Smoochfest fic 2011

Jul 18, 2011 19:00

Artwork by: the-gwyllion

Title: Like Crups and Kneazles
Author: enchanted_jae
Prompt Number: 114
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione
First Time scenario: First time visiting the Amazon rainforest
Summary: An expedition to the Amazon rainforest is fraught with danger and desire.
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): Sexual activity, language
Epilogue compliant? EWE
Word Count: 5325
Author's Notes: Much thanks to my speedy beta, booksmartmione!

Harry arrived in the Ministry's atrium, where he planned to meet his two best friends. Hermione had procured them a portkey to Peru, where she intended to conduct research on the native fauna. When she wasn't teaching at Hogwarts, Hermione was taking courses in zoology at a Muggle university.

Harry had been thrilled to be invited along on this expedition. He greeted Hermione with a hug and Ron with a brotherly thwack on the back. "Just like old times," Harry said, smiling in delight. "The three of us, off on another adventure!"

Ron averted his eyes, and Hermione cleared her throat. "Actually, Harry, one other person will be joining us on this trip," she said.

Harry felt a mild sense of disappointment, but he didn't let it show. "Oh, that's fantastic," he said. "Is it anyone I know?"

"I do apologize for being late."

Harry stiffened. He would recognize that voice anywhere. Turning, he was treated to the sight of Draco Malfoy dressed in impeccable khakis with a leather bag slung over one shoulder. Harry was besieged with the same combination of attraction and aggravation that he had always experienced in Malfoy's presence. The attraction had led to a brief but torrid affair, and the aggravation had caused them to separate after only four months. That had been two years ago, and Harry's feelings toward his former lover hadn't changed.

"Now that we're all here," Hermione said in a too-bright voice, "let's get going, shall we?"


Traveling that distance by portkey seemed interminable to Harry, and he fell on his arse with a thud once they reached their destination. Ron hauled him to his feet, while Hermione and Malfoy consulted a map that Hermione had produced from her bag. Harry recognized the bag as the same one she'd carried when they had been camping in the Forest of Dean. The memories it brought back were bittersweet.

They had arrived in the Peruvian city of Pucallpa, and from there, they would take a boat along the Ucayali River with plans to set up a base camp and explore the Amazon rainforest. Hermione would be searching for native fauna, while Malfoy intended to harvest samples of the exotic flora for use in his potions. Harry and Ron were meant to provide the muscle, which included manning the boat and breaking trail in the jungle. The intrepid explorers had been cautioned to use as little magic as possible, because Peru did not have its own Ministry of Magic to deal with any potential incidents. Harry wondered how long Malfoy would last before he was portkeying back home. He always had been a high-maintenance prat.

As if sensing the direction of Harry's thoughts, Malfoy turned a look on him. "Alright there, Potter?" he drawled. "It wouldn't do to injure yourself and slow our party down."

Harry's jaw clenched, but Ron deftly stepped between him and Malfoy. "Come on, Harry," he said. "Let's get our boat sorted."


They broke the no-magic guideline within moments of setting out in their boat. The mozzies were vicious, and each of the explorers cast his or her own repellent spell. It was minor magic and not likely to attract any attention.

Harry and Ron took turns steering from the stern of their small motor boat or sitting at the bow to navigate. Seated in the middle, Hermione and Malfoy pored over maps and guidebooks, and Hermione showed Malfoy how her Muggle GPS unit worked. She let him tinker with it while she took frequent photos with her digital camera.

Harry was at the stern when an exclamation from Hermione caused him to cut the engine.

"River dolphins!" she cried, standing up to get a better look.

Indeed, there were three dolphins at the surface of the river, poking their long snouts out of the water and breathing through the air holes on their heads.

"Is the heat getting to me, or are those ruddy pink dolphins ?" asked Ron.

"They appear pink, due to the capillaries just beneath their skin," Hermione said in her best professorial voice. "They're endangered, and it's a rare treat to see them." She was busy snapping pictures as she spoke.

Eventually, the dolphins disappeared below the water, and Harry started the motor again.


It wasn't until they had disembarked and begun to set up camp in a clearing that evening that Harry realized how much his friends hated him. Ron had hauled two tents from their supplies and beckoned Harry over to help set them up. Meanwhile, Hermione and Malfoy were busy sorting out food and comparing observations from their earlier trek along the river.

Harry cleared his throat. "Shouldn't there be three tents, Ron?" he asked.

Ron didn't bother glancing up from pounding in a tent stake with a mallet. "We had to pack light, mate," he said. "Hermione and I will share one tent, and you and Malfoy can kip in the other."

Harry's sudden flush had nothing to do with the rainforest's swelter. "You do recall that Malfoy and I didn't part on good terms, yeah?"

Ron did look up then. "That was two years ago," he pointed out, before returning his attention to the tent.

"I don't wish to share a tent with Malfoy," Harry insisted.

"Feel free to sleep outside then," drawled Malfoy from behind him. "You'd provide a delightful meal for the vampire bats."

Ron paused with his mallet in mid-air. "There aren't vampire bats here, are there?"

"I'm afraid so," Hermione said, approaching with a guidebook in hand. "They're one of several dangerous species in the area. We'll need to beware of snakes, crocodiles, venomous insects-"

"And poisonous plants," supplied Malfoy. He smirked at Harry. "Would you like me to brew you some tea, Potter?"

"I expect you two to behave like adults," said Hermione, glaring at both of them in turn. She then instructed Malfoy to start a fire and encouraged Harry and Ron to get the tents up as quickly as possible.

Harry retreated to his tent soon after their simple meal. He stripped down to his boxers and put on a clean T-shirt. Harry then withdrew the latest thriller from his bag and settled in to read. He became engrossed in the story until Malfoy entered the tent and distracted him.

Malfoy unrolled his own sleeping bag before looking at Harry and arching a brow.

"What?" Harry demanded, voice tetchy.

"You never used to wear pyjamas," said Malfoy.

Harry's blood began heading south at the reminder of the intimacies he'd once shared with Malfoy. The sex between them had never been an issue. It was passionate and explosive; unfortunately, so were their fights. Ultimately, the escalating disagreements had driven them apart.

Harry sought to bring his mind back on track. "If an emergency crops up, I don't wish to be caught with my pants down, so to speak," he said. Harry wondered if Malfoy had brought some of his poncy silk pyjamas with him. He'd never known why Malfoy had bothered; after all, Harry had never wasted any time in divesting Malfoy of his pyjamas when they were together.

Malfoy didn't respond to Harry's comment. He began disrobing instead.

Harry willed himself not to watch, but he couldn't resist the urge to sneak several peeks. Malfoy was as lithely muscled as Harry recalled, and the memory of that sleek body beneath his own sent Harry's blood rushing to his groin.

"Would you like me to put on a show for you?" taunted Malfoy. "I could add a few bumps and grinds, if you wish."

Harry's face suffused with a guilty flush. "Sod off," he grumbled, turning his back on Malfoy and trying once more to read. It was no use. Harry was no longer able to concentrate on his book. With a disgusted sigh, he tossed it in his bag and drew a blanket up to his chin.


The following day, the four of them set out on a hike through the rainforest. It was slow going. Harry and Ron took turns clearing a trail, while Hermione took copious notes. Malfoy was also seized in the grip of academia, as he paused frequently to exclaim over one plant or another and harvest various leaves, flowers and bits of bark.

"Isn't that a capirona tree?" Hermione asked Malfoy.

He was busy pulling some bark from said tree. "Indeed, it is, Granger," he said. "Infusions made from the bark are used to treat eye infections, and the sap is said to prevent wrinkles and fade scars. Would you like me to mix you up a batch, Potter?"

It was Ron's turn on point, so Harry was well within hearing distance of Malfoy's jibe. "I'm not ashamed of my scar, Malfoy," he said. "However, you may wish to brew yourself a batch to combat those crow's feet."

Malfoy scowled at Harry's riposte, and Harry smirked in satisfaction.

Hermione cut in before insults could degenerate into fisticuffs. "What is this yellow flower, Malfoy?"

"That's malva, and it can be used to alleviate headaches and stomach pain," replied Malfoy. He harvested some of the flowers and added them to his bag.

Hermione continued talking as they walked, pointing out various mammals, birds and insects.

Harry was actually fascinated by her discourse, although he watched Malfoy more than he looked at Hermione. Harry found himself amused by Malfoy's obvious delight in each new botanical discovery. He had always been dedicated to his profession as a potions master, and it had become one more thing for the two of them to argue about.

Harry missed their make up sex. He smiled and turned away before Malfoy could see his expression.


A sudden shower sent the explorers scurrying back to their campsite and into the relative safety of their tents. For Harry, it was torture. The previous night he'd been exhausted and had fallen asleep easily in spite of Malfoy's presence. Today, however, he was wide-awake. Some parts of his body were more alert than others.

Harry tried to read his book, but Malfoy was proving to be too much of a distraction. He had an obscene habit of sucking on the end of his ballpoint pen, which caused Harry's cock to ache with envy. Harry remembered all too well how talented Malfoy's mouth was. Harry sighed and reread a paragraph for the fourth time.

"Shall we shag, Potter?"

"Pardon me?" cried Harry.

"Sex, Potter," said Malfoy. "You do recall what that is, do you not?"

"Very amusing," grumbled Harry. "Why are you offering?"

Malfoy shrugged and set his notebook aside. "We're stuck sharing this tent for the next several days and nights," he said. "I, for one, would rather not go that long without sex. Granger is too curvy for my taste, and I don't think Weasley is bent." Malfoy relaxed back on his sleeping bag and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Perhaps Weasley could be persuaded to experiment a little," he mused.

"If Ron didn't kill you for mentioning it, Hermione would," said Harry.

"So you see, my options are limited," Malfoy nodded.

Harry smirked at him. "There's always your hand," he suggested.

Malfoy didn't seem to take offense. "I need that for writing," he said, matter-of-factly. "I suppose my left hand would do in a pinch. I'm quite talented with both, as you recall."

Harry did recall, and his body tingled with longing. When he realized Malfoy was undoing his trousers, Harry blurted, "What are you doing?!"

"I'm going to enjoy a wank."

Harry opened his mouth, but no sound emerged. He felt obligated to lodge a protest, yet he was titillated at the prospect of Malfoy pleasuring himself in front of him.

"You're welcome to watch, of course," said Malfoy as he withdrew his erect cock from the opening in his Y-fronts. "I know what a voyeur you are."

Harry couldn't refute it. He did used to enjoy watching Malfoy, whether his lover was showering, wanking, preparing himself for sex, or hell, even eating and sleeping. Harry had always been attracted to Malfoy, and that much hadn't changed.

Malfoy clasped his cock in a loose grip and gave himself a couple slow strokes. He paused to run his thumb over the crown of his prick before sliding his fist up and down his length again.

Harry's cock swelled against the front of his pants, and he found himself leaning closer to Malfoy for a better look. When the pressure became unbearable, Harry hastily freed himself and began wanking in tandem with Malfoy.

Malfoy's hand sped up, and so did Harry's. It became a contest between them; a race of sorts to see which of them would finish first. Malfoy won, having had a head start, and he climaxed with a choked gasp. His performance inspired Harry, and Harry was soon biting his lip to stifle a cry of pleasure.

Malfoy glanced over from zipping up and quipped, "Was it good for you, Potter?"

"Shut your gob," grumbled Harry. His words lacked any real heat, however. Harry's release had left him relaxed and lethargic. He cleaned himself up and rolled over with his back to Malfoy, opting for a nap while it continued to rain.


When the weather cleared, the four of them reconvened outside their tents. Hermione and Malfoy sat next to one another and pored over a map as they debated where to explore next. Harry and Ron were playing a game of poker and nibbling on biscuits.

"That was quite the storm, yeah?" Harry asked.

"Lucky for us, the tent didn't leak," said Ron, drawing another card. "What did you do to keep occupied?"

"Potter and I had sex," Malfoy interjected.

Harry inhaled some biscuit crumbs and suffered a paroxysm of coughing. "We did not," he wheezed when he was able to speak again.

Hermione's face had turned a lovely shade of pink, Harry's was flushed a dull red, and Ron appeared decidedly green. "I could have happily lived the rest of my life without knowing that," he said.

"As if you and Granger didn't take advantage of the opportunity to shag," sniffed Malfoy.

Hermione cleared her throat. "Focus on the map, Malfoy," she said. Together, they decided on a course of action for the following day.

Ron stood and stretched. "I'll go find some firewood," he announced.

"I'll go with you," said Malfoy. "I want to see if I can locate some llantén."

Harry and Hermione watched them go with matching bemused expressions. "Do you reckon both of them will return?" Harry asked.

Hermione snickered and poked him in the ribs. She worried her lower lip a moment, then said, "Harry, maybe you should have sex with Malfoy."


She shrugged. "Perhaps it would allow you to purge him from your system, once and for all."

"I purged him two years ago," muttered Harry.

"Did you really?" prodded Hermione. "If you no longer had feelings for him, he wouldn't be able to get under your skin so easily."

Harry opened his mouth to deny it, but he paused to consider her words. It was true that Malfoy could get to him as no other, arousing both Harry's temper and his passion. No one before or since had incensed and inflamed him as his former lover did. Harry leaned back on his hands with a sigh. "What am I going to do, Hermione?"

"Simple," she said. "Shag him."


Following a dull but hearty dinner, Ron and Hermione retreated to their tent. Malfoy ducked into his and Harry's tent soon after. Harry remained outside awhile longer, stirring the dying embers of the fire with a stick and watching in fascination as they flared to life once more. The similarity of the fire to his relationship with Malfoy wasn't lost on Harry. He had thought his feelings for Malfoy had burned themselves out until Malfoy came back into his life and fanned the embers into flames again.

Thinking of Malfoy caused Harry's body to react in anticipation of sex and left him wondering why he was still sitting outside, alone. Malfoy had indicated he was willing, and Hermione had granted her permission, so what was he waiting for? Harry doused the flames with a wave of his hand and headed to his tent.

Upon entering, he discovered Malfoy reclining against his pillow with a book in his hands. He glanced up at Harry and did a double take. Malfoy smiled and tucked the book in his bag before dampening his lips with his tongue.

Something in Harry's demeanor had broadcast his intent, but he didn't care. All that mattered at the moment was purging Malfoy from his system. Harry began removing his clothing, and Malfoy did the same.

"You have lube, I assume?" Harry asked as he stepped out of his pants.

Malfoy sifted through his bag and produced a small bottle of lubricant. He tossed it to Harry and lounged back, parting his thighs as he did so.

"Lazy tart," snorted Harry. He squeezed the lubricant over his fingers and crouched above Malfoy as he began the enjoyable task of preparing his partner. Malfoy squirmed and made those soft, kittenish sounds that had always driven Harry mad with the need to possess him. He withdrew his fingers and guided his cock into place, pressing inside of Malfoy with a throaty groan.

"Mm, Potter, yes."

Harry almost laughed. The two of them had never gotten beyond the Potter and Malfoy stage of their volatile relationship, and he had forgotten how much of a turn on it was to hear Malfoy moaning his surname like that. Harry drove in deep, and Malfoy half sat up and sank his teeth into the juncture of Harry's neck and shoulder.

Harry hissed in pain and increased arousal. "Still a biter, I see," he growled. He punished Malfoy with a few short, hard jabs of his cock. Malfoy tightened his thighs against Harry's hips and soothed the bite with hot swipes of his tongue. He curled a hand around Harry's nape and drew his head down, the better to nibble on Harry's neck as they shagged.

The sharp edge of Malfoy's teeth sharpened the edge of Harry's desire, and he moved faster between his lover's legs. Malfoy pushed a hand between their bodies to stroke himself, and he climaxed soon after. Harry's shoulder bore the brunt of Malfoy's pleasure, as Malfoy muffled his ecstatic cry with a mouthful of Harry's flesh. Harry peaked as a result, spurting inside of Malfoy with a grunt. He collapsed on top of Malfoy and gasped for breath.

Malfoy panted beneath Harry for a moment, but he eventually gave Harry a push. "That was brilliant, Potter," he said. "Now get off of me. It's too hot."

Harry uncoupled them with grumble of complaint then crawled over to his own sleeping bag and dropped onto it with a weary, satisfied sigh. He fell asleep in moments.


"Looks like you were attacked by a vampire bat, mate."

Harry paused with a spoonful of porridge halfway to his mouth. "Huh?"

Ron pointed at him. "You have a-ouch!" he yelped when Hermione jabbed him with an elbow.

Harry's hand flew to the tender spot on his neck, and he glared across the campfire at a smirking Malfoy. There were no mirrors in camp, and Harry hadn't thought about visible evidence of last night's purging exercise.

"What's on the agenda for today?" Hermione chirped brightly.

Ron scowled at her. "You tell us," he said. "You're the expedition leader."

"Right," said Hermione. "Let's clean up, shall we? Malfoy and I would like to venture south of camp this time."

Under Hermione's supervision, the campsite was quickly cleaned up, and the explorers were ready for another hike through the jungle. Again, Ron and Harry took turns forging a trail for the others to follow. Along the way, Malfoy pointed out various trees, plants and flowers, including an aromatic assortment of orchids. Hermione added her knowledge of the insects and animals they encountered. She was even able to identify certain monkeys by their vocalizations alone.

Hermione's educational litany was interrupted when Ron yelped and leaped backward. "There's a great bloody snake on the trail!" he cried.

Malfoy edged closer. "Venomous, judging from the triangular shape of the head," he said.

Hermione crept up behind them to view the mottled snake. "Bothrops atrox," she pronounced. "Commonly called a lancehead, and yes, very venomous."

As one, the three of them moved carefully back and away from the viper. Harry stepped forward and addressed the snake in Parseltongue. It hissed in response and slithered away, leaving the humans exhaling in relief.

"When we return to camp, I'll brew an infusion from the cedro tree," said Malfoy. "It will be invaluable if any of us gets bitten."

From there, they proceeded with extreme caution. When the sky began to darken above the canopy, they rushed to return to camp ahead of the storm.


The rain drumming against the top of the tent helped drown out Harry's shuddering moans as he arched back to meet each of Malfoy's measured thrusts. The hands that gripped his hips were going to leave fingerprint bruises, but Harry was beyond caring. He was too caught up in the hot, slick slide of Malfoy's cock as they shagged.

"Do you like that, Potter?"


"Did you miss it?"

Harry was incapable of dishonesty at the moment. "Yeah," he admitted. He groaned louder when Malfoy's hand wrapped around his shaft and began working him in tandem with his thrusts. Harry's orgasm rolled through him in a wave, and when it passed, he wilted forward and lay with his face buried in his pillow.

Malfoy followed him down, bending over Harry and setting his teeth into Harry's other shoulder as he pulsed inside of him. Eventually, Malfoy eased out of Harry and retreated to his own side of the tent. "Fantastic," he breathed. "Why did we give it up?"

Harry rolled to his side to face Malfoy. "Sex was never a problem between us," he said, "but all we did was fuck and fight."

"We fought about everything, didn't we?" chuckled Malfoy.

"Ah, the memories," Harry said with a fond grin. At least the new memories he had forged with Malfoy on this trip had been largely without rancor. Of course, that didn't exactly help with purging Malfoy from his system. Harry wondered if he should pick a fight, simply to remind himself that he and Malfoy were not compatible at anything except sex. A glance over showed Malfoy reclining at ease on his sleeping bag with his eyes closed and a surprisingly happy smile on his face. Harry wasn't enough of a bastard to spoil his lover's good mood. Instead, he drew a light blanket over himself and dozed off with a faint smile on his own face.


"Ron, why don't you and Harry go collect some more firewood?" Hermione made it sound like a question, but Harry and Ron recognized marching orders when they heard them.

Harry glanced up at the sky through the canopy of branches and leaves. "We have less than an hour before dark," he said, picking up his machete.

"I'm going down by the riverbank to see if there are any otters about," said Hermione. She had been excited at the prospect of sighting some of the endangered river otters.

Malfoy stood and brushed off the seat of his khaki trousers. "I'll accompany you," he said. "I want to harvest some of the plants that grow by the river."

Harry watched Malfoy and Hermione until they disappeared from sight. "Come on, Ron," he said. "Let's get that firewood before night falls." There was no dry wood to be found in the rainforest, but minor magic took care of that dilemma.

As they made their way through the jungle and gathered up pieces of dead wood, Ron asked, "Are you and Malfoy getting back together?"

Harry was startled by the question. "No," he replied. "Why would you think so?"

"You've been shagging," Ron said, "but what's even more scary is that you haven't been fighting. At least, no more than Hermione and I bicker."

Harry's first inclination was to vehemently deny it, but Ron had a point. Harry and Malfoy were getting on rather well here in the rainforest. However, that didn't mean they would continue to get along once they returned to England. Besides, Harry had no idea if Malfoy would be willing to reconcile or not. So far, Malfoy had only expressed an interest in sex.

A shrill scream cut through the jungle, and Harry glanced up, wondering what species of animal could sound so human.

"That was Hermione!" Ron exclaimed. He dropped his armload of wood and bolted back toward camp.

Heart racing, Harry ran after him.


Drawn by Hermione's screams and Malfoy's yells, Harry and Ron burst out of the jungle and onto the riverbank. Harry's blood ran cold. His friends were in a life and death battle in the water with an enormous snake. Its coils were wrapped around Hermione, pinning one of her arms to her side. Malfoy was trying frantically to pry the snake loose, and its tail had looped around his body as it tried to drag them both under the surface.

Ron brandished his machete and jumped into the water, and Harry followed suit.

"Your wands!" cried Hermione, clearly struggling to breathe. "Use your wands!"

Harry and Ron drew their wands at the same time.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

The snake went still, and Harry and Ron rushed forward to free Hermione and Malfoy from its grip. Once released from its deadly coils, Hermione flung herself into Ron's arms with a sob. "Oh, Ron!"

"Hermione," he choked, hugging her tightly to his chest.

Harry pried Malfoy loose and hauled him into a hard embrace. "Draco," he gasped, pushing the wet hair away from his lover's face and seizing Malfoy's mouth in a desperate snog.

The four of them clambered out of the river and collapsed on the bank, heedless of the mud. Hermione drew her wand and pointed it at the anaconda with a shaking hand. "Finite Incantatem," she whispered.

The water churned as the snake was released from the binding spells, and a ripple of water showed it moving off into deeper water.

"It didn't deserve to d-drown," stammered Hermione. Her teeth began to chatter, and Ron scooped her up in his arms and headed back to camp.

Harry looked at Malfoy, who was burrowed against his chest and beginning to tremble. "Can you walk?" he asked. He wouldn't mind carrying Malfoy if need be.

Malfoy gave a wordless nod, and Harry helped him to his feet. He clamped an arm around Malfoy's waist and guided him along the path. "Let's get you into some dry clothing," said Harry.


"I should have recognized the danger signs when the otters fled the area so quickly," said Hermione. Her lips thinned as she gazed into the flames. "It was foolish of me to be standing knee-deep in the water to begin with."

Ron tugged her closer to his side. "Don't blame yourself," he crooned.

Hermione shook herself and gave him a weak smile. "If it weren't for Malfoy, I'd be dead," she said. "As soon as the snake grabbed my leg and dragged me deeper into the water, he jumped in to help me."

All eyes turned to Malfoy, and he hunched his shoulders as if embarrassed by his earlier display of unexpected bravery. "I'm surrounded by Gryffindors," he muttered. "It's rubbed off on me."

Ron reached over and squeezed Malfoy's forearm. "Thanks, mate," he said. Their eyes met and held for a moment before Malfoy gave a barely perceptible nod and dropped his gaze again.

"Slytherins can be heroes, too," Harry told him, giving Malfoy a one-armed hug and drawing him nearer in the process. He found he couldn't resist touching Malfoy, not when he'd come so close to losing him. Harry didn't plan to let him go again.

"I think we should cut this expedition short," said Ron. His voice was firm and not at all hesitant as it usually was when he dared his girlfriend's wrath.

Instead of arguing, Hermione nodded in agreement. "I think you're right," she said, laying her head on his shoulder.


Harry would have been content to simply hold Malfoy on their last night in the small tent, but shortly after they lay down together, Malfoy pressed against Harry insistently. "Are you sure?" Harry asked, in a weak attempt at chivalry. In answer, Malfoy aligned their groins and frotted their erections together.

Harry took his time undressing Malfoy, after which he made careful, languid love to him. Malfoy wasn't in the mood for soft and slow, and he expressed his displeasure with an increase in biting. Harry savored each sharp nip and suffered the erotic pain gladly.

Afterward, they lay in an intimate tangle on their bedding while Harry stroked Malfoy's hair and smoothed the tangles out of it.



"You're being maudlin."

Harry's arms tightened around Malfoy. "I can't help it," he said. "When I saw you in the water with that snake, I realized how important you are to me and how much I would miss you if you were...gone."

Malfoy propped himself up on an elbow. "What are you saying?"

Harry forced the sudden tension from his body and said, "When we get home tomorrow, I want you to come home with me." Malfoy was silent for so long that Harry grew tense again.

Finally, Malfoy said, "We'll fight like crups and kneazles."

"Don't be so sure of that," said Harry, drawing his lover down into his arms once more. "I'd like to think we've both matured since our days of constant fighting."

"We're bound to bicker," Malfoy argued even as he snuggled closer. "We're bickering now."

"But think of the make up sex," Harry grinned. He gasped when Malfoy bit his nipple.

"There is that to consider," Malfoy chuckled, nudging Harry onto his back and settling atop him.


This time, it was Harry steadying Malfoy when their portkey deposited the four of them in Hermione's office. Ron dropped his bags on the floor and flung his arms wide. "Home sweet home," he breathed in relief.

Harry set his own bags down and reached for Malfoy. "Speaking of home," he murmured, "are you ready to come home with me, where you belong?"

Malfoy angled his head to snog Harry by way of answer. They shifted until their bodies were aligned and pressed together from chest to thigh.

Ron snorted and turned an accusing eye on Hermione. "You planned this, didn't you?"

"That's ridiculous, Ronald," Hermione sniffed. "I would have had to plan the encounter with the snake, too."

"I wouldn't put it past you," Ron said. "Honestly, you should have been sorted into Slytherin, you conniving woman."

The two of them were still bantering when Harry broke free from kissing Malfoy and bent to collect their bags. He drew his wand and took Malfoy's arm as he prepared to Side-Along Apparate them. "Let's go home, Malfoy."



"I liked it when you called me Draco."

Cross-posted to hd_smoochfest

content: drama, fest: smoochfest, content: golden trio, content: flangst, rating: r, content: reunited, content: switching, content: fest fic

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