Quadruple-Crup Dare

Apr 21, 2013 16:43

Title: Quadruple-Crup Dare
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Dean/Seamus, Ron/Hermione, Harry
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 555
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for obsidianmagick, who asked for Dean/Seamus with the prompts blood, tattoos/piercings, boo boo
Summary: There's never any peace in Gryffindor.

Hermione was sitting on the sofa in the common room with her head resting on Ron's shoulder and a book open on her lap. Ron and Harry were talking quietly, discussing Quidditch strategy. Hermione was lulled by their conversation rather than distracted by it. Everything was calm, relaxed and nice for once. Hermione smiled. This was how she liked to spend her Saturdays.

A bellow of pain from upstairs jolted Hermione out of her musing and caused Ron to jostle her as he bolted upright.

"What the bloody hell?!" he exclaimed, turning to sprint up the steps.

Hermione ran after him, somewhat perplexed to realize Harry hadn't bothered to follow. Ron barged into the dorm room he shared with his mates, while Hermione hovered in the open doorway. Seamus was lying on his bed with his back to them. He was curled into the fetal position and moaning in distress. Meanwhile, Dean was all smiles where he sat next to his boyfriend.

"Relax," he said, rubbing Seamus' back. "There was barely any blood."

"What happened?" Ron asked.

"Shall I fetch Pomfrey?" Hermione offered.

"No, not Pomfrey!" cried Seamus. "Just leave me alone, all of you," he added, turning his head to glare at his boyfriend.

Dean patted him fondly before grinning up at Ron and Hermione. "I just gave Seamus a Prince Albert," he said.

"What?!" shrieked Hermione, as Ron winced in sympathy. "Why would you do such a thing?" Hermione demanded.

"It's Harry's fault," Dean said in a cheerful voice.

"Harry's fault?" Ron repeated, looking as confused as he sounded.

"He quadruple-crup dared me," muttered Seamus.

Ron gasped. "Not the quadruple-crup dare?!"

"You let Dean pierce your...ah...yourself on a dare?" Hermione asked.

"That's not just any dare," Ron told her. "Why, no bloke can refuse a quadruple-crup dare without looking like a g-" Ron clamped his mouth shut before he got himself into trouble.

Hermione crossed her arms and glared at him. "Without looking like a what, Ronald?"

"Like a git," Dean supplied helpfully. Ron relaxed and nodded emphatically.

"Morons," hissed Hermione. She spun on her heel and stomped down the stairs. "Harry James Potter!" she yelled.

Harry was waiting for her in the common room, grinning at her like a madman. "Is something amiss, Hermione?" he asked.

"Why did you dare Seamus to pierce his...well, his penis?"

Harry laughed. "I can't believe he was daft enough to go through with it."


"I did it for Dean," said Harry.


"Dean is keen on piercings, and he wanted Seamus to get a Prince Albert," said Harry. "Seamus told him to sod off, naturally, so I quadruple-crup dared him to do it. I knew he wouldn't be able to resist."

Hermione scowled at her friend. "Harry, you are such an arsehole."

Ron stepped to the open doorway. "I'll, uh, I'll just leave you two to sort things out," he said. "I need to make sure Hermione hasn't punched Harry in the nose."

After Ron clattered back down the stairs, Dean moved his hand from Seamus' hip to his boyfriend's arse. "Does it still hurt?" he asked.

"Yes, you wanker," snapped Seamus.

"I think it's sexy," said Dean, craning his neck to get a peek at Seamus' new adornment. "Would you like me to kiss your boo-boo all better?"

gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: rarepair, content: hogwarts era

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