Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #63; Birthday gift; HDPotsNPorn #41

May 08, 2011 21:53

It's the first full weekend in May, meaning it's time for a new Monthly Drabble Challenge. This month's prompt is DISTRACTION, and it's brought to you by all the fests I signed up for. You needn't use the word itself, as long as the general idea is conveyed. Feel free to write or draw any fandom, pairing, threesome, or even gen fic. If you can combine this with other prompts to make your lives easier, go for it. *grins*

Please post your entry in your own journal (unlocked!) or a community of your choice, and leave me a link in the comments below. You have until Sunday, May 22, at 11:00pm CST to submit an entry. At that time, I'll post links to the entries and draw a name from among the participants to receive a drabble from me. Below is my entry for this month:

Title: Topping Dessert
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Word count: 800
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ JMDC #63 - distraction
♦ Birthday gift for khasael, with a prompt of sugar
hd_pots_n_porn prompt #41 - dessert
Summary: Draco is on a mission, and Harry makes it his mission to distract his boyfriend.

Draco's kitchen had been the epicenter of a whirlwind of activity since early morning. He had only himself to blame; after all, it had been Draco's idea to suggest to Harry that they host a dinner party to bring their two groups of friends together. As if that hadn't been stressful enough, Draco had then declared that he would prepare the meal himself. He had been in a frenzy ever since--planning the meal, shopping for ingredients, and now, cooking, baking, mixing and sauteing.

So far, everything had gone well. The crown roast was ready for the oven, and all Draco needed to do otherwise was make the dessert.

Harry had been doing his best to stay out of Draco's way. He knew his boyfriend was driving himself spare in an effort to ensure that everything was perfect. Harry didn't care if things were perfect or not; he simply wanted everyone to have a good time, and that included Draco. Unfortunately, his boyfriend was too on edge to relax. Harry was convinced Draco needed a good shag before their guests began to arrive.

When the kitchen grew quiet, Harry cautiously poked his head inside. "Do you need any help, love?" he asked.

Draco was busy poring over a recipe. "Yes, Harry," he said in a distracted voice. "Would you give me some sugar?" Draco gestured vaguely at the cluttered countertop.

Harry grinned. If that wasn't an invitation, he didn't know what was. Harry sidled up behind Draco and pushed his boyfriend's hair off his nape. He placed a soft kiss to the back of Draco's neck.

"Harry, what are you doing?"

"I'm giving you some sugar," Harry purred, kissing his way down to Draco's collar and nudging it aside to nuzzle him.

"Stop that. I'm...mm...I'm busy."

"You've been busy all day," said Harry, winding both arms around Draco's torso and pulling his boyfriend back against him. "You need to take a few moments to relax."

"I'll relax when our guests leave," Draco sighed. He allowed his head to fall back against Harry's shoulder for a moment before trying to squirm free. "Harry," he grumbled, "I need to make dessert."

"Why make dessert when we can make love?" murmured Harry. He slid one hand down Draco's abdomen and cupped his boyfriend's bits.

Draco gasped and arched into the caress. "We don't have time," he protested.

"There's always time for this," said Harry. He turned Draco in his arms and seized his boyfriend's mouth in a toe-curling snog. Once he had kissed Draco into compliance, Harry turned Draco away again and divested his boyfriend of his clothing from the waist down. He encouraged Draco to bend over and brace his hands on one of the kitchen chairs. Harry snagged some cooking oil from the counter and used it as a lubricant. He worked Draco open with two slick fingers, teasing Draco's rim and prostate alternately until his boyfriend was undulating his hips and pleading for Harry's cock.

Draco's breath hitched when Harry penetrated him, and he gripped the sides of the chair and held on as Harry settled into a good, hard rhythm. Harry's jeans felt rough against Draco's bare backside. Their partially-clothed state lent a naughty air to what they were doing, and Draco loved it. He rolled his hips, seeking more.

Harry thrust into Draco at a steady pace, enjoying the hot, silken grip of his boyfriend's body. Draco's sinuous movements spurred Harry to increase the speed and force of his strokes. He tightened his hands on Draco's hips as he plunged into him over and over.

"H-Harry," panted Draco. He took himself in hand and jammed his fist up and down his length. "Oh god, Harry. Now, now."

Harry gritted his teeth as he drove in harder. He twisted his hips, grinding himself deep, and he felt Draco spasm around him.


Harry groaned as Draco's clenching muscles wrung his orgasm from him. He emptied himself inside his boyfriend before slumping against Draco and gasping for breath.

Draco hummed as Harry eased out of him slowly. His rim twitched as if reluctant to be uncoupled from his boyfriend. Draco sighed when Harry stepped away from him. He located his pants and trousers and began to get dressed again.

While Draco was zipping up, Harry wrapped his arms around his boyfriend from behind again and placed a teasing kiss to the side of Draco's neck.

Draco smiled and reached back to ruffle Harry's hair. "Off with you now," he said. "I need to finish making my dessert."

"Your dessert can't top this," Harry said with a grin.

As Harry turned to saunter out of the kitchen, Draco called after him, "I'll be topping you later tonight."

challenge: jmdc, content: kitchen sex, content: established relationship, content: chair sex, rating: nc17, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, comm: hd_pots_n_porn, content: partially clothed sex

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