The Heat Is On

May 08, 2011 17:57

Title: The Heat Is On
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, mild dub-con, creature!fic
Word count: 1025
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: A birthday gift for xxxx_jenny_xxxx, whose prompt was in heat, creature!fic
Summary: When other veelas abandon Draco in the Forbidden Forest, Harry Potter comes. To the rescue, that is. :D

Draco knew he wasn't well-liked among the other veelas, but he'd had no idea how deep their hatred ran until now.

On the cusp of eighteen, Draco was about to enter his first mating season. In crude terms, he was going into heat. He was aware that several of the other veelas were uncomfortable with his sexuality, as not many veelas expressed a preference for their own gender. However, Draco had not realized how cruel his fellow veelas could be. They had stripped Draco down to his smalls and shoes and left him in the Forbidden Forest. Wandless and alone.

It was a well-known fact that many magical folk and creatures were attracted to veelas, and a veela in heat was bound to attract all manner of unwanted attention. Draco suspected that had been the pranksters' intent. They probably figured he'd end up getting buggered by an elf or a centaur.

Draco wasn't going to be molested without a fight, however. He may not have his wand, but he still had his wits about him. Draco searched the ground until he found a stick that could pass as a wand in a pinch. Thus armed, Draco began the tedious trek out of the Forest.

He managed to bluff his way through an encounter with an acromantula by pointing the stick and threatening to set fire to the beast. It had scurried off, and Draco had trembled for several minutes afterward.

It was as Draco was beginning to realize how hopelessly lost he was that Harry Potter arrived on the scene.

"Malfoy, what are you doing, traipsing naked through the Forest?"

"I'm not naked," Draco protested. Belatedly, it occurred to him to take advantage of Potter's timely appearance. "Now that you're here, I would appreciate it if you would indulge in your need to save people and get me safely out of the Forest," he said. Draco held out a hand and demanded, "Give me your cloak, Potter."

Potter removed his cloak without comment, but instead of giving it to Draco, he tossed it beyond Draco, where it landed on the ground.

Draco glared at Potter before turning and bending to retrieve the garment.

"I say, Potter!" he cried as arms wrapped around him from behind. Potter pressed his groin to Draco's arse and frotted against him. He was obviously aroused, and Draco squirmed to free himself. "Potter, what do you think you're doing?! Unhand me this instant!"

"You smell different, Malfoy," rumbled Potter, still rubbing on him.

"I-I'm coming into season," said Draco, struggling to free himself from Potter. "Humans shouldn't be affected by my pheromones, so stop molesting me, and help me get out of the Forest before I attract any more creatures."

"I'm not as human as I once was," said Potter. He turned Draco in his arms and nuzzled Draco's neck.

Draco shivered a little, and his body responded to the close physical contact. "Wh-what?" he asked, bemused by Potter's nearness.

"I'm a werewolf."

Draco's mind cleared, and his blood ran cold. Frightened now, he frantically tried to escape Potter's grasp. Potter merely tightened his grip and nibbled on Draco's neck. The urge to mate was strong in Draco, and he moaned and became pliant in Potter's arms.

Potter dragged Draco down to the ground with him and spread his cloak out. He turned Draco once more and kissed and nipped the back of Draco's neck as he drew Draco's pants down. Draco was beyond protesting. He dropped to his fours and pushed his naked arse back, rubbing it against Potter's groin. Draco heard Potter's zip lower, and his breathing quickened in anticipation. Potter had the presence of mind to prepare Draco with magic, and then his rigid cock was forcing its way inside.

Draco cried out and clawed at the cloak as his rim stretched to accommodate Potter's thick shaft. Despite the burning pain, Draco arched his back and took Potter deeper. He needed this, needed it more than he needed to breathe at the moment. Potter set his teeth sharply into Draco's nape, and Draco yowled in reaction. Potter's cock plunged in and out, working Draco's hole open as they coupled on the ground. Low growls emanated from Potter's throat, but he kept his teeth clamped firmly in Draco's flesh.

Draco had had a few sexual encounters, but never before when he was in heat. He and Potter were copulating with the ferocity of animals. Draco's climax rushed up on him quickly, causing him to wail and spatter Potter's cloak with his release. Potter hammered into Draco a few more times before pulsing inside of him.

When it was over, they uncoupled without a word. Potter shook his cloak out while Draco tugged his pants up and averted his eyes.

"Come on," said Potter, draping his soiled cloak over Draco's shoulders. "I'll lead you back to Hogwarts, and you can get cleaned up there."

Draco nodded his acceptance and followed Potter along a convoluted path until they reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest. The castle loomed in the distance, and Draco had never been so glad to see it. He turned to Potter and lifted his chin. "I'd thank you," said Draco, "but since you got a spectacular shag out of the deal, I dare say that's thanks enough."

"Now that we're mates, I will always protect you," Potter said.

Draco goggled at him. "Veelas don't take mates, Potter."

"No, but werewolves do," smirked Potter.

"I didn't agree to be your mate," Draco argued as a prickle of unease raised the hair on his nape.

"You now wear my mating mark," said Potter. "It proclaims you as mine."

Draco's mouth fell open as he scrambled for something to say. "But, I-"

Potter turned and disappeared into the darkening Forest, leaving Draco staring after him in shock and dismay. His voice floated back to Draco.

"I'll be back for you soon, Malfoy."

The Heat Is On 2

content: outdoor sex, creature: werewolf, verse: the heat is on, rating: nc17, creature: veela, content: top!harry, gift: birthday, content: creature fic, content: partially clothed sex, content: dub-con

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