Beta gift; HDFluff #91; Slythindor100 #147

Apr 20, 2013 22:29

Title: Rain or Shine
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual activity
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 890
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Gift for beta subtlefire, using the prompt enticing
hd_fluff Prompt No. 91 - April showers
slythindor100 Challenge No. 147 - April showers bring...
Summary: April showers bring hormones to a boil.

It was raining again, and most of the students were congregated in their common rooms. Harry, however, was tired of being cooped up indoors. So what if it was raining again? It was relatively warm outside for April, and he could smell the fresh scent of the rain. It beckoned him to come outside. Without a word, Harry rose from his chair in the common room and exited the portrait hole. No one bothered to question him; they were accustomed to him taking regular strolls to release pent-up energy.

Harry began descending the stairs, slowly at first but gaining more speed until he hit the ground floor running. He pushed open the nearest door and stepped outside. From the shelter of the overhang, Harry watched the rain fall. It was coming down gently at the moment, and the air smelled clean and delightful. Harry hadn't bothered to grab a coat, but he wasn't chilled. He leaned back against the rough stone wall and sighed as the tension drained from his body.

Harry might have been content to remain where he was - outdoors yet dry - if he hadn't seen Draco Malfoy exit the castle from another door and walk out into the rain. Malfoy paused and turned his face up to the sky, allowing the water to cascade over him and soak his hair. He appeared relaxed and almost happy, and Harry was intrigued in spite of himself. He and Malfoy had largely ignored one another since returning to Hogwarts to complete their Seventh year.

Harry remained in the shadows, observing his Slytherin counterpart. When Malfoy began moving away across the grounds, Harry felt compelled to follow him. He trailed Malfoy at a fair distance, getting soaked in the process. The rain was warm, and it felt rather good, actually. Malfoy veered towards a small grove of trees, and Harry changed course to follow. As he reached the edge of the trees, Harry hesitated. He could no longer see Malfoy, and he had no idea what to expect if he pressed forward. Harry shrugged and brushed some branches aside to continue on the path Malfoy had taken.

Harry took three steps forward and halted.

Malfoy stood in the center of the grove, wearing nothing but rainwater.

Harry gulped as blood rushed to his groin. The vision of Malfoy standing naked in the rain was so enticing that Harry stumbled closer to him.

Malfoy didn't seem surprised to see him. "Spying on me again, Potter?"

"I was curious," Harry replied absently. His eyes were drawn to Malfoy's semi-erect cock, which swelled further under Harry's appreciative gaze.

Rather than be embarrassed, Malfoy preened at the attention. "I adore spring rain," he said. "It's so refreshing."

Harry nodded his head as he palmed his cock through his trousers.

"April showers bring forth the pagan in me," Malfoy continued. He took a step towards Harry. "Rain on my skin puts me in the mood."

Harry's eyes flicked to Malfoy's then back to his erection. "The mood?" he murmured in response.

"For sex," Malfoy clarified.

Harry looked at Malfoy's face again, in time to see him lick his lips. A surge of lust drove Harry forward, and he reached for Malfoy. Harry grabbed a handful of Malfoy's damp hair and tugged him into an urgent snog. He clutched Malfoy's arse with his other hand and brought their wet bodies flush together.

Malfoy moaned into Harry's mouth and rubbed his cock against Harry's hip. Harry wanted to get naked and shag Malfoy right here, but he was loathe to break off kissing him and frotting against him long enough to shed his clothing. Harry raised his head and spun Malfoy around, hauling him back against himself so that he could frot against Malfoy's arse.

Malfoy turned his head grasped the back of Harry's neck to draw him into another heated kiss. Harry wrapped his hand around Malfoy's cock and stroked him. As Malfoy's hips began to undulate before him, Harry dry-humped him in the rain. Their illicit activity continued until Malfoy climaxed. He groaned against Harry's lips, biting at him in a frenzy. The sting of Malfoy's teeth sent Harry over the edge, and he gasped as his cock throbbed inside of his pants, dampening them with his release.

Malfoy twitched away from Harry and turned to face him. Harry blinked at him, feeling his face heat up with sudden embarrassment.

"You surprise me, Potter," Malfoy said. His eyes were still slumberous with passion, and a satisfied smile curved his kiss-swollen lips.

Harry wasn't sure how to respond to Malfoy's comment. He wasn't used to giving into lust like that, but he didn't regret it. Harry cleared his throat and tried for nonchalance. "I hope it was an enjoyable surprise," he said.

Malfoy's grin widened. "Quite," he nodded. "Would you care to join me here again at Beltane?"

Harry smiled in reaction. "Yeah, I'll be here," he said. "Rain or shine."

content: hand job, comm: hd_fluff, content: frotting, content: eighth year, gift: beta, rating: r, comm: slythindor100

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