A Hard Night Ahead

Apr 14, 2013 16:06

Title: A Hard Night Ahead
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): UST
Word count: 615
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for sksdwrld, using the prompts bonfire, circle of pines, smoke
Summary: Candor at the campsite.

"This is madness."

"It's a training exercise, Malfoy," said Harry. His partner merely sneered at him from across their small bonfire.

"All I've learned is that it's cold and damp out here, and my clothing now reeks of smoke."

Harry had to chuckle at Malfoy's discomfiture. "It's a beautiful summer night," he said, gesturing at the pine trees that encircled them. "Why not relax and enjoy it?"

Malfoy huffed. "That's what my first lover told me," he said.

Harry's grin faded as his body got deliciously tight in all the wrong places. "He, ah, he told you to relax and enjoy it?" Harry asked. His voice had gone rough, and he hoped Malfoy would attribute it to the smoke.

"No, he said it was a training exercise," Malfoy snarked in response.

"I reckon he had the right of it, if it was your first time," Harry commented in an attempt to lessen the sexual tension.

Malfoy grimaced and tossed another twig on the fire.

Harry stared into the flames, mesmerized by the way they flickered and danced. "Did you?" he asked.


"Did you enjoy it?" Harry asked, raising his eyes to Malfoy's.

"Not especially, no," Malfoy replied with a shrug. "What about you?"

"I wasn't there," Harry said with a smirk.

"Tosser," grumbled Malfoy. "I meant, did you enjoy your first time?"

"I was the one doing the shagging, so yeah, I thought it was brilliant."

"What about your first time bottoming?" pressed Malfoy.

"Who says I've ever bottomed?" quipped Harry. When his partner goggled at him, Harry laughed. "I was too pissed for it to be uncomfortable, and I think I passed out halfway through the experience," he said.

Malfoy's brows drew down. "Someone took advantage of you?" he asked.

"Not at all, Malfoy," Harry answered. "I consented to it. In fact, I believe I demanded it. My...companion at the time told me later that I was a lousy lay, and he insisted on bottoming for the remainder of our relationship."

"You're not still together?"

"No," Harry said, shaking his head as he resumed staring into the fire. "The last I knew, he had moved to the continent and gotten married."

"To a man?"

"To a woman," said Harry. "His family pressured him into it. I believe they have at least one child now."

"You haven't maintained contact with him?" asked Malfoy.

"He returned to London a year and a half ago and rang me," Harry said. "He wanted to hook up for a night for old time's sake, he said."

"Did you take him up on it?"

"No, he was married by then, and I turned him down." Harry glanced up at Malfoy again. "What about you?"

"I would have turned him down, too," Malfoy grinned.

"Prat," Harry chuckled.

Malfoy joined in with soft laughter. "There's no one special at the moment, if that's what you're wondering," he said.

Harry nodded in understanding. "It's the same for me," he admitted. "The job doesn't leave much time to cultivate a relationship. I spend more time with you than with any other bloke." Harry had meant it in jest, but his body throbbed for wanting Malfoy.

"Say, Potter?"

Harry's eyes sharpened on his partner as desire sizzled along his nerve endings. "Yeah?" he husked in response. Malfoy stood up and stretched, sending another surge of lust straight to Harry's groin.

"We should get some sleep," said Malfoy. "We have a hard day ahead of us tomorrow."

Harry closed his eyes and clenched his teeth in frustration. "Yeah, I reckon you're right," he gritted. It seemed he had a long, hard night ahead of him, too.

content: ust, gift: birthday, rating: pg13, profession: auror(s)

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