Christmas in July...only not #4; Birthday!gift; HDFluff #72

Jul 18, 2011 21:59

Title: A Shag on the Blanket
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual activity
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 810
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Belated birthday gift for otakuwench, with a prompt of H/D, alcohol
slythindor100 Christmas in July...only not #4 - photo of a sailboat at sunset
hd_fluff Prompt #72 - sex on the beach
Summary: Sex on the Beach leads to a shag on the blanket.

Draco relaxed back against Harry and gazed out at the ocean, admiring the vibrant hues of the sunset. The sun appeared to be sinking beneath the waves, and it painted both the water and the sky a fiery orange and crimson. There was a lone sailboat within sight skimming majestically over the surface of the ocean. Its sails and prow were reduced to a graceful silhouette by the back light of the setting sun.

Draco didn't take his eyes off the spectacular view as he raised his mixed drink and took a sip. Melting ice had diluted the alcohol, but the drink was still cool and tartly refreshing.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Harry murmured in Draco's ear.

Draco suppressed a delicious quiver as his boyfriend's breath stirred his hair. "I can't recall when I've enjoyed a holiday more," he said.

"Would you like another Sex on the Beach?" asked Harry, deftly removing Draco's glass from his hand.

"I'd settle for a shag on the blanket," Draco replied with a soft laugh.

"That can be arranged," said Harry. He set his own drink aside and brushed the hair away from Draco's nape. Harry feathered tiny kisses across the back of Draco's neck, knowing full well it was one of Draco's most erogenous zones. He smiled against his boyfriend's skin when he felt Draco tremble in his arms.

"Mm, Harry, stop teasing."

"Patience," chided Harry. "We're on holiday, remember? We have all the time in the world." He continued stringing kisses over Draco's nape and interspersing them with tiny nips.

Draco was reduced to squirming in short order. "Harry, please," he begged. He freed himself from his boyfriend's loose embrace and turned to face Harry. Draco leaned in, capturing Harry's lips with his own in a hungry snog.

Harry participated eagerly, and his tongue delved into Draco's mouth to explore his boyfriend's unique flavor. Draco moaned and tried to scoot closer. Harry responded by easing Draco onto his back on their beach blanket. Harry stretched out beside his boyfriend and slung a leg across Draco's thighs as if to pin him in place.

Draco had no intentions of going anywhere. He pressed himself as closely to Harry as possible and slid a hand up under Harry's shirt while they kissed. Gradually, their various items of clothing were removed and cast aside until the two of them lay naked on the blanket.

Harry lifted his head and said, "I didn't plan for this."

Draco recognized it as Harry's way of saying he hadn't brought lubricant. "Use your magic" said Draco. A moment later, he gasped as Harry did just that.

Harry moved over Draco and settled between his boyfriend's legs. He positioned himself, and Draco assisted by tipping his hips up. Harry pressed forward, groaning as he sank into Draco's silky heat. The sun had slipped almost completely below the horizon, and Harry could barely make out Draco's features in the waning light. It didn't matter. Harry knew Draco would be biting his lip at the pleasant burn while his pale lashes would flutter against his cheeks.

Draco released his lip and opened his eyes. Harry was nothing more than a dark shape above him, but Draco knew his boyfriend would be smiling down at him as he waited for the signal to move. Draco sighed and arched up, and Harry took his cue and began to thrust.

Their bodies moved together with the ease of familiar intimacy. Hands sought out erogenous zones, and their lips met in frequent, languid kisses. Draco loved it when Harry took his time. It allowed the pleasure to build slowly and prolonged their joining. Eventually, however, Harry quickened his pace. Draco adjusted, snapping his hips up enthusiastically to meet each of Harry's strokes.

Harry shifted his weight and closed his free hand around Draco's rigid length. Draco moaned and rolled his hips as Harry concentrated on bringing him to the peak of pleasure. Draco's body stilled an instant before he shuddered into climax, pulsing over Harry's fingers and crying out his boyfriend's name. Harry waited until Draco relaxed beneath him before seeking his own release. In only a few more thrusts, he spent himself inside of Draco and collapsed on top of him.

Draco smiled and cupped Harry's arse with both hands to keep him in place. "That was fabulous," he murmured.

"Brilliant," Harry agreed. He uncoupled them carefully and settled next to Draco. Harry leaned close for another unhurried snog. He lifted his head and added, "Sex on the Beach can't beat a shag on the blanket."

challenge: slyth special challenge, content: outdoor sex, content: established relationship, content: beach sex, rating: r, content: fluff, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, comm: hd_fluff

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