Available Cats

Jun 12, 2012 22:20

Title: Available Cats
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry, OFC
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 825
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: harry_draco_cat June prompt of adopt a cat month
Summary: Draco and Harry visit a shelter. They're just looking, mind you.

"Remember, Harry. We are just here to look at cats today. We are not taking any home with us."

"Right," Harry said with a nod. As soon as they entered the shelter, Harry nearly trampled Draco in his haste to mingle with the felines in need of homes.

Draco simply stood there, shaking his head.

"May I help you?"

Draco turned to look at the young woman who had spoken. "We are here to see your available cats," said Draco. "Mind you, we're just looking today."

"That's an excellent idea," said the woman. "It's always best to get to know a cat before deciding it will be the one you wish to take home with you. Might I ask what sort of cat you're looking for?"

"An older, well-behaved cat," Draco said promptly. "I'd like a cat that is content to sit on my lap and be petted, rather than one I have to chase after and scold for jumping up on the table."

"Ah, that's wonderful," the woman beamed. "We have difficulty placing our adult cats. Many people want a kitten instead. I believe we have several who meet your criteria. Would you like me to introduce you to them?"

Draco thanked her, and the woman took him to a smaller room off the main area where several contented felines were lounging in regal repose. Draco was immediately drawn to a fluffy Himalayan. He approached the cat and allowed it to sniff his fingers before he began to pet it.

"That's Cairo," said the woman. "We've had a lot of interest in him."

"I can see why," said Draco. "He's lovely."

The woman laughed. "Why don't you get acquainted with him and some of the others, and I'll check on your friend?"

Harry was happily playing in a pile of rambunctious kittens when the woman approached him.

"Have you found one you like?" she asked.

"I wish I could adopt them all," said Harry. He laughed as a kitten scampered up his back and chewed on his hair.

"I don't think that would be practical," giggled the woman. "Besides, your...your friend-"

"My boyfriend," Harry supplied.

The woman didn't miss a beat. "Your boyfriend wants a calmer cat."

Harry sighed. "Kittens aren't on the go all the time," he said. "It can sit with Draco when it's feeling tired and calm."

Draco approached just then, brushing fur from his sleeve. "Kittens are too much work, Harry," he said.

"I've told you I'll play with it and litter train it and make sure it doesn't climb the curtains," said Harry, a note of pleading in his voice.

"I have a suggestion," said the woman. "Why not get two cats? An older, gentle one and a young, energetic one?"

Draco and Harry looked at one another in surprise. Harry smiled. Draco frowned. Harry's lashes fluttered. Draco's lips quirked. Harry bit his lip. Draco cracked.

"Oh, very well," sighed Draco. He knew when to admit defeat.


"So much for just looking today, yeah?" Harry said, chuckling as he and Draco carted matching cardboard cat carriers into the house. He set his down and opened it. A fluffy white kitten poked her nose out, took a cautious sniff, then sprang free of confinement and pelted into the kitchen, paws sliding on the tiles.

"I can't believe you chose such a prissy little fluff ball," Draco commented.

"She may be prissy looking, but she was the most playful one there," Harry said, defending his selection.

Draco opened the carrier he had brought in. When nothing happened, he crouched next to it and called, "Here kitty, kitty."

An orange tom with one battle-scarred ear slunk out and looked around.

"I can't believe you chose a ginger," teased Harry.

"Shush," said Draco. "I liked the Himalayan, but the woman said she had others interested in him. No one wanted this daft old bugger." Draco petted his cat, and the old tom relaxed and arched into the caress.

Harry's kitten raced back into the room and began batting at the tom's tail. He yawned and gave her a half-hearted swat on the ear. The kitten dashed off to find other mischief.

"Perhaps I'll name him Weasley," said Draco.

Harry's easy grin vanished. "If you do, I'll name mine Narcissa," he threatened.

"You wouldn't dare."

"I certainly would," said Harry. He and Draco glared at one another for a moment before Draco conceded defeat.

"I like the name Orion," he said. "It's a proud and dignified name."

"It suits him," nodded Harry. "I was actually thinking of calling my kitten Lacy."

"That's a lovely name," said Draco.

Lacy charged into the living room again and scampered up the curtains.

As Harry groaned in dismay, Draco scowled at him and said, "Maybe you should have named her Shredder."

The Mystery of the Disappearing Socks

content: fluff, content: pet(s), rating: pg, content: established relationship, comm: harry_draco_cat, content: pet(s) from shelter, verse: felines and fallacies

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