Title: Happy Chris'mAS/S 20
enchanted_jaeHouse: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Characters/Pairings: Albus/Scorpius
December Challenge: #20 - wrapping presents
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Albus and Scorpius must wrap some gifts.
When they deemed it was safe, Albus and Scorpius returned home to their flat. There was an owl waiting for them, bearing a message from Lily, which indicated she had drafted Hugo into going shopping with her. Pleased to have eluded her and escaped another trip to Diagon Alley, Al and Scorpius collected the presents they had purchased for Christmas. Everything needed to be sorted and wrapped and placed beneath their tree until Christmas day.
Their living room was soon filled with festive paper, colorful ribbons and bows. Not many gifts got wrapped, but Albus and Scorpius certainly enjoyed themselves.
Happy Chris'mAS/S 21 Cross-posted to