Secrets to Keep 17

Dec 10, 2010 01:31

Title: Secrets to Keep 17
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry, Carina
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sex
Word count: 725
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Eighteenth installment of an arc that began with Pixie Pox. Written for mugglegato, whose prompt was feather.
Summary: Draco takes advantage of Harry.

Draco glanced up from sorting the mail to smile across the table. Harry was sitting beside Carina and drawing pictures for their daughter to color. Draco returned his attention to the heavy vellum envelope in his hand. He opened it and withdrew a lavishly scripted wedding invitation.

"Ah, I see Daphne and Dean are finally going to wed," commented Draco.

Harry looked up at him and smiled. "It's about time," he said. "They've been dating since Carina was in nappies. I imagine I have a similar invitation waiting at home."

Draco nodded absently. This would be yet another public function that he and Harry would have to attend separately. Each would be expected to appear with his wife and children, being careful not to reveal that the children belonged to both of them. Carina would require some coaching ahead of time to stay with Draco and Astoria and not go running to Harry and Ginny.

Draco sighed and set the invitation aside. He would worry about that later. For now, Harry was at the Manor, and Draco intended to take advantage of that fact. James, Albus and Scorpius were spending the weekend at the Burrow with Hugo Weasley, while Lily had been invited to stay with Ron, Hermione and Rose. Ginny and Karin were canoodling at Harry's house with the twins, leaving Draco and Harry to lavish attention on Carina.

"It's bedtime, Carina," Draco announced.

His daughter pouted and sent an imploring look up at Harry. "Must I go to bed, Daddy?"

"Yes, sweetheart, it's getting late," Harry said. He helped Carina put her papers and crayons away. Draco and Harry both tucked Carina into bed and headed to the master suite.

They shared a passionate snog before getting undressed. The two of them tumbled onto the large bed and kissed once more while their hands wandered over one another in rising desire. Draco raised his head. "Lie back and close your eyes," he whispered.

"Do you intend to ravish me?" snickered Harry, doing as instructed.

Draco chuckled as he rose from the bed and retrieved the object he'd secreted away earlier. He returned to Harry and lay down next to him. "No peeking," he warned. Harry squirmed, but he kept his eyes closed. Draco held the white peacock feather aloft and then touched it to the hollow of Harry's throat.

Harry's breath caught, and his fingers twisted in the sheets.

Draco dragged the feather down the center of Harry's chest, then flicked it side to side to tickle his lover's nipples into stiff peaks.



Draco drew the feather lower before swirling the tip into Harry's navel. Harry moaned and lifted his hips. Draco swept the feather over his lover's lower abdomen. He could see Harry's muscles spasm, and he grinned in delight. Harry was ticklish there. Draco ignored Harry's erection and flicked the feather across his hipbones, down one thigh and up the other.

"Please, Draco."


Draco wanted Harry mindless with arousal, and to that end he plied his lover's body with the feather, knowing the light strokes were driving Harry mad with need. Draco used the feather to distract Harry while he pushed two slick fingers into him. Harry cried out and thrashed on the bed.

"Now, Draco!"


Draco set the feather aside and moved into place between Harry's eagerly parted thighs. He penetrated Harry with an emphatic thrust and began pumping his hips at a leisurely pace. Draco shifted his angle until he was stroking over Harry's sweet spot, reducing his lover to writhing, whimpering wanton beneath him. Draco whispered a well-rehearsed incantation, never missing a beat in the erotic motion of his body over Harry's.

Harry climaxed a moment later, clutching at Draco with arms and legs as he pulsed between them. Draco maintained the pace of his thrusts until he achieved his own release. He plunged deep and emptied himself inside of Harry. Draco remained connected to Harry, kissing him languidly, until he softened and slipped free.

Harry curl close as Draco drew the covers over them. "Magical," he sighed.

Draco's arms tightened around his lover. I certainly hope so.


Secrets to Keep 18

content: use of toy(s), gift: birthday, content: established relationship, content: kid(s), content: top!draco, verse: secrets to keep, rating: r

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