Creevey?" he snarled.

"I-I was just curious, that's all," stammered Dennis. His heart was still thundering in his chest, but Dennis was also becoming shamefully aroused.

"Curious?" Weasley repeated. "Curious about what?" His tone carried a hint of threat.

Dennis scooted back farther. "I wanted to see a werewolf change," he admitted in a small voice.

"Did you enjoy it?"

Dennis felt his face flood with heat. "S-sorry?"

Weasley crouched down to Dennis' level. "You're aroused," he said. "You must realize I can smell you."

Dennis opened his mouth to deny it, but no sound emerged.

Weasley rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "The question now is, what should we do about it?" he mused.

"Let me leave," Dennis pleaded on a whisper. He was dangerously close to surrendering his all to Weasley, yet he wanted to escape with his dignity intact.

"I don't think so," said Weasley. "You should be punished for your transgression." He stood up, towering over a cowering Dennis. "I believe a spanking is in order," he said. "Remove your clothing."

Dennis' cock twitched, but Weasley sounded serious about meting out corporal punishment. Dennis shook his head, not trusting himself to speak.

"You may remove them yourself, or I will tear them from your body," growled Weasley.

Dennis swallowed and gave a reluctant nod. He clambered unsteadily to his feet and began undressing with stilted motions. When he stood naked, Dennis hung his head in shame. His prick was at full mast, betraying his involuntary excitement.

Weasley merely raised a ginger brow. He gestured to a nearby tree stump. "Bend over and place your hands there," he instructed.

Dennis entertained the idea of making a run for it, but he hadn't been able to outrun Weasley when he'd been wearing shoes. He wouldn't get far in his bare feet. It seemed there was nothing left to do but see this through. Dennis stepped carefully to the stump, wincing at the sensation of walking without shoes through the detritus of the forest floor. He sent one final, imploring look at Weasley, only to see Weasley glaring back at him. Dennis took a fortifying breath and bent over, bracing his hands on the stump.

He heard the sound of Weasley unbuckling his belt.

Dennis straightened and whirled around. "Wh-what are you doing?!"

"I think you'd enjoy having my hands on you," said Weasley. "Therefore, I'm going to punish you with my belt."

Dennis' erection flagged somewhat. The prospect of being whipped with a belt was even more frightening than the thought of being spanked with Weasley's bare hand.

Weasley pulled his belt free of its loops and slapped it in the opposite hand. "Bend over," he ordered.

Shoulders slumping in defeat, Dennis did as he was told. He heard Weasley approach. Dennis tensed in anticipation. He thought he was prepared, but the first crack of the belt across his naked arse had Dennis flinching and crying out in pained shock. He had no chance to gather his composure before Weasley hit him again.

Dennis yelped, and tears sprang to his eyes. The belt stung his tender flesh once more, and Dennis' legs and arms began to tremble. Weasley laid another line of fire across Dennis' backside, and with that, Dennis' legs gave out. He slumped to the ground with a muffled sob. Dennis was ashamed of the fact that his cock still throbbed with arousal.

Movement from his peripheral vision caused Dennis to start. The belt hit the ground next to him with a thump.

"Stand up," commanded Weasley.

Dennis scrubbed at his eyes and nose before turning to see what Weasley was doing. He was dumbfounded to see him opening his trousers.

"I said, stand up," Weasley repeated. "That is, unless you want me to fuck you on the ground."

Dennis froze. He could not have heard Weasley correctly. As Dennis was still trying to grasp the implications, Weasley reached inside his trousers and withdrew his rampant cock. Dennis gasped, and his own cock twitched in reaction. Dennis would freely admit to having a fetish for large cocks, and Weasley was very well-endowed, indeed. Dennis levered himself to his feet and stood, trembling, before Weasley.

"Turn around, and assume the position."

Dennis cast a final, appreciative glance at Weasley's cock before he turned his back and bent over the stump again. Rough, calloused hands seized him by the hips, and Dennis whimpered when he felt a rush of magic prepare him for what was to come. Thumbs parted his cheeks, and then the damp tip of Weasley's cock pressed against his entrance.

Weasley's hips surged forward, driving his cock past Dennis' rim as he penetrated him. Dennis cried out once more. Merlin, but that hurt! Weasley didn't pause. He simply put his back into fucking Dennis fast and hard. While Dennis enjoyed large cocks, he was unaccustomed to such rough, raw sex. He clenched his teeth to keep from crying out again as Weasley mastered his body. Unable to help himself, Dennis wrapped his hand around his own prick and began jacking himself. He might never get another chance to experience this, and he wanted to get some pleasure out of it. If he was unable to sit for days afterward, he hoped to at least have a good memory to go with it.

Dennis had been aroused to a fever pitch by the spanking and at the sight of Weasley's impressive cock. He blamed that for the fact that he climaxed mere moments into the harshest fuck of his life. Dennis' back bowed, and his prick spurted in his hand as he milked his orgasm forth.

Weasley made a rumbling sound behind him, which Dennis chose to believe was delighted approval. He knew his arse was fine and tight; he'd been told so by previous lovers. Weasley continued banging away, pounding into Dennis several more times before he groaned aloud and filled Dennis to overflowing with his release.

Weasley uncoupled from Dennis quickly, drawing another small, pained cry from Dennis. Weasley stepped away and zipped up, while Dennis succumbed to the pull of gravity and collapsed on the ground once more. He was convinced he wouldn't be able to move for anything.

Weasley nudged Dennis with the toe of his boot. "In future, Creevey, be careful whom you spy on," he sneered before striding away.

Dennis watched him go and heaved a weary, satisfied sigh. He'd be too busy wanking to the memory of this experience to spy on anyone for quite some time.


gift: birthday, content: rarepair, creature: werewolf, content: creature fic, rating: nc17, content: dub-con

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