Targeted 14

Apr 13, 2013 16:42

Title: Targeted 14
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco, Harry
Rating: R
Warning(s): Wanking, UST
Word count: 975
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for misplaced_exile, who asked for an update to Targeted.
Summary: Draco and Harry resolve their sexual tension...separately.

Draco watched Potter stride from the kitchen, then he turned and slammed his palm onto the table in frustration. He was so aroused he positively ached with it, and just when he'd thought Potter might do something to ease the sexual tension between them, the ruddy bastard had walked out. Draco dragged in a deep breath of air and then another. He shoved his shaking hands through his hair as he strove for some control. It didn't help. Draco scowled and kicked one of the kitchen chairs across the room. It seemed he'd have to take matters into his own hand. Again.

Draco composed himself as well as he was able before making his way out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his assigned room. He slammed the door shut behind him and stripped off his clothing, leaving the garments scattered carelessly across the floor. Draco yanked open the drawer of the nightstand and retrieved the vibe and lube that Potter had provided him.

"Bastard," Draco muttered under his breath. He'd rather have the real thing, and he was certain that Potter knew it.

Draco lay down on the bed and used the lube to prepare himself. The frown marring his face eased as he fingered and stretched his hole. Draco's eyes drifted shut, and a throaty moan escaped him. He fumbled for the vibrator, slathered some additional lubricant on it, and brought it to his entrance. Draco teased his rim with the tip, imagining it was Potter who was tormenting him so. He plunged the vibe inside, biting his lip in discomfort. Draco preferred rough and aggressive lovers, and he pleasured himself in the same fashion.

Potter was definitely aggressive, but would that translate into the forceful passion that turned Draco into a submissive wanton? In his fantasies, Potter would tear Draco's clothing away before tossing him onto a bed and fucking him until he could no longer remember his name. Draco grasped his cock and gave it a harsh tug as he continued plying his hole with the vibe. His breathing became ragged, soft pants interspersed with groans of pleasure. Draco's hips rose off the bed, hunching in the air between the twin stimuli of his hand on his cock and the toy up his arse. He wondered if Potter was a biter. Would he mark Draco's pale skin as he fucked him? The prospect was tantalizing, and it caused Draco's body to go taut as his orgasm overcame him.

Draco clenched his teeth, allowing only a whimper to emerge from his throat. His release pulsed over his fingers, and his rim spasmed around the vibe embedded in his hole. Draco relaxed gradually, slumping on top of the rumpled bed. His wank session had eased his sexual frustration, but Draco remained unhappy with the situation as a whole. He pulled the vibrator free with a wince and rose from the bed. Draco stumbled to the lav to wash the toy and indulge in a hot shower.


Harry cursed Malfoy even as he stood in the shower and thrust into his fist. He couldn't continue to harbor Malfoy here, not when all he wanted to do was bend the git over the first convenient piece of furniture and fuck him until Malfoy finally shut the hell up. Harry climaxed with a snarl, imagining his cock spurting into his mouthy houseguest. Instead, his ejaculate swirled in the water at his feet and disappeared down the drain.

Harry stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. He dried himself off vigorously, almost as if punishing himself for the fact that he'd needed to wank in order to purge the desire Malfoy fostered in him. Harry got dressed in the same clothing he'd shed earlier, uncaring that they weren't clean. And, he was still hungry, damn it. He had to stop letting Malfoy get under his skin. Harry was in the midst of a dangerous case, and he couldn't afford any distractions.

Harry returned to the kitchen. He didn't realize how stiff his shoulders were until they relaxed when he found the room empty. Harry fixed himself a sandwich and grabbed a bag of crisps. He sat at the table and ate methodically. Malfoy put in an appearance, aiming a snide glare at Harry as he poured himself a glass of water from the pitcher in the fridge. Harry ignored him, forcing the tension in his shoulders to ease. He finished his sandwich and reached for another handful of crisps.

Harry's mobile phone rang. He snatched it up, and his pulse jumped as he recognized Ron's number on the display. Harry brought the phone to his ear. "Yeah?"

"Harry, we have Kimple's home address, and we're about to go over there to search the place. If you want to come along, meet me in the Ministry's atrium in five minutes."

Ron hung up, sparing Harry from having to respond in front of Malfoy. "I'm leaving," he announced without looking at Malfoy.

"So am I."

Harry spared Malfoy a sneer. "Good luck with that," he scoffed.

"Potter, you cannot keep me here!" Malfoy cried. "I have rights, and-"

"Shut it, Malfoy," growled Harry. "We'll discuss it when I return." Harry shoved his chair back and stood. He slung the bag of crisps onto the counter and strode from the kitchen. Malfoy followed after, still yammering about how unfair it was that he was being held prisoner against his will.

Harry drew his wand and Disapparated, leaving Malfoy and his litany of complaints behind.

content: ust, verse: targeted, content: use of toy(s), gift: birthday, rating: r, content: wanking

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