Donation drabble: Unhealthy Obsession

Jul 25, 2010 18:18

Title: Unhealthy Obsession
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Wanking
Word count: 425
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for ange_pange, in thanks for the PFlag rhino donation, with the prompt of waterfall.
Summary: Constant vigilance pays off.

Harry knew it was wrong. He also knew that Hermione would lecture him about his unhealthy obsession if she knew where he was at the moment and what he was doing. However, Harry couldn't help himself. Anytime Auror business brought him into the vicinity of Wiltshire, Harry felt compelled to sneak onto Malfoy property. He told himself it was simply to check up on Draco Malfoy to be sure the former Slytherin was not violating the terms of his probation by engaging in illegal activity. So far, Harry had not observed Malfoy doing anything suspicious, but he was a firm believer in Moody's creed of constant vigilance.

Harry cast a locator spell and frowned when it pointed to the grounds of the estate rather than at the Manor house. Clutching his Invisibility Cloak to himself, Harry followed the tip of his wand. He heard the sound of water before he pushed through a thick stand of willows and came upon a rushing creek. The water tumbled over a rocky outcropping and formed a pool below before continuing its journey downstream. Harry gasped in wonder the the gorgeous sight--not of the waterfall, but of the naked man standing beneath it.

Malfoy was situated in the spray so that the majority of the water sluiced down his back and barely trickled over his torso. He was languidly stroking his erect cock, and Harry whimpered as his eyes tracked the movement of Malfoy's hand. His own cock swelled with blood and throbbed with envy. Harry reached for his zip, hesitated, then with a muttered oath, he freed his cock and began wanking in tandem with Malfoy. Harry's eyes were riveted on Malfoy's hand as both of them increased the speed of their self-pleasuring. Malfoy widened his stance for balance and continued yanking his flushed and swollen prick. Harry moaned again and subjected his own aching flesh to the same delicious abuse.

Neither the roar of the water tumbling over the falls nor the blood pounding in his ears prevented Harry from hearing Malfoy cry out at the height of his climax. Malfoy's spine curved in a perfect arc, and white ribbons of come spurted out over the pool before spattering into the water. Harry's own ejaculate ended up all over the inside of his Cloak. It would be difficult to clean later, but for now Harry didn't care. He'd just had sex with Draco Malfoy.

gift: donation, content: voyeurism, profession: auror(s), rating: r, content: wanking

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